Why do ladies charge for MSOG?

Even in this world, there are ethics: guy pays up front for services not yet rendered, lady assumes guy won't hurt or take advantage of her, etc. Obviously, these are the ideal and not necessarily the way it turns out, but more often than not I believe it is the case that a transaction happens the way it should.

So, how can it be justified, ethically speaking, that a gentleman does not get the time that he paid for just because he finishes prematurely?

By that logic, shouldn't he get some money in return? If, as many of you claim, the donation is for time and time only, should he not be refunded for the time not spent?
Simple, it is easier for the provider to make more money off her johns by nickel and diming him.

While it is true that if you pay for an hour BCD, you should get an hour BCD, in this world, many times, it does not work like that. Some providers are all inclusive while others are upsellers with MSOG, just like Greek, CIM, ect. are charged extra for.

I have seen providers who do not advertise MSOG is extra, but they do tell you once you are there for a bit and happen to be a 5-10 minute man and you want another round. Since most guys think with their wrong head at that particular time, they go ahead and pay the extra upsell fee.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Because she can do whatever she wants in her business
Because men will pay for it
pyramider's Avatar
The OP must of forgotten that he is paying for time and not activities.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 06-25-2016, 06:04 AM
I'm a one shot guy so I never really look for anything about msog in my sessions.
What seems to be the norm is msog is included for an hour or longer sessions but not for 30 minutes or less. That's what I think is the norm but definitely not all think that way.
Because she can do whatever she wants in her business
Because men will pay for it Originally Posted by cheatercheater
That is true, no provider has to explain why she charges what she charges, even tho most guys would like to know, but there is more to it than that and the OP brings up a valid point for discussion. However, I do not think there would be a reason that a hobbyist would find acceptable for upcharging, hence is why no providers have replied thus far.

For the OP, no matter how pretty she is or how good her reviews are, taking a look at a provider's rules she has to see her and as soon as there is one you do not like, in this case, charging for MSOG and you are wanting a multi shot in that hour, it is time to move on.

The OP must of forgotten that he is paying for time and not activities. Originally Posted by pyramider
That is the OP's question, is he paying for time or is he paying for activities in that time? If you want to be diplomatic and say the right thing about it, yes, a hobbyist is only paying for the time of the provider. But IMO and I am sure many others, a hobbyist is paying for the activities, and hopefully, all inclusive, during that segment of time.

Ladies charge for MSOG?

WTF?!, I thought you were paying us for our time?

Simple solution...don't patronize those that do. Reward those of us that don't.

Happy hunting!
pyramider's Avatar
Every appointment is ymwv. Once the fucktards understand this fact then the hobby is much more enjoyable.
Every appointment is ymwv. Once the fucktards understand this fact then the hobby is much more enjoyable. Originally Posted by pyramider
Just think, when the provider pulls that widely accepted YMMV card (which upselling can be a YMMV rate), I wonder what would happen if the guys were YMMV on the donation?
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 06-25-2016, 04:48 PM
Every appointment is ymwv. Once the fucktards understand this fact then the hobby is much more enjoyable. Originally Posted by pyramider
This makes no sense.
If in doubt, and msog or any activity is important to you, and you cannot tell from info out there on her, ASK her. Once you are screened and a session is scheduled, ask her. If she won't answer, even after your screened, cancel and move on. This is , in part, why some get so much YMMV. They dont screen enough and don't verify they will get what they want. Then they come whining here. It's your money. Why are you not making sure you're getting what you want before you spend it?

I for one, very seldom get the short end of YMMV. My selection process insures, as much as possible, I will get what I want.
DallasRain's Avatar
I never charge extra for ANYTHING...I enjoy what I do and so I say "pop till ya drop".......It is YOUR time to enjoy everything offered!!
GingerKatt's Avatar
I never charge extra for ANYTHING...I enjoy what I do and so I say "pop till ya drop".......It is YOUR time to enjoy everything offered!! Originally Posted by DallasRain

Amen sister! That's the way I roll too.
pyramider's Avatar
This makes no sense. Originally Posted by L.A.
It makes perfect sense ... thinck about it.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I don't charge extra either but if he finishes early and leaves early, that's on him and I feel no monies is owed.

I NEVER push a guy out early so no monies is owed. I've had to kick a couple of guy's out early because they were scaring the hell out of me. No monies owed either.

IF a guy books a hour, he gets a hour. And If he is not causing me pain or totally wearing me he out, he is welcomed to pop more than once. No upcharge involved