Mueller Grand Jury Evidence put on Ice until after Election.

Another Nothingburger.

The Lawfare group worked for Mueller. Tried the cases and made up charges. Pelosi hired them. Lawfare "knew everything." They put their best foot forward and didn't convince the American public. Face it, with a Dim House majority they could have made the charges stick.

They failed. More grasping at straws like the whole tax return debacle. Now the Russian bounty bullshit.

At least this makes the impeach Barr story look foolish.
smokedog01's Avatar
Another Nothingburger.

The Lawfare group worked for Mueller. Tried the cases and made up charges. Pelosi hired them. Lawfare "knew everything." They put their best foot forward and didn't convince the American public. Face it, with a Dim House majority they could have made the charges stick.

They failed. More grasping at straws like the whole tax return debacle. Now the Russian bounty bullshit.

At least this makes the impeach Barr story look foolish. Originally Posted by gnadfly

As per usual, you are buying into the Fox narrative. You should probably wait until indictments are unsealed before you declare with such certainty that the Mueller probe found nothing.

The fact that you acolytes actually defend the guy for not releasing his tax returns boggles the mind. He was hiding them before he was elected so you can't honestly claim that he is doing it to stick it to the demlibs. He just does not want it confirmed to the world that he is not a billionaire. Not only would that have cost him the election, it would have likely prevented another season of his reality show.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You should probably wait until indictments are unsealed before you declare with such certainty that the Mueller probe found nothing. Originally Posted by smokedog01
The Beginning Of The End

Why do U.S. history teachers in U.S. elementary schools today — in 2020! — tell children that nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan to save lives — or rather “the bomb” (singular) to avoid mentioning Nagasaki? Shortly after the events, the U.S. government set up a formal commission to study the question which concluded just the opposite, agreeing with the U.S. ambassador to Japan at the time, many of the scientists behind the bombs who had tried to prevent their use, and many of the top officials in the U.S. military at the time, who all believed that the war was already over, that Japan would have already surrendered if allowed to keep its emperor and would have soon surrendered even unconditionally with no nukes, and even with no U.S. invasion and no Soviet invasion. The Soviet invasion was planned prior to the bombs, not decided by them. The U.S. had no plans to invade for months, and no plans on the scale to risk the numbers of lives that teachers will tell you were saved. Lives, by the way, are not the unique property of U.S. soldiers. Japanese people also had lives.
If they do their own homework, research and study, (so long as the evidence isn't permanently destroyed) then children 100 years from now will, or should, know that this failed experiment of "piss on them" (voodoo) economics is a complete disaster.

Judiciary Committee to interview Manhattan federal prosecutor ousted by Barr

Barr announced Berman‘s departure in a late-night statement on June 19, a Friday, that described his resignation as voluntary. Barr announced that the U.S. attorney from New Jersey, Craig Carpenito, would succeed him temporarily, and that Jay Clayton, the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, would be nominated by Trump to replace him permanently.

But Berman quickly issued his own statement denying that he had voluntarily resigned and insisting that he had learned of the move on in Barr‘s news release.

You have to remember the details.

  • oeb11
  • 07-02-2020, 06:01 PM
Do Tell - do Tell
More animated looney toons from 9500!
HedonistForever's Avatar
As per usual, you are buying into the Fox narrative. You should probably wait until indictments are unsealed before you declare with such certainty that the Mueller probe found nothing.

The fact that you acolytes actually defend the guy for not releasing his tax returns boggles the mind. He was hiding them before he was elected so you can't honestly claim that he is doing it to stick it to the demlibs. He just does not want it confirmed to the world that he is not a billionaire. Not only would that have cost him the election, it would have likely prevented another season of his reality show. Originally Posted by smokedog01

This is something I have never understood other than using it as another "look over here" issue. Do Democrats think that Weizmann, sorry, I mean Mueller, was hiding information from them? Was there something in the grand jury testimony that would have blown Trump out of the water but Mueller just decided not to share it? How ridiculous does that sound?

And what indictments are you referring too? Did somebody in the Trump campaign actually conspire with Russia, Mueller knew it because of grand jury testimony but Mueller held it back? Please. This is nothing more than another Adam Schiff lie, that he knew their was a conspiracy because many of the people he secretly interviewed told him so. Then we see what they said when the transcripts were released and not a single person said they knew of or ever heard about any conspiracy. It was all a lie by Adam Schiff. Think any Democrats care about that? Nope, move along, nothing to see here.

Now where we might see some indictments is when the Durham report comes out. If he can prove that Comey and McCabe knew that the dossier was a lie, if they knew there was no predicate to go after Flynn but did it for political reasons, then you'll see indictments just not on the team you were hopping for.

And if you believe that anybody that did vote for Trump would not have voted for Trump if they found out he was only a multi-millionaire and not a billionaire, then you have no clue why people voted for Trump. That information wouldn't have changed a single vote.
smokedog01's Avatar
This is something I have never understood other than using it as another "look over here" issue. Do Democrats think that Weizmann, sorry, I mean Mueller, was hiding information from them? Was there something in the grand jury testimony that would have blown Trump out of the water but Mueller just decided not to share it? How ridiculous does that sound?

And what indictments are you referring too? Did somebody in the Trump campaign actually conspire with Russia, Mueller knew it because of grand jury testimony but Mueller held it back? Please. This is nothing more than another Adam Schiff lie, that he knew their was a conspiracy because many of the people he secretly interviewed told him so. Then we see what they said when the transcripts were released and not a single person said they knew of or ever heard about any conspiracy. It was all a lie by Adam Schiff. Think any Democrats care about that? Nope, move along, nothing to see here.

Now where we might see some indictments is when the Durham report comes out. If he can prove that Comey and McCabe knew that the dossier was a lie, if they knew there was no predicate to go after Flynn but did it for political reasons, then you'll see indictments just not on the team you were hopping for.

And if you believe that anybody that did vote for Trump would not have voted for Trump if they found out he was only a multi-millionaire and not a billionaire, then you have no clue why people voted for Trump. That information wouldn't have changed a single vote. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

You do realize what the actual mandate of the Mueller report was and how many still open investigations were turned over to other offices including SDNY?

You actually believe that if Trump released his tax returns before the election and it proved that his entire persona was a media creation that it would not have changed a single vote? That means that you think even less of Trump devotees than I do.

Go ahead and call that article fake news or deep state propaganda. Its amazing that Trump and Fox has you trained to think that literally every time you read or watch a news item that is even remotely critical of him that it is fake. I will give them credit. They know their demographic. Nobody with a brain born after '65 is falling for that shit.
  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2020, 10:23 AM
The SDNY is just a Democrat part of the machne for political purposes.

Brains- are required to think for oneself - u are simply regurgitating the LibDem marxist propagadna.

White males will be the first into the DPST concentration camps - look forward to what comfort One has left in Life
smokedog01's Avatar
The SDNY is just a Democrat part of the machne for political purposes.

Brains- are required to think for oneself - u are simply regurgitating the LibDem marxist propagadna.

White males will be the first into the DPST concentration camps - look forward to what comfort One has left in Life Originally Posted by oeb11

  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2020, 11:03 AM
Don't like the truth of DPST plans for the future of the United Socialist states of Amerika
do you - DPST's - uncomfortable with your plans revealed.

When the Demibs attemtp to proclaim Marxism as the rule of Amerika - there will be armed revolt aginst them

The flaw of the LibDems plans - is anarmed resistance ready to fight.

You little latte and tofu consuming liberal arts weenies indoctrinated Marxism as Gospel have no idea what they will face on the other side of their barricades. .

It will be a short civil war.
smokedog01's Avatar
Don't like the truth of DPST plans for the future of the United Socialist states of Amerika
do you - DPST's - uncomfortable with your plans revealed.

When the Demibs attemtp to proclaim Marxism as the rule of Amerika - there will be armed revolt aginst them

The flaw of the LibDems plans - is anarmed resistance ready to fight.

You little latte and tofu consuming liberal arts weenies indoctrinated Marxism as Gospel have no idea what they will face on the other side of their barricades. .

It will be a short civil war. Originally Posted by oeb11

Your nurse needs to adjust the parental controls on your tv and your internet. If you actually believe that there is going to be a civil war and that a marxist regime is about to take over the United States and put white people in concentration camps then your doctor needs to adjust your meds. Wow.

matchingmole's Avatar
Abolish Ice!!
  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2020, 03:41 PM
The puppy brigade and mm do like their drinks warm, don't they!!

you want your Marxism - come and try to force it down American's throats.

You don't have an army large enough, and are not equipped intellectually to deal with combat.
come On down - join the party - tea and tofu liberal Marxists.

just your city of Chaz - the moment opposition materializes - You and your marxism run for the Hills to complain and demand the government take care of You.

Sanctimonious , insufferable, entitled, elitist cry-babies who cannot take care of themselves - and blame everyone else for their self-inflicted problems.
come On Down - Learn something for a change.

such as - in the real world - not seattle or baltimore - you are responsible for your actions - and actions have consequences.

Deal with it - butt hurt Liberal DPST's!
smokedog01's Avatar
The puppy brigade and mm do like their drinks warm, don't they!!

you want your Marxism - come and try to force it down American's throats.

You don't have an army large enough, and are not equipped intellectually to deal with combat.
come On down - join the party - tea and tofu liberal Marxists.

just your city of Chaz - the moment opposition materializes - You and your marxism run for the Hills to complain and demand the government take care of You.

Sanctimonious , insufferable, entitled, elitist cry-babies who cannot take care of themselves - and blame everyone else for their self-inflicted problems.
come On Down - Learn something for a change.

such as - in the real world - not seattle or baltimore - you are responsible for your actions - and actions have consequences.

Deal with it - butt hurt Liberal DPST's! Originally Posted by oeb11

This is a Trump supporter in a nutshell. This is why everyone else laughs at you guys.

Not every Muslim is a terrorist but every terrorist is Muslim. Not every Republican is an Oeb but every Oeb is Republican.
  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2020, 04:27 PM
never said I was a Republican - one of the issues with DPST's is that they make assumptions about things based on no evidence.

Assumptions usually false

but - their DPST platform and narrative protects DPST's from the cruel, reality that all is as H... states it is.

she is still running - and you vill Vote for H... ini Nov.202!!!

Foolish DPST's!
That is the best u got -!