I'm kind of tired hearing about Trayvon

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Can anyone really tell when this happened without looking it up? Probably not. Okay, so Trayvon is dead and Zimmerman went to trial. He was found not guilty by a jury. Now we are treated to an overhyped demonstration of rent a mobs plus the criminal element. We already knew that Obama and his mob can't keep their mouths shut because they are fairly stupid in so many ways (or they think you are).

Now its time to move on to other topics; Detroit, the IRS, the NSA, Russia, Chicago killing fields, North Korea/Cuba connection, illegal immigration, massive government corruption, etc.
LexusLover's Avatar
....Detroit, the IRS, the NSA, Russia, Chicago killing fields, North Korea/Cuba connection, illegal immigration, massive government corruption, etc. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You should know by now that if they can't throw money at it or mob-demonstrate about it, ..

..... it is just not worth mentioning, because to resolve them takes intellect and action.

One of the historical tactics of worthless, know-nothing, and do-nothing leaders of countries around the world is to find a group of people to demonize and focus attention upon so that the victims of the know-nothing, and do-nothing leaders will focus their attention on the "demons" rather than the know-nothing, and do-nothing leaders ... like Obaminable.

As long as he can blame "white people" for the "black peoples''" problems he doesn't have to do anything about the "black peoples''" problems because he is one of them, just like he said ... he's a victim just like them.

So, now the teary eyed media can focus on the mobs and civil unrest sanctioned by Obaminable, rather than real problems like:

"Detroit, the IRS, the NSA, Russia, Chicago killing fields, North Korea/Cuba connection, illegal immigration, massive government corruption, etc" ....

and you forgot to mention .... "Obamacare" failure.

A reason why so many people can join mobs and riot in the street is because they still don't have jobs to keep them productively busy.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I won't call it so much a failure as a self-destruction.

Want to see an interesting movie? See if you can find "Angel over the White House". Economic recession, mobs taking to the streets, corruption, cronies, and organized crime. Forgot to mention the disrespect of almost every other country. It took an angel to fix it. Movie is from 1932 with Walter Huston.
I B Hankering's Avatar
On Friday, while the lib-retard MSM piddled in its panties fawning over Odumbo's admission that he fancied the same illegal proclivities enjoyed by Trayvon Martin . . . "The Odumbo administration renewed the authority for the National Security Agency to regularly collect the phone records of millions of Americas as allowed under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act."

Want it to go away...So you start another thread on it and get two more idiots to respond. Yep that will make it disappear.
Just waiting until the British Royal Family pushes out another kid...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-21-2013, 11:39 AM

As long as he can blame "white people" for the "black peoples''" . Originally Posted by LexusLover
White people and black peoples?

Black peoples

Hmmmm and you think you are not racist.
Can anyone really tell when this happened without looking it up? Probably not. Okay, so Trayvon is dead and Zimmerman went to trial. He was found not guilty by a jury. Now we are treated to an overhyped demonstration of rent a mobs plus the criminal element. We already knew that Obama and his mob can't keep their mouths shut because they are fairly stupid in so many ways (or they think you are).

Now its time to move on to other topics; Detroit, the IRS, the NSA, Russia, Chicago killing fields, North Korea/Cuba connection, illegal immigration, massive government corruption, etc. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes thank you! Time to move on!
LexusLover's Avatar
White people and black peoples?

Black peoples

Hmmmm and you think you are not racist. Originally Posted by WTF
Why do you change what I write in a lame-ass attempt to make "some point" ....

there was an apostrophe ... by virtue of a typo and placing the apostrophe outside of the "s" instead of inside the S ... you conclude that there was something "racist" about that .... (upon review I notice actually that it is a quotation mark, even, instead of an apostrophe .. geezzz)

no wonder you think everyone is a "racist" ... I "understands" now!

That straw you are clinging to will not support all that dead weight between your ears.

But, of course, I forget, you and the other Board Grammar/Spelling Police never make any typing errors.

If you weren't so sad you would be humorous. Are you really that petty of a person?

Just pay up your stupid bet losses and move on.
flghtr65's Avatar
White people and black peoples?

Black peoples

Hmmmm and you think you are not racist. Originally Posted by WTF
Don't be to hard on Lexus Lover. He still thinks the deputy director of the CIA removed the reference to the terrorist group from the "Benghazi talking points" to swing the election. Lexus Lover is retarded.
White people and black peoples?

Black peoples

Hmmmm and you think you are not racist. Originally Posted by WTF
you too! The race card?
LexusLover's Avatar
Don't be to hard on Lexus Lover. . Originally Posted by flghtr65
Racist. You made a typo!
White people and black peoples?

Black peoples

Hmmmm and you think you are not racist. Originally Posted by WTF
You haven't been listening to Rachael Jenteal. You should. Your monies were on her.
flghtr65's Avatar

As long as he can blame "white people" for the "black peoples''" problems he doesn't have to do anything about the "black peoples''" problems because he is one of them, just like he said ... he's a victim just like them. Originally Posted by LexusLover
RACIST you made a typo "white people" for the "black peoples''" .
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-21-2013, 03:15 PM
We already knew that Obama and his mob can't keep their mouths shut because they are fairly stupid in so many ways (or they think you are). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
(Or you think we are). Or you just......are.

Take your pick.