Holli's being Hurt......

  • Holli
  • 02-23-2010, 09:29 AM
Okay guys. My name is Holli. I am from the KC area and have been around for many years. I have a string of really nice reviews both older and newer and pride myself in the fact that I am a very personable female who likes to make friends. I have never had a bad review of me. Yes my pics are not recent but that is because I try to stay low key. I am a business woman during the day and play all the other times I can. But if you ask anyone who has seen me my body has not changed nor my looks. I recently saw a gentleman who I screened in a different way because he had no references. But I was very careful and thought I was doing him a favor. Maybe helping him get into the hobby. He sent me a very nasty email this morning telling me how unhappy he was with me and that he was going to place his remarks on many boards. This will hurt me. I believe I have many long term friends who will vouch for my accuracy in looks and so forth. This is really upsetting to me I am a woman who is mean nor hurtful to anyone. As for no new pics those who know me know my valid reasons for not doing so. But I do not lie in my profile about my looks or appearance and my pics even thought they are not brand new are still very accurate.
Kisses Holli
BiggestBest's Avatar
That sucks!

Unfortunately, there are guys out there who get off on scaring women. Odds are very high that he won't actually post anything.

And even if he does, those who know you won't listen. And those who don't know you will listen to the rest of us, not him.

Take a deep breath, let it out, and let it go.

Have a wonderful day, darlin ...

Omahan's Avatar
Holli, I'm so sorry to hear that. But don't worry - you're a sweetheart and your friends will stand up for you - me included.

Guys, I recommend Holli without reservation.
JRLawrence's Avatar

Don't worry about it. Just do the best you can with what you have, which you always do. The only priority is your kids, and yourself. You are the one helping the guy; and he should expect things to not be as relaxed as possible on the first meeting. You are a great woman, don't let anyone make you feel otherwise.

BigMikeinKC's Avatar
I wouldn't worry about it. Most providers have a bad review or two - as long as you have a string of good ones, you're fine. Knowledge hobbists are aware that one person can not be everyone's choice and that there are odd fellows out there.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Holli, I have never met you, but I have been enamored by your ass for a long time and I don't think I have ever seen a bad review of you. That being said, you're pictures don't seem to give an indication of who you are, as in they don't seem to reveal your identity. So for the sake of asking, why don't you update your pictures with the same style of pictures (non-face) as to update and protect your identity at the same time? It seems from your post that the hobbyist was upset that your pictures were not a good representation of yourself. Is that true, or was he just unhappy with the session in general? Either way, I am sure you will weather one lackluster review if he does decide to post one.
I consider myself as a FOH (friend of Holli) and will do what I can to correct anything any posts about her that is very different from my personal experience/reviews.

Others will do the same.
Holli, don't worry about threats from a FIRST timer, whom you went out of your way to help get a start in the hobby. If this is his way of saying thank you, don't sweat it. Most hobbyists take anything said by a first timer with a VERY liberal dose of salt. As others have stated, one bad review does not a reputation make or hurt.
SFviii's Avatar
When I first saw the heading I was about of the thought of someone doing physical harm to our sweet Holli but after reading the post further it was about damage control on a possible pending negative review or comments on her.

Quality works with percentages and your positive reviews already speaks volumes of a quality lady that you are and it reflects on the number of replies posted by your friends.

I thought that you're a member of P411 for a reason and that is for your safety and security. If a client is giving you trouble, Gina will assist you in that matter. For whatever reason you chose to see a guy without references, and regardless what special screening you made, it may carry certain risks.

Sorry to hear of your current situation but hopefully it will boil over and move forward. Lastly, her pictures are very accurate and her butt is...

I saw a girl in NE Ohio (I like to keep up with KC cuz I travel there sometimes) who had a long list of favorable reviews. Then all of a sudden she had a negative review. WHen I went to see her the topic of her review history came up. She was able to present her side of the story. Needless to say it was the guy who was the source of the problem, not the girl. When I gave her a review I illustrated the shortcomings of his review and the bias nature of his rant. If this jerk posts an arbitrary, negative review I imagine that your overall positive reviews will weigh over his one review.
Sens55's Avatar
I think most guys realize that no matter how wonderful a girl is, she may not be everyone's cup of tea, so to speak. One less-than-favorable review certainly won't run too many guys off. In fact, I get more worried when the ONLY reviews I see are glowing...