Is the hobby an addiction?

As a provider I check out the people that want to see me and one thing I look at is how many providers they have seen because I personally want to see someone who I click with and will see again I am not really into the one time wham bam kinda of girl...So I got to thinking do you guys ever worry that seeing providers could ever become an addiction? I am not referring to guys who see a provider once a week or every couple weeks but those who see them almost on a daily basis or that frequently. Just a random thought...
SlowHand49's Avatar
It certainly has that potential . . .
topsgt38801's Avatar
Chemistry must be there. Just wish I was in a location where I could see more of the ladies and find one or two regulars. I have been with one that could be very addictive to me and even if it happened, it would be tough for me on a daily basis because of job, traveling and other commitments. Looking for the special ladies that have a good personality, like to have intelligent conversation, will accept me for who I am and the way I look and that enjoy just cuddling as well as hot action in bed.

The old addage paying for companionship only is truly part of what I want from a lady as well as the other good things associated with the provider. If the two of us click, I most definitely want to see the lady on more occasions and if possible become a regular. As I stated earlier, where I live makes that a little harder to accomplish.

Your timing is too funny IV. I just took some time off and realized "I'm addicted". I had a date last night and OMG. I bet he felt like "THE KING"!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I think that you can be addicted to almost anything. At times, even now to a degree I feel addicted to this "thing". I feel that it's not a matter of how many times you hobby as much as it is.... what you put hobbying over. If you put it over things like rent, bills, family, other priorities that may affect your livelihood then you're more than likely addicted to it.

People with less money than a person who sees a lady everyday can be just as addicted to this. Now if I had the money and lived elsewhere then there is a lady I'd probably see everyday if she let me lol. The problem with seeing a particular woman that you click with that well will allow (whether it be in your mind, her mind, both or for real) the lines to get crossed easily. Sometimes that might not be a bad thing. It may become the best thing that ever happened to both people but then it could also end up being the worst thing that ever happened.

I try to keep my priorities straight but here lately it seems like I'm not having much success at it. It's as if the more I say I need to the worse I do.... lol
geecue's Avatar
As a provider I check out the people that want to see me and one thing I look at is how many providers they have seen because I personally want to see someone who I click with and will see again I am not really into the one time wham bam kinda of girl...So I got to thinking do you guys ever worry that seeing providers could ever become an addiction? I am not referring to guys who see a provider once a week or every couple weeks but those who see them almost on a daily basis or that frequently. Just a random thought... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen

Well if you count seeing a former ATF a total of about 50 times then yes I guess I am addicted. Most of the ladies I see are repeats, if we click guaranteed I will be back.
Guest031213-03's Avatar
I think I've become "addicted" recently, too. I crave being with sensual men, (not all guys are sensual) lol so the ones that are very passionate are VERY addicting. And the fact that I was told years ago that I'm a sex addict (supposedly ) doesn't help with NOT becoming addicted.

Your timing is too funny IV. I just took some time off and realized "I'm addicted". I had a date last night and OMG. I bet he felt like "THE KING"! Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
Chica Chaser's Avatar
As a provider I check out the people that want to see me and one thing I look at is how many providers they have seen because I personally want to see someone who I click with and will see again I am not really into the one time wham bam kinda of girl...So I got to thinking do you guys ever worry that seeing providers could ever become an addiction? I am not referring to guys who see a provider once a week or every couple weeks but those who see them almost on a daily basis or that frequently. Just a random thought... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
I convinced that all of us in this business, on both sides, are addicted to it
London Rayne's Avatar
I convinced that all of us in this business, on both sides, are addicted to it Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Ha whatever lol. I could leave in a heartbeat and only miss you guys and gals here....for a while, then I would get over it!!
davidsmith0123's Avatar
I consider myself somewhat addicted to a favorite provider, but not necessarily to the hobby per se. And I don't think addiction requires frequent meetings. When, after seeing a provider, I go home and find myself daydreaming about the next visit, that to me is addicted. Even if the visit is monthly.
Your timing is too funny IV. I just took some time off and realized "I'm addicted". I had a date last night and OMG. I bet he felt like "THE KING"! Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
Definitely has the qualities of addiction....for instance, I refer to me ATF as "my heroin" ...I crave her attention...I am high when I'm with her...I crash when she leaves and then I crave her attention all over... until I get to see her again....sounds like addiction to me!!
shorty's Avatar
Yes, it can be an addiction if you spend more than you should.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I convinced that all of us in this business, on both sides, are addicted to it Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
i agree with Chica, but i mainly think its a pure sex addiction IMO
I just had to fire one of my favourite clients last night because he's a bit too addicted for my liking....I won't see guys who have seen certain other providers that I think or know are a bit dodgy, or are seeing different clients every other day....
Am I addicted to sex? No. If I were, I'd be having a lot more of it.

Am I addicted to the hobby? No. If I were, I'd be in bankruptcy, and still be spending money out the wazoo.

Am I addicted to this SHMB? Possible.