I guess our time isn't important

I feel like some providers don't think our time is just as important as theirs,we have jobs, families, and other stuff too, that they don't seem to understand when we have to wait hours for trying to book an appointment or waiting on them to tell us when they are ready. If we set up an appointment and it was hours later than what we said there would be hell to pay, but for them it seems to be ok,a bit of a double standard. I do understand things come up sometimes, but it seems to be an ongoing issue.
winn dixie's Avatar
They don't care.
CatMan4u's Avatar
Cheifsfan what you just said bis exactly why i don't see many providers here in Springfield plus i don't give them that much consideration
I have enough regulars that get my money and time with me they responded usually with in a hour to schedule and is ready on that scheduled time
Catman, there's only a very few in Springfield who will get right back to you and that are punctual with their appointments
CatMan4u's Avatar
So Chiefsfan educate me who are they. I only know of one
DallasRain's Avatar
Sometimes I am guilty of not getting back in a timely manner ..but I try to do my best

Life gets busy at times for everybody...so if I fuck up and dont get back to ya,then I deserve a spankin lol
DallasRain's Avatar
Sometimes I am guilty of not getting back in a timely manner ..but I try to do my best

Life gets busy at times for everybody...so if I fuck up and dont get back to ya,then I deserve a spankin lol
Dallas your fine. I'm not talking about you at all.
mizurymule's Avatar
You say we have jobs, families, and other stuff too. You think the same might be said for the providers? I know a lot of ladies only do this as a side "hustle" and aren't laying around the house/apartment waiting for a call. Some hobbyist seem to think that providers have nothing better to do than to hang around and wait for their call. Also, if you (not you personally, you as a general audience) have pissed off a provider, word gets around, much like a bad review of a provider spreads here.
You say we have jobs, families, and other stuff too. You think the same might be said for the providers? I know a lot of ladies only do this as a side "hustle" and aren't laying around the house/apartment waiting for a call. Some hobbyist seem to think that providers have nothing better to do than to hang around and wait for their call. Also, if you (not you personally, you as a general audience) have pissed off a provider, word gets around, much like a bad review of a provider spreads here. Originally Posted by mizurymule
I don't think he's denying that the providers have jobs, families, and other stuff. Which is why he said "too".
I agree that it's annoying when you make a quick connection and then you're wondering if you said something wrong because they don't respond for a half hour or more. Sometimes it's their loss, but some of them that do this are the ones that say "Don't waste my time" in their ad which makes it sound like their time is more important.
Agreed with most comments. But the provider puts up the add, if something comes up they can remove it.
If something was set up in advance, they need to try and come up with a way around it. Pre planned meetings, are very much to there benefit to prevent issues getting in the way.
Everyone is busy, and everyone deserves respect.
I'm not saying that they don't have families and stuff too, I'm saying that I've already got something set up with them and then it's hour's and hours later when we finally meet up,not just 30 minutes or an hour, but hours later a lot of hours later, and they are the one's who posted the ad and saying that they are available. I know a lot of providers who don't post when they are unavailable.
ClarityE's Avatar
they are the one's who posted the ad and saying that they are available. Originally Posted by chiefsfan51

With the STG ads, the providers can setup ads to be posted automatically, and I think this is part of the problem. I know a couple providers that I have talked to about ads and they say it was posted automatically and they have forgotten about it. I feel this is a big source of the problem. They set up the automatic posting when they are ready, but then fail to turn off the automation when the know they are not available. I really wish STG would disable that functionality.
Cherokeechief's Avatar
It's a Business for them and I don't care if it's full time or part time. Treat it as a Business. I owned Business's and nobody gave a shit about my private life nor should they. I had a Business and it was up to me to take care of my clients and get back to them in a timely manner. I'm understanding to a point but for shit sake give me a break IT's THEIR BUSINESS. Take care of it or get out.

I'm sure some White Knight won't like this.

Stop making excuses for poor performance.

Some delays are excusable because shit happens. LOL
winn dixie's Avatar
It's a Business for them and I don't care if it's full time or part time. Treat it as a Business. I owned Business's and nobody gave a shit about my private life nor should they. I had a Business and it was up to me to take care of my clients and get back to them in a timely manner. I'm understanding to a point but for shit sake give me a break IT's THEIR BUSINESS. Take care of it or get out.

I'm sure some White Knight won't like this.

Stop making excuses for poor performance.

Some delays are excusable because shit happens. LOL Originally Posted by Cherokeechief
Exactly. If a monger is 15 minutes late or doesnt fill in all screening info or if they text one Xtra time to verify the date providers through hissy fits and blast them.