Join SWOP Dallas! Only Rights Stop Wrongs!

!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
PM for more info

Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
how cool!
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Beware. It might be a honey pot.
Thanks Morgan! I will be joining the Dallas Chapter i think this will help alot of us ladies!!
Exciting news Morgan! I hope the SWOP Dallas chapter has great turn-out for meetings and events.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Hey Everyone!!!

I'm late in contributing to this topic but a HUGE THANK YOU to Morgan for starting this chapter.

Yes, we've met. And I'm involved.

And I'm urging ALL of you to at least join the group. If you cannot make the meetings, that's fine. Currently, it's just a very small group but in time, we hope for it to grow and grow!

The SWOP organization is honorable and has stood the test of time. And now? We are wanting to work towards making our world safer, create sweeping changes towards new and supportive laws with regard to sex work and there is so much more to share about this great group!

And read the website. It's a wealth of information!!! (Another great job, Morgan!)

So join Dallas SWOP! And once again, Morgan ... you have my sincere thanks for starting such an endeavor!!!

Kindest regards,