Is ECCIE Management Engaging In Thought Control Via Censorship?

ANONONE's Avatar
We all have noticed a pattern of thread closure on this site. Usually, management can cite a specific board policy that was violated when they close a thread--or at least pretend to cite a specific rule.

This thread was recently closed:

The only explanation given for the thread closure was this: "Topic over. Move on."

Odd, the traffic and healthy (and quite civil, I might add) discussion would seem to indicate that the exchange between client and escort community was FAR FROM OVER when the thread was closed with only that terse explanation. That is what this site stands for, right?


Do you think this was an example of overt thought control and heavy handed board moderation?
It wasn't just a Mod that closed the thread that you should not have started to begin with, it was one of the owners. This is a Private forum, the owners can do as they please. Of course if they go nuts, many people will get pissed off, and probably leave the site. Think ASPD all over again.

We all have noticed a pattern of thread closure on this site. Originally Posted by ANONONE
I haven't noticed a pattern, so you should speak for yourself and not pretend to speak for the rest of us.

The only pattern that I am seeing (don't know about all the other members) is an eerie similarity to when you went crusading over BBFS threads in a not-so-distant past. You simply couldn't leave it alone and earned a short vacation because of your actions. That wasn't even good enough for you, and you created a second handle to continue your crusade. What was that handle again? ENONONA, wasn't it?

You got very involved with the thread in the Member Suggestions forum and seemed to enjoy taking cheap shots at some of the participants for expressing opinions you disagreed with. A message was left at the end of that thread:

This issue is being dealt with, therefore this discussion needs to come to a close.

(No, pics with exposed genitalia are not permitted in public forums.)
Which part of that brief statement isn't clear enough for you? You seem like an educated individual so you should not be lacking in reading comprehension.

This wasn't satisfactory enough for you and you started the thread that you linked above, creating yet another doorway to drama. Now you are on your third thread, as it seems you have a voracious appetite for drama regarding this topic.I can see (and would never claim to speak for all the members) a pattern of drama from you similar to the BBFS threads from a few months back.

If you are not willing to volunteer your time for the betterment of the site, you should at least not feel a sense of entitlement to generate drama anyway that you please.

Look dude, topics are allowed here unless they deal with the few forbidden subjects. Neither the owners nor the volunteer staff owe any special treatment in dealing with your particular brand of drama.

Find a date and go get laid if you need to feel good about yourself.
ANONONE's Avatar
That wasn't even good enough for you, and you created a second handle to continue your crusade. What was that handle again? ENONONA, wasn't it? Originally Posted by Matador
WTF are you talking about? You really should have your facts in order before you post.

You wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea about you. . .

By the way, that was the wrong thread closure that you quoted. . .
Is that the best you can reply with? I can do bad ass graphics and original at that but wouldn't be conductive to the questions that I asked. And I didn't quote the wrong thread, I quoted the right one. If you had respect for expressed wishes on the thread that I quoted, you would have never started that other thread that was also closed.

All active users have a posting history. Using Google, and the key words, Anonone, eccie, BBFS yields everything one would ever want to know about your past crusade.

Did you forget about this thread?

Is this for real? bbfs?

or this one:

Hello,something is up.

and how involved you got into it. Becoming unhinged was a phrase some used to describe your behavior on that thread. This quote that you re-posted over and over gives some credibility to the unhinged comment


1) You are a fool if you do it.

2) You are reckless if you do nothing to minimize the activity in your region.

3) You are an assclown if you make jokes about it while it is going on.
Oh and since you got banned, around the date of your last post to that thread, here is the Enonona handle created on 7/29, right after your Anonone ban, and banned on 7/30

So yes dude, to answer your question I do know what I am talking about.

Now will you answer mine? Are you embarking on a crusade, as you did on all the BBFS threads, regarding this topic and Monkeypaw threads? It is a fairly simple question considering you seem educated. I know the title of this thread deals with censorship but you and I know you are simply unhappy with not having your way with the two threads which are now closed. So are you crusading or not?
ANONONE's Avatar
Oh and since you got banned, around the date of your last post to that thread, here is the Enonona handle created on 7/29, right after your Anonone ban, and banned on 7/30

So yes dude, to answer your question I do know what I am talking about.
No you are talking out of your ass. I was banned and accepted the ban. I earned it. There was no duplicity on my part to rejoin the site before my suspension was up.

I wouldn't even know how to set up a bogus account or have one of those programs that hides your ISP. Embedding your family portrait above is about as tech savvy as I can get.

Since you are making a very serious personal attack and accusation without proof, I expect you to either provide the proof and I will accept board discipline for such a serious infraction once it is proven, or retract that bullshit and apologize for the libel/slander.

Do that. . .and sure I will answer your other bitchy little questions.
Originally Posted by cpi3000

OMG Im sorry...but that made me laugh!!!
notdeadyet's Avatar
This is a good example of a thread that should be closed.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 11-19-2010, 12:44 PM
This is a good example of a thread that should be closed. Originally Posted by notdeadyet
Fuck no, I'm pretty sure that would be Thought Censorship Via Control!
(Or something like that.)
Ok. now this one is about to get closed.





Originally Posted by cpi3000
It's a very simple question and you can't answer it. ANONONE, I am approaching you the same way you did other members on a thread that is now closed. How come you can't handle being pressed with a simple question, when you are so quick to issue challenges to others? It doesn't make sense.

Regarding your request for an apology, I'll make you a deal. Hit the RTM button and tell the staff how offended you are. The staff can then contact me or reply here, and not will I only apologize to you but I will do it in its own thread. Dude, there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing that. I can assure you I will not feel diminished with such an act so I encourage you to report the post, it isn't a big deal. In fact, it will be good example of following the protocol of the board and obeying the expressed wishes by the staff. So please let's do this together, hit the RTM..

Now will you answer the simple questions? It can't be that hard to give an answer. If you are not crusading, why not respect the wishes of the staff while they review the other thread? Why the need to throw the Censorship word out there and start not one but two threads?
SouthernBorn's Avatar
You guys are cracking my ass up. Why do settle this with a few rounds of midget oil wrestling? Each of you pick a midget suitable for oil wrestling, let them have a go at it, and the losing side apologizes to the winners.

And, to those of you who I offended by this suggestion, I am very, very sorry. . . . Really, I am.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Any one taking bets, What are the odds please
OOOO I wanna watch the midget oil wrestling!!!!
dearhunter's Avatar
There are certain topics that make a thread nuclear......minors, drugs, real world info and animals have been singled out as such issues.

There shouldn't be so much whining over an Owner clipping such converstaion in the ass.

The people who bring those issues into a thread do so with full awareness that they are injecting radiation into the conversation......that is a problem for Admin.

I would say ban anyone who calls for someone else to be banned......but, then I would get banned.......I'm just saying.