Anyone know Holley carburetors?

johnnybax's Avatar
Its a long shot but I have a Holley that has started to give me trouble. I cannot find any model information for it. On the choke horn the stamps read:

If anyone can help me out here I would greatly appreciate it.
pyramider's Avatar
Is she GFE?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Chica Chaser's Avatar
JB, start here

I'm not sure what sort of trouble you're having, but they have a great online, tech help guys.

Holley Performance Products provides award-winning technical support via phone Monday through Friday from 8AM to 6PM CST, and Saturday from 9AM to 3PM CST @ 270 781-9741 .
johnnybax's Avatar
Before posting this thread I did email 2 techs at but got no reply. I looked through every manual and listing I could find- nothing. After reading the responses here I decided to call Holley. Wow. Those dudes have incredible phone support. Within 3 minutes of dialing I had my model number and the guy is mailing me 4 items for my carb- for free! Yesterday I was looking online at different carburetors thinking I was going to finally switch. Not anymore, I am sold on their support.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Glad to hear they are still doing things the right way! Old school customer service.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Holley sucked for many years but they did turn it around.
I'm running two carter style carbs here. Next I'm going for Webers.
Get the Advil ready... Hope you have a vacuum gauge, Webers are a true pain in the butt to balance and keep running right... They preform well, but a pain in the butt...
get1bj's Avatar
2stroke engine, let me howl at the moon.