Bin Laden is dead!

WOW! It took us so long to find this schmuck, I can't believe they finally did it! God bless our troops!
coolman1965's Avatar
+1 and God Bless President Obama on a job well done!!!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
awesome news!!! Guess we are going to have another "national holiday" now!!!
BoxFan's Avatar

Please say hello to Sadam for us as you enter the gates of HELL, SOB!

God Bless America.
DallasRain's Avatar
God bless our troops but why in the Hell is everyone so fucking gullible. The feeble minded masses lined the streets in praise without one shred of proof other than cause Obama said so. Oh wait and now they can offer no proof cause he was already buried. Im not saying he isnt dead just looks more like a social engineering plot. And hey if it is it is working.
Just throwing this out there, how about some nice "appreciation" for our troops, if you know what I mean ladies.
I apperciate our brave military men! They go above and beyond and so do I!
DallasRain's Avatar
Now I lay me down to sleep... one less terrorist this world does keep... with all my heart I give my thanks... to those in uniform regardless of ranks... you serve our country and serve it well... with humble hearts your stories tell... so as I rest my weary eyes... while freedom rings our flag still flies. You give your all, do what you must... with God we live and God we trust.. Amen
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I give Obama props for having the guts to ok the order to take out osama, something Bush 44 failed to do on a number of occasions.

that being said... isn't anyone bothered by the fact the Obama admin can't get their story straight about the osama killing? Looks this gang can't even shoot their mouth offs right.

Couldn't they fucking wait until the end of the week to take their time reading the after action reports from the SEALs on how it went down??????

They say he was using his wife as human shield and firing. now they say, he wasn't doing that. they say he was unarmed when they killed him. now theres another story where a SEAL missed a shot at Osama when he stuck his head out of the door to see what was going on before ducking back in. when said SEAL got to the room, he shoots obama who was unarmed.

I've never seen anything like this where the story changes minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day and someone can't spin the story effectively. Even Clinton wasn't that clumsy on the spin, he was a master at spinning yarns.

I think we just martyred this guy by killing him. His followers want to make sea of arabia as a sort of shrine since his body was disposed of at sea. the sea burial was a dubious idea. He has family in Saudi Arabia who could take his body for a proper Muslim burial.

The compound where he was killed may very well become a shrine.

Some senator on the intelligence committee said that this was a "kill" mission.
+1 and God Bless President Obama on a job well done!!!!! Originally Posted by coolman1965
Why give him any credit. He didn't fire the fatal shot. He just applauded like the rest of us.
Murf76's Avatar
Did you hear about the new drink being served lately??? It's called the Bin Laden...2 shots and a splash of water!!!

How many virgin Al Queda terrorists does it take to screw on a light bulb?? Two,One to put the light bulb in and one to act as a human shield when the Navy Seals start shooting at Bin Laden when he turned the light on!!

Anagram....Osama Bin Laden=Lob Da Man In Sea!!!

I'll stop now!!!!
Murf, please do, I'm getting a headache.
This was a flat out kill order. The Seals are so well trained they could of wounded him and taking him back to Gitmo easily. Not sure which would've been worse, him alive and in jail forever or dead. I think dead is better, they will make a big deal for awhile and then move on, but if he were still alive they would carry on forever.
I agree with you dilbert, they can't get their story's right. I just hope Obama is out in the next election. 4 more years of them will bankrupt us, if they haven't already done it.
If you are dumb enough to believe he was killed 5/1/11 then you most likely voted for Obama. Didn't release photos due to the shock value?? WTF?? they had no prob releasing the photos at Abu Ghraib did they? Get real people, the only thing giving me a headache is the monumental stupidity and the number of blind americans that increases with every election we have.

This wasn't too "SHOCKING" to show the world....

So unless the images showed 4 Seal team members balls deep in a warm bullet hole I am calling BULLSHIT!