date times

From what i have noticed most gentlemen preferr dating during the week as compared to weekends unless a special event or occassion. Is my observation correct?
Not sure about anywhere else but that is the case here.
From what i have noticed most gentlemen preferr dating during the week as compared to weekends unless a special event or occassion. Is my observation correct? Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
I actually prefer weekend dates but that's probably because I am not in a relationship. However, if there is a lady I am very interested in I will work it out to fit her schedule.
Actually, I prefer weekend afternoons. Saturday mornings are my second choice. But alas, most ladies don't work those hours.
Much easier to live in plausible deniability by taking short afternoons away from work rather than trying to schedule on weekends.
well maybe ii will have to travel to dallas for the weekend....wicked grin
Actually, I prefer weekend afternoons. Saturday mornings are my second choice. But alas, most ladies don't work those hours. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Abe Normal's Avatar
Being retired, I have no work schedule to worry about.

My problem is getting away from the ball and chain.

I wonder also if most guys like it better in the mornings or evenings. I get "morning wood" just like the next guy, but find I'm in peak performance level more in the evenings.
heatherelite's Avatar
Like some of the others have mentioned I think weekdays are generally easier-especially for the husbands/fathers. It's easier to take an extended lunchbreak or drop by right after work then to have to come up with an excuse as to where you're going on a Saturday/Sunday.
London Rayne's Avatar
I noticed that too because like me, they probably want to spend the weekend with family. Only time I will work on a weekend is if my flight is taking off on Sat. and I have time before I leave a city. Back home weekends are off limits....holidays as well.

I have a friend in KY who says that's when she does most of her business, so I guess it depends on the area.
shorty's Avatar
Weekends work better for me but I'm not in a relationship either. Just because work doesn't let me get off during the day and the evenings just too tired. I prefer late afternoons or evenings on weekends but willing to work with the provider if she's got plans.
I am fairly flexible and see gents according to their needs. I do get some weekend requests for some regulars, but when I travel the demand is during the week.
burkalini's Avatar
Always evenings and always outcall
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
It varies for me. Sometimes it's easy for me to leave my business, other times not so much. Weekends work at times as well. Evenings get more difficult for me unless I'm out of town, then evenings work the best.
macksback's Avatar
For me 8pm or 9pm is best wednesday or thursday. I don't like driving on friday nights, too many drunks and stupid kids driving around.
probably for most of the married men