Foreign nationals gave Senile Biden Crime family and associates over $17M

berryberry's Avatar
IRS special agent Joseph Ziegler told the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday that Hunter Biden’s overseas influence peddling operations have enriched the First Family and their business associates to the tune of more than $17 million.

The funds were raked in through various multimillion-dollar payments made by foreign nationals to Biden family-linked corporations between 2014 to 2019.

The Biden family’s business dealings involved entities in Ukraine, Romania and China.

Roughly half of the $17 million in payments went to first son Hunter Biden, according to the IRS whistleblower, who was unmasked for the first time Wednesday during his congressional testimony.

“This brings the total amount of foreign income streams received to approximately $17 million, correct?” House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) asked Ziegler during Wednesday’s hearing.

“That is correct,” Ziegler confirmed.

“The purpose of documenting the foreign sources is part of a normal international tax investigation,” Ziegler said. “We have to figure out where the money is coming from.”

Ziegler and IRS agent Gary Shapley came forward to the House Ways and Means Committee earlier this summer alleging a high-level coverup in the government’s five-year-long investigation into tax and gun crimes allegedly committed by President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

I’m not seeing any response from the liberals, wonder why!
Cody69's Avatar
I’m not seeing any response from the liberals, wonder why! Originally Posted by Chase7
You guys lay me out. You promote crime with the republicans and think it is perfectly fine for all that do wrong in your party. If they find something crooked like the HUNDREDS of crimes you favorite president committed it is either a lie, a form of Oh My God he didn't do a thing wrong look at them, Or its all a lie because they don't want him to be able to become president again. Instead of if he did it, get him the fuck out of there.

Then you will claim the agency's that are involved are cheating, crooked like the FBI or a RINO like all that have ruin there careers like the republican that came forward against bone spurs in the numerous hearings. In you guys eyes that are all wrong no matter what they say and what proof they have. Trump said himself, the "Republican party people are stupid, I could kill someone on Time Square and they would still vote for me". Yes he said that, sorry.

I can only speak for me, Card Carrying Liberal that I am. If our party or any other party member has done something wrong, lock the Mfer up. Period. What would I give a fuck. Lock them up.

What I read on here from you guys like what you guys have done to Obama and his wife which is super smart and they both wanted to do the best they could. You guys have done nothing but cut up on them from day one. I know why and I feel sorry for all of you, you guys are totally prejudice. I feel so bad when I see that.

I have been around the best black people in the world, I have been around bad ones, no different ratio than whites. That is a fact and I was raised in the era of people being prejudice. I judge the person. Not the race.

At least you guys are not prejudice of just the blacks, you don't like anyone coming into our country to stay either, look at the daily I hate Mexicans posts. Find a religion and hopefully you guys will change before that special day.

So I hope that answers your question of where are the Liberals. Lock him up if he did wrong. Along with Bone Spurs.
berryberry's Avatar
I’m not seeing any response from the liberals, wonder why! Originally Posted by Chase7
Leftists are like the people at CNN and MSNBC. Yesterday, while the details of the Senile Biden Crime Family were exposed by two extremely credible whistleblowers, including proof of the Senile Biden Crime Family taking in over $17 million in bribes for influence peddling, the people at CNN and MSNBC buried their heads up their ass and ignored it.

That is what leftists do.
matchingmole's Avatar
I’m not seeing any response from the liberals, wonder why! Originally Posted by Chase7
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Because............. Originally Posted by matchingmole

if you say so
Leftists are like the people at CNN and MSNBC. Yesterday, while the details of the Senile Biden Crime Family were exposed by two extremely credible whistleblowers, including proof of the Senile Biden Crime Family taking in over $17 million in bribes for influence peddling, the people at CNN and MSNBC buried their heads up their ass and ignored it.

That is what leftists do. Originally Posted by berryberry
... And yet we've been INFORMING all the lads here
of the Corruption for months now.

How can the liberal news media ever be trusted again?
How can the FBI/DOJ??

... They've surely turned America into the
Corruption capital of the world! ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
... And yet we've been INFORMING all the lads here
of the Corruption for months now.

How can the liberal news media ever be trusted again?
How can the FBI/DOJ??

... They've surely turned America into the
Corruption capital of the world! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
They can't Salty. they can't

The DNC news media is beyond repair. No one except the village idiot trusts them

The FBI and DOJ are beyond corrupt and need a complete enema - fire everyone and start fresh if they are ever to regain their credibility

Leftists meanwhile are either too dumb to realize what is happening or purposely bury their heads to protect Senile Biden