ULTRA-Slow page loading...?

GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
Wow! Is it just me or is something going on with eccie? For the past 3 days (including today) page loading has been ULTRA-slow (>2 minutes per request\link click)... Everything up to and including the banner bar loads in milliseconds but the main rest of the page takes forever....

It was fine last week. Nothing has changed on my side.
SAUrbanAnimal's Avatar
Something is up on my mobile. Keep getting error 502 bad gateway but my laptop works fine.
Its not just you. Access and page loading continue to cause issues for everyone at various times.
We are aware of the problem and doing our best to fix it.
Coolpops's Avatar
I thought it was just my system. Hopefully our IT staff will have this problem
fixed soon. But at least the site still works.
JJ, runs fine on iPad and iPhone, very slow on windows7 as of now.
Maxx's Avatar
  • Maxx
  • 03-06-2014, 02:34 PM
GC, I had the same problem last week, something to do with the IE and flash player, see thread


I disabled the shockwave add-on and it cleared the problem. Hope this helps cause I know it's frustrating.
Greyjoy1959's Avatar
Thanks Maxx. I was having the same problem so I disabled the shockwave add-on like you mentioned and it cleared the problem for me too.
Precious_b's Avatar
Question: is the shockwave being requested by the page for by the Ads?

If so, a request needs to be put in.
Eraserman's Avatar
I don't think shockwave is necessarily it. I have shockwave disabled. Pages loading varies from ok to very slow, but some of that depends on the TOR circuit I'm going thru. My main problem is trying to submit a review. Connection times out and message is connection reset by server. Not having any problems with BP or P411, they're pretty quick to load.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 03-08-2014, 01:45 PM
Having problems posting and pm-s especially if it's long. Seems to hang on the POST request.

[edit] even this little post took a long time to submit and then refresh.