2 of the most senior vaccine leaders at FDA are stepping down because of Senile Biden's White House interference

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Remember when the media and libtards were in a frenzy about Trump and if he would be telling the FDA what to do (he didn't). Well:

A former senior FDA official on Gruber and Krause departing: What finally did it for them was the White House getting ahead of FDA on booster shots.

Two of the FDA’s most senior vaccine leaders are exiting from their positions, raising fresh questions about the Biden administration and the way that it’s sidelined the FDA.

Marion Gruber, director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research & Review and 32-year veteran of the agency, will leave at the end of October, and OVRR deputy director Phil Krause, who’s been at FDA for more than a decade, will leave in November. The news, first reported by BioCentury, is a massive blow to confidence in the agency’s ability to regulate vaccines.

The bombshell announcement comes at a particularly crucial moment, as boosters and children’s shots are being weighed by the regulator. The departures also come as the administration has recently jumped ahead of the FDA’s reviews of booster shots, announcing that they might be available by the week of Sept. 20.

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Biden's top-down booster plan sparks anger at FDA

FDA acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock sent a memo Tuesday evening to vaccine regulators, reiterating her support as frustration over the process spreads within their ranks.

The Biden administration’s decisions over when to administer coronavirus vaccine boosters are triggering turmoil within the Food and Drug Administration, frustrating regulators and sparking fear that political pressures will once again override the agency’s expertise.
On Tuesday, two top FDA vaccine regulators resigned — a decision that one former official said was rooted in anger over the agency’s lack of autonomy in the booster planning so far. . . Now the agency is facing a potential mutiny among its staff and outside vaccine advisers, several of whom feel cut out of key decisions and who view the plan to offer boosters to all adults as premature and unnecessary.

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This article by the NY Times makes it clear that Senile Biden is putting politics ahead of science and interfering with government researchers and regulators, something he falsely accused Trump of doing.

Health Officials Advise White House to Scale Back Booster Plan for Now

Federal regulators warned on Thursday they may not have enough data to recommend boosters for anyone except certain recipients of the Pfizer vaccine by late September

chizzy's Avatar
The cdc just came out and said if u r double vaxd, the chances of u getting covid in any form is........

1 in 5000, maybe only 1 in 10000

So to all those people demanding people be pushed into getting the shots, chill you have nothing to worry about. Now u can go back to saying the famous phrase, my body my choice
