Boycott American Women

Why American men should boycott American women

I am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don’t know how to cook or clean, don’t want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?

American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.

This blog is my attempt to explain why I feel American women are inferior to foreign women (non-American women), and why American men should boycott American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.


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burkalini's Avatar
John you sound a little bitter to say the least.
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
I'm sure this thread will get deleted, but in the mean time....
I'm sure this thread will get deleted, but in the mean time....
Originally Posted by BigBaldBlk

TOO Funny!!!
They almost have to leave one of them open, just so we can goof on it/him a little...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Well that didn't take to long .....didnt even make it whole day .....

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Obvious troll. Someone else got to him before I could.