This is going to shake things up

a Harris county precinct chief arrested for prostitution

PCT 5 chief busted

This is one to follow
Wow. Man I’m gonna have to play either at private residence or only when I’m in Cali bc they are NOT playing in my neck of the woods. What a humbling reminder that it ain’t that serious. Dude probably has a wife/kids and for sure neighbors so his public image is OVER. Jeez.
I have this stead fast rule, stick to established ladies or spas. New spas can appear and before you TOFTT just get a regular massage ONLY. If the lady starts to get frisky on the 1st visit, kindly stop her saying you just want a massage..

Wait until the 3rd round with the same lady.. this way you are sort of established etc..

basically use good judgement

and NEVER go to a SPA that has been shut down then re-opens. Anyone here remember 7th Star spa then 8th Star spa? And the 140+ people they busted?
viking14526's Avatar
This is why I find two or three ladies that I really enjoy and are willing to come to my place..
This happens occasionally. It's interesting but wont "shake things up", except for him.
This happens occasionally. It's interesting but wont "shake things up", except for him. Originally Posted by majorjones
it will shake things up in the sense that any future arrests can refer back to how "pure and noble" the cops are... aka ran a sting and busted one of their own...

personally they should legalize brothels with certain restrictions, like cannot operate within a certain number of feet from schools/churchs/playgrounds/day cares - EXCEPT if the brothel was there first and the above mentioned decides to move in.

Independents would have to get a state card showing they are a sex worker that works out of their house or a place they rent to be their "office"

Streetwalkers - I am on the fence about..

but having Sex Worker licenses - making it legal with certain restrictions/parameters to make it more safe - might be the answer.
boardman's Avatar
Why in the fuck does anyone care what two consenting adults do in private as long as they aren't harming anyone else? I think that it's neither unethical nor immoral. Regulate and tax it if you must but for Tebow's sake don't let the fed's have anything to do with it. Pass it at the state level and regulate it at the state level. Actually forget taxing it. Just make it that a sex worker has to pay for a license.

Now the trafficking thing is a different story but let me say this first. We've got an open border and thousands of people being trafficked into the US daily. Let's put a stop to that.

I think that the amount of sex workers who are actually trafficked in the US is not nearly what the press and the Non-Profits(one of which participated in this bust) would have you think.

The NPOs need for trafficking to be a big thing so they can get big money. I'm not going to rehash everything I've written about this in the past but do some investigation on some of them, the amount of assets they have and the number of people they actually help. It's kind of disgusting.
around a hundred rescued but look at the resources put into it. It's been going on for years with about the same results. What about the hundreds of kids who die every day from fentanyl?
dogtown's Avatar
Where are all the abortion advocates with their signs that read: Her body, Her right!"
Shouldn't that logic apply to prostitution as well?

It has been known for years that it's a bad idea to hobby in Montgomery County. That a dumbass cop got caught up doing so does not surprise me. I wonder if he asked the arresting officer(s) "Don't you know who I am?" Furthermore, there is an election in just 6 weeks, so one could also expect increased police activity to generate "law and order" headlines.
Johnnyblaze2015's Avatar
They said they got over a dozen others on the same night!?? Felony...doneski...wowza..must have been a smoking ad?
HoustonRiley's Avatar
When things get hot stick to P411
ICU 812's Avatar
Remember that the overall game has changed here.

Now the hobby is a felony, and the authorities are charging both parties.

BTW: AMPs in the Richmond/Rosenberg area get frequent LE attention.
Montgomery County Sheriff has a full time online sting operation group, collecting state and federal funds to pay for them trolling the internet for various types of offenders. Some of the most egregious wind up with decades-long sentences in Texas prisons.