Supreme Court backs Trump on asylum crackdown

  • oeb11
  • 09-11-2019, 04:52 PM

Sept 11 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court granted a request by President Donald Trump's administration to fully enforce a new rule that would curtail asylum applications by immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, a key element of his hardline immigration policies.
The court said the rule, which requires most immigrants who want asylum to first seek safe haven in a third country through which they had traveled on their way to the United States, could go into effect as litigation challenging its legality continues.

Liberal Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissented.
The rule, unveiled on July 15, requires most immigrants who want U.S. asylum to first seek asylum in a third country they had traveled through on their way to the United States.
The San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Aug. 16 limited a federal judge's injunction blocking the rule to the nine Western states over which it has jurisdiction including the border states of California and Arizona. That had left open the possibility that the rule could be applied in the two other border states, Texas and New Mexico.
The American Civil Liberties Union and others who challenged the administration's policy in federal court said it violates U.S. immigration law and accused the administration of failing to follow the correct legal process in issuing the rule.

DPST's can go cry a river to irrigate their lawns. It is high time the SC stood up for america and against the DPST Open Border fanatics who want illegals for DPST votes - but NOT IN THEIR BACK YARD!!!
Hypocrites - using these migrants who should never have tried to come here illegally
Someone wants to immigrate here - come Legally!!!
Glad the SC stands up for America and against the Open Borders loons.

Now the A of S can do their usual nazi patronizing posts demonstrating the depths of their insecurity!!
themystic's Avatar
Look how much better the hobby is since Trump showed up. Fucking hypocrite Nazis