Iranians try to seize British Oil Tanker, Fail.

Six days ago the British Special Forces landed on an Iranian oil tanker in the Strait of Gibraltar and seized it. The tanker had gone around Africa and was trying to offload oil in Syria. Iranians oil shipment is against international boycott rules.

Yesterday (about) the Iranians tried to seize a British oil tanker. They failed miserably because a British destroyer was close.

Here's the bigger "wut?" I typed "when did britain seize iranian oil tanker" in a GOOGLE Search and the first two pages were only about the attempted seizure by the Iranians. I typed the same thing into a BING search and got the correct responses.

Google is evil. I was trying to find out when the British seizure occurred and their algorithm gave me false results.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Six days ago the British Special Forces landed on an Iranian oil tanker in the Strait of Gibraltar and seized it. The tanker had gone around Africa and was trying to offload oil in Syria. Iranians oil shipment is against international boycott rules.

Yesterday (about) the Iranians tried to seize a British oil tanker. They failed miserably because a British destroyer was close.

Here's the bigger "wut?" I typed "when did britain seize iranian oil tanker" in a GOOGLE Search and the first two pages were only about the attempted seizure by the Iranians. I typed the same thing into a BING search and got the correct responses.

Google is evil. I was trying to find out when the British seizure occurred and their algorithm gave me false results. Originally Posted by gnadfly
well now. this is perfect for a "search check" !!

in googleziod i get this ..

of the three featured results, one appears to be the one you were looking for ... this ..

Iranian oil tanker bound for Syria seized by Britain

in bingmicrotard ...

i get this ..

again third story down appears to be the one.

Tensions high as Britain commandos seize Iranian oil tanker

now let's try fuckaduckonthegogo

the first two are about Britain's raid. one is the same as bingtardmicrocunt lol

the first one is from Reuters

at this point all three show something about the raid. the time lag could be the biggest issue. how long ago did you try your search?
Seconds ago. I just retried and got some appropriate results IN THE SECOND PAGE using GOOGLE search. I'm using Chrome.

Appropriate result set using BING.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Seconds ago. I just retried and got some appropriate results IN THE SECOND PAGE using GOOGLE search. I'm using Chrome.

Appropriate result set using BING. Originally Posted by gnadfly

well these web bots crawl constantly so a search just minutes in between can get updated results.

and to think .. Page and Brin would have sold the algorithm for less than a million to any big player back in the day. all they wanted at first was enough money to finance their grad school endeavors. don't think they ever made it to grad school but they did graduate to billionaire school.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I only use Bing. Google is evil.
well these web bots crawl constantly so a search just minutes in between can get updated results.

... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I don't think 'web bots' is the answer:

They are manually tweaking or AI tweaking the algorithm to influence the result set. The above article explains how.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Boogle --- There's your problem ,,,
Hotrod511's Avatar
not to worry they will find a way to blame Trump
Someone needs to stick a microphone in the face of London’s Muslim Mayor and ask him what he thinks of this.
bambino's Avatar
Someone needs to stick a microphone in the face of London’s Muslim Mayor and ask him what he thinks of this. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Refer to post #8.