Can't make this stuff up

Altus62's Avatar
Guest060513's Avatar
The comments thread beneath the story is even scarier. I am thoroughly disheartened at not only the horrifyingly ignorant & sick reactions & opinions random people had, but also that they felt no hesitation in publicly posting them. That poor woman. Victimized & humiliated ten-fold by this & the published story. Makes me sick.
I agree with Audrey...what the fuck are people thinking?!
Truth really IS stranger than fiction sometimes.

Check out some of the stories on this site, too:

It will make you think twice before treating minimum wage workers poorly - after all, who handles your food?
The story would have been a lot better if the last sentence would have read, "and the fiance went and found him, drug him out into the street, and beat the living shit out of him".
lil_michelle's Avatar
The comments thread beneath the story is even scarier. I am thoroughly disheartened at not only the horrifyingly ignorant & sick reactions & opinions random people had, but also that they felt no hesitation in publicly posting them. That poor woman. Victimized & humiliated ten-fold by this & the published story. Makes me sick. Originally Posted by Audrey Foxfire
OMG I just read them!! I can't believe that is the reaction! I am floored.