Bloomberg campaign downplays report he is considering Hillary Clinton as running mate

  • oeb11
  • 02-15-2020, 11:50 AM

Billionaire Mike Bloomberg’s presidential campaign on Saturday downplayed a report that he is considering 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as his pick for vice president.

The Drudge Report, citing a source close to Bloomberg’s campaign, reported that Clinton was under consideration after internal polling found that a Bloomberg-Clinton ticket would be a “formidable force.”

The conservative news aggregator, which came to prominence in the 90s for first reporting the Monica Lewinsky scandal, reported that Bloomberg would consider changing his residence to a home he owns in Colorado or Florida, “since the electoral college makes it hard for a POTUS and VPOTUS from the same state.”
But the Bloomberg campaign quickly tamped down that report but fell short of denying it outright.
"We are focused on the primary and the debate, not VP speculation," Bloomberg communication director Jason Schechter said in a statement.
The spotlight has increased on Bloomberg in recent days as he has shifted up the polls. He entered the race late — and is skipping the Iowa caucuses, New Hampshire primary, Nevada caucuses, and South Carolina primary — the four early-voting states that kick off the nominating calendar in order to focus on the Super Tuesday states in March.

There has been considerable speculation about Clinton’s political future, and she said last year she was under "enormous pressure" to run again. But recently on “The Ellen Show,” she poured cold water on speculation she could be on the ticket again in November as VP.
“Well that’s not going to happen, but no, probably no,” she said.

Foolish Bloomie thinks he can be a heartbeat between H.... and the Oval Office - I bet his life insurance cancels him posthaste!!!
Hotrod511's Avatar
Mini Mike and the Hildabeast sure to be a winning ticket HummerHoe (Assup) would cross the border to eat a mile of their shit
mene mene tekel upharsin

hellary has already been weighed in the balance and found wanting
"Signs Bloomberg Campaign in its Death throes" for $1000 Alex.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
"Signs Bloomberg Campaign in its Death throes" for $1000 Alex. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Hilledebeast would put a knife in Mikey's back so quick, not a bit of blood would spill. And Mike knows it.
LexusLover's Avatar
"Signs Bloomberg Campaign in its Death throes" for $1000 Alex. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Trial balloon while attempting to soften the RACIST remarks he made as NYC Mayor.

He's got to know better than that! ("internal polling"? Was wine involved?)

Was HillariousNoMore aware of the Bidens' escapades?
HoeHummer's Avatar
LOLLING! Oebsy is flicking her own bean again! The thoughts of Hillary Clinton makes her little panties wet and she’s busy trying to finish the job.

Fuckings hysterical!
LexusLover's Avatar

Fuckings hysterical! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Have you completed a CE course on thong removal yet?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Again. No fucking ideas what yous are always raving about, closet queensy.

Gets some fresh airs and sunlight. Yous have been in the basement closets too long!

What does your bolds and ruthlesses attack have to do with Oebsy’s orgasmic OP? Are yous still jerkin your gherkin over Clinton, eh?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Billionaire Mike Bloomberg’s presidential campaign on Saturday downplayed a report that he is considering 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as his pick for vice president.

The Drudge Report, citing a source close to Bloomberg’s campaign, reported that Clinton was under consideration after internal polling found that a Bloomberg-Clinton ticket would be a “formidable force.”

The conservative news aggregator, which came to prominence in the 90s for first reporting the Monica Lewinsky scandal, reported that Bloomberg would consider changing his residence to a home he owns in Colorado or Florida, “since the electoral college makes it hard for a POTUS and VPOTUS from the same state.”
But the Bloomberg campaign quickly tamped down that report but fell short of denying it outright.
"We are focused on the primary and the debate, not VP speculation," Bloomberg communication director Jason Schechter said in a statement.
The spotlight has increased on Bloomberg in recent days as he has shifted up the polls. He entered the race late — and is skipping the Iowa caucuses, New Hampshire primary, Nevada caucuses, and South Carolina primary — the four early-voting states that kick off the nominating calendar in order to focus on the Super Tuesday states in March.

There has been considerable speculation about Clinton’s political future, and she said last year she was under "enormous pressure" to run again. But recently on “The Ellen Show,” she poured cold water on speculation she could be on the ticket again in November as VP.
“Well that’s not going to happen, but no, probably no,” she said.

Foolish Bloomie thinks he can be a heartbeat between H.... and the Oval Office - I bet his life insurance cancels him posthaste!!! Originally Posted by oeb11

this won't happen. Mikie Bloomerpudding doesn't have a single delegate yet. of course he opted not to contend in Iowa and Iowa has never been a "King Maker" primary to begin with, in fact it's been the death knell of many early front runners (like Mayor buttplug!) so it didn't hurt him not to enter there. if Bloomerpudding's advisors think Clinton would make a "formidable" ticket he needs new advisors. the hag has more baggage than a mile long shit train. every piece of dirty laundry would be rehashed Ad nauseam until people will be so sick of hearing about it they'll vomit at the sight of her on the campaign trail. even her supporters are sick of her by now. you know .. the ones she jilted on election night? bahhaaa.

she's too egotistical and arrogant to be second fiddle. let's say for sake of argument Bloomertard does get the nomination and wins. what would it gain her in the long run? a shot at president after Bloomtard's terms (yeah i said terms as in plural)? assuming she's still alive she'd be 81 by the election date. yeah that's gonna work out great for her. not. she'd be a vp with zero chance to succeed in a run for president. even if Bloomtard won but for some reason decides not to seek a second term she'd still be 77 almost as old as Bernie the commie goat now.

recall that Obama never seriously considered her as his vp in 2008. there's a reason for that, many in fact lol. what was the biggest reason? probably he didn't want an uppity vp and Corn Poop Joe was the perfect second fiddle to Obama. from news of the day she was passed over in favor of Corn Poop and Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana and Gov. Tim Kaine of Virginia (who Clinton picked as her vp candidate in 2016, how'd that work out for her? bhahaa). she was never in the mix.

her political career is over. she's the only one who doesn't seem to know that.

Obama Chooses Biden as Running Mate

"As the selection process moved to an end, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, whom Mr. Obama had defeated in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, had slipped out of contention — to the degree that Mr. Obama had never seriously considered her."
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Bloomberg campaign downplays report he is considering Hillary Clinton as running mate

Billionaire Mike Bloomberg’s presidential campaign on Saturday downplayed a report that he is considering 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as his pick for vice president. Originally Posted by oeb11

mene mene tekel upharsin

hellary has already been weighed in the balance and found wanting Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
LexusLover's Avatar
Again. No fucking ideas ... Originally Posted by HoeHummer

BTW: Have you ever explained why you fled to Canada?
  • oeb11
  • 02-16-2020, 08:08 AM
TWK -nice thughtful post. Thank you.

I still think H... is actively setting herself up for the DNC convention - she sees the weakness - not candidate capable of being competitive with Trump.

She still holds sway over the DNC - and will set it up to take a brokered vote after the first vote fails to nominate a candidate.

She would take the VP slot from Bloomie only if her convention machinations fail - and Blomie would have to be crazy to do so - take H... on for VP - if he won he would not last a few months before H... would end him.

LexusLover's Avatar
A couple of considerations ... Bloomie not entering primaries is probably more of a legal hurdle than a tactical decisions ...

.. the DNC is going to have to bless any decision he makes and will in exchange for big bucks. This rumor of the Clintons joining the fray with him might be to test the waters and freeze contributions to another direction.

Announcing, even informally through a network/communication, is a way of freezing donors from contributing to early achievers and holding their money until further down the line in the primaries to toss into the hands of the one floating the rumor, if that person is "favored""!

"Favored" means the donor gets an opportunity for a less risky investment if they already know the person floating the rumor and have received a return on their investment in the past.

Speaking of "donor-investors": With respect to Bloomie it's the Chinese! His recent injection into the 2020 election cycle has a lot to do with chilling any deal being made with China .... the Chinese will balk if they believe Bloomie can beat Trump. And if you think that's good for the country ... for the Chinese to to balk .... well .....

vote for the Fake Indian.