For those whom are wondering...

I do apologize if you have tried to get ahold of me and I am not answering, I have needed time to myself ever since I found out something... I have had to make one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make in my entire life and I should let you all know that I will be taking off for a few weeks due to something in my personal life that has come up and I was not expecting. I am now dealing with this matter on this coming week. I would rather not get into all details as it is making me very sad to have to deal with things in a matter that I do not religiously believe in.

( no, this has nothing to do with LE either so do not assume that! THIS IS MUCH MORE PERSONAL!!! )

... I miss you all!!!!
  • Ronin
  • 03-16-2010, 11:44 AM
Chin up darlin!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Oh dear. Best of luck to you. Hope it's not anything life-threatening, or financially crippling. Otherwise it's mere inconvenience, and worth taking a few weeks off to get ironed out.

Besides, the rest of us will have fun watching "The Dreams Fan Club" go into withdrawal...

[Just funnin' you guys; I know what it's like to be missin' one's favorite provider...]


I am also a personal friend of Miss Dreams and I am aware of this situation. She will come out of it alright and I can confirm that is has nothing to do with LE. I spent part of the afternoon yesterday with her, and though it is not a fun situation, she is strong and will return better then ever. And do not PM me asking for info please, as I will not break any word I made to her in this.
jon5150's Avatar
Take care of urself Miss Dream!
scar's Avatar
  • scar
  • 03-16-2010, 07:23 PM
Hope everthing works out for you Dream
  • jaxar
  • 03-16-2010, 08:30 PM
Keep your head up sweetie, you'll be in my prayers. Take care of yourself.
bigmarv's Avatar
Good luck sweetie. Hope everything works out OK.
Lonesome's Avatar
Vaya con dios
  • sadie
  • 03-17-2010, 10:14 AM
To say this is personal would be an understatement. I believe issues this private are best not publically shared, but will say that your decision is certainly life altering to your journey. With greatest sincerity, I wish for you divine guidance and peace with your choice.
  • MrGiz
  • 03-17-2010, 11:20 AM
You Have our best wishes, Sweetie.... Take your time and take care of yourself!!
Magnus's Avatar
Stay strong and know you are in our thoughts. We genuinely care and hate to see one of our own struggle through difficult times.

If there is anything you need let me know.

Best of Luck,
exceo49's Avatar
You already know you have all my support, dear! As I've said, that which hurts us makes us stronger. All my best! But you know that.
tuckahoe's Avatar
Stick with what you believe. Don't make a decision you will regret forever. Best wishes.
hope everything works out the way you want it to....thinking about you.