Google Voice Questions

gaijin1969's Avatar
Anyone else using Google Voice have issues with caller ID?
For instance, you get to choose a Google Voice phone number, right?
Is that the number that shows up in caller ID on the recievers end?
(I swear when dialing a number, my phone shows it being routed thru another number I don't recognize.) I get the feeling this could really confuse whoever you are calling....

Also, for some reason I never see a call come in.... but will notice I have a missed call and get a message if they left one. But so far, I haven't actually gotten a call to my Google Voice account and answered it LOL every time, I am returning a call because I've missed it.

However, texting seems good and quick, and when I have used it, call quality hasn't been an issue (meaning I haven't noticed a difference in call quality.)

Anyone else notice anything odd using Google Voice or can offer tips?
EnglishGent's Avatar
I use it sometimes. The caller ID shows my chosen Google Voice number. Also I always hear the phone ring if someone calls back.

I find the texting slow sometimes.

Sorry I know thats not much help, but its my experience with it.
gaijin1969's Avatar
No good info thanks.... may just be me having the phone on vibrate at work. Will have to try calling a buddy and look at his phone and see what number shows, and having him call me. Or gee, just ask the gal how it looks LOL just wondered if any of my recent communication problems have been GV related... perhaps not. I do think it's a pretty awesome idea for a free program / download.
TheITGuy585's Avatar
When using Google voice for placing a call, you will see a different number than your Google voice number. The person on the other end will only see your Google voice number. If you are using your cell phone, that out of state number is what will show up on your bill which is good is you have a SO who might check the call history on the bill. As far as miss calls, check to see if you have do not disturb selected. If you do then your phone won't ring. It will just show a missed call. Hope this helps.
I use it extensively with no issues. You can choose in the settings on the iPhone version whether you want your number showing or not. I have it set to show the Google Voice number. Texting has been just fine. I wish they allowed pics and vid to go through, but oh's a deal.

If you want to get a new number, you can pay $10 to change it. I've done this twice so far to get rid of providers that text me too much.

I know other hobbyists that use other iPhone phone apps that give them a total of 4 numbers on their iPhone. Having extra numbers is handy so you can call the same provider to verify info or ask a different question.

My .02.
gaijin1969's Avatar
IT and Max.... great feedback thanks! Answered all my questions and concerns. :-)
youngatheart's Avatar
OK, I'll show my ignorance....I can't figure out how to text using google voice.....
Dial the number and choose the text option and start texting. You have to use the area code of the number you are texting
Texting won't work calling to a different area code or Canada with GV?
gaijin1969's Avatar
Texting won't work calling to a different area code or Canada with GV? Originally Posted by Celso
Actually, I don't think that's what they meant - only that you have to provide the area code when you text the number.... even if you're in the same area code. (I believe.... not that I've tried a Canadian number yet.) Now with a 716 GV number, I've had no problems texting a 585 number as long as I include the area code.
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
I totally do not recommend Google voice for the hobby, although many people swear by it. I personally believe Google is the best search engine available (barring that it now lists 2-4 premium ads before the search results....) I suppose come right down to it, I don't fully trust them with all my data..
I suppose that may make me feel like a hobbyist giving info to a woman who has known issues of misusing info.

I simply don't support Google voice; too much big brother capabilities IMHO.
Sensei's Avatar
I totally do not recommend Google voice for the hobby, although many people swear by it. I personally believe Google is the best search engine available (barring that it now lists 2-4 premium ads before the search results....) I suppose come right down to it, I don't fully trust them with all my data..
I suppose that may make me feel like a hobbyist giving info to a woman who has known issues of misusing info.

I simply don't support Google voice; too much big brother capabilities IMHO. Originally Posted by SweetElizabeth
Yes, but if you don't use any RL info for GV and use a hobby email to join its no different than what they get by crawling the web.
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Big brother scares the hell out of me. Take for example how facebook and smartphones link people.
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Just a personal note, if I was a man, I would opt for the disposable phone over G Voice.

gaijin1969's Avatar
Disposable or prepaid phones are good. Had a trac phone a couple years ago and it served me well. And it was fun to crush it and dispose of it when I couldn't keep it anymore. Now I already carry two phones... one for work and my personal and simply don't have a way to safely hide a hobby phone. Hell I have a hard enough time hiding cash to support my hobby! I agree that GV using hobby info for account set up seems to work great. All it has is my personal cell number to route calls to and that's pretty much available "out there" anyway. If needed I can just delete fake account info. Sure I guess a court order or investigation of some sort could tie together all the loose ends but it would take some effort. I'd get busted quicker having to explain another cell phone. At least if my money stash is found I can claim I was saving up to buy my SO a surprise! ;-)

At any rate. I think GV is much safer than simply using my personal cell and deleting the call log lol