Armor All?


I finished a show last night, talking to people afterwards as I pack up. I'm cleaning and packing, make a comment about the boots I wore needing a little TLC and this woman says "Oh, I Armorall all my stuff."

Now, this particular pair of boots is leather, but I'm pretty sure I paid +/- $100 - they are not terribly expensive or high grade leather. I think "Mmm, maybe." The woman then goes on that she armorall's all her gear - harnesses, straps, handles..etc." I just never really thought of Armor All. I just always bought Lexor.

Then I got to thinking about how I have always been secretly snobby; just assuming that if the equipment was super shiny that it was vinyl or pleather or cheap leather. Was some of it quality pieces that had Tire Shine on it?

I'm not outrageous about my gear - I don't buy the cheapest or the most expensive. Where applicable, I buy the best quality I can so I take care of it. I consider some things investment pieces.

But Armor All?

Good enough for the Cadillac, good enough for the gear? Why not. Makes the Caddy look top-notch, why not the gear? Besides, you can get it at Wal-Mart and your local grocery, and you don't have to stick to the specialty shops.
Well, one point. If you want your subs to lick, kiss, insert, etc. The Boot, toy,whatever, then I am not sure it is a good idea. ArmorAll is made to clean / shine cat parts and tires. I would bet that is not good material to ingest. Best find another, more natural material. I ma betting there are several others that would work.

Found this on the web:

To clean leather that has been coated and/or dyed, also dust it often with a soft cloth as a preventative cleaning measure. Saddle soap is a great product to clean leather. Rub a damp cloth with the saddle soap to create lather. Using a circular motion, wash the leather. Once the leather product is clean, rinse it well with a different wet cloth and then allow it to air dry. Apply a leather cream to the leather to keep its luster and shine and to keep the leather from drying out.

And, added bonus, this is an activity for your sub to perform.

my 2 centavos worth...

  • Gurth
  • 03-25-2010, 05:27 PM
Armor All is good for plastics, like vinyl. It could make your leather shiny for a little bit, but it would leave a nasty coating on your leather

Wax, I prefer beeswax, is good for leather. It will make the leather harder so it will last longer and can be buffed shiny.

Mink oil is good for softening leather, but it won't be shiny or last as long.

Use both to get your leather just the way you like it. One at a time tho.