Not Fair!

Not fair! Like a gag that isn't for fun.

So, I can see the posts about my reviews but can't interact damnit! Thank you men for all of your support and loving comments...Mallywood, Scorpio, fixer, VKmaster, catnipdipper (future hubby), and anyone else that I may have forgotten. Being an exhibionist, it flatters the hell out of me to see what you all have to say...and makes me wet at the same time.

Haha, Scorpio has the shoe as someone else passed it thinking he would see me sooner. Scorpio will get much love when we meet for the shoe. I don't measure with it. Size is of no matter..what you do with it, or let me do with it is the matter.

I have recently become a squirter. An uncontrolable event that once starta I have no control of. BEWARE!!!! And have pleny of towels handy.

Love you all and your praises for me.


Did ya see she said (future hubby)?

Scorpio31 a true gentleman would back off but then I suppose it is too much to ask.

Yes, I noticed the "future hubby" reference , I'm crushed!

So, as you suggested and to defer to your desires, the gentlemanly thing to do is to back off, but only after I experience the 'much love' for returning the shoe!! Please allow me that one pleasure!
malwoody's Avatar
I have recently become a squirter. An uncontrolable event that once starta I have no control of. BEWARE!!!! And have pleny of towels handy. Originally Posted by Ari816
Thaat's cool..

Hey Sweetie, Scorpio no longer has the shoe, I stole it out of his car yesterday..
Hey Ari, kudos for you..the treasurer chest of fun experiences is limited only to one's creative mind...and without question, you're a very creative one, lol.

Damm...that shoe is sure getting around, lol
Perhaps we should just keep passing the shoe. Hmmm, will have to do some thinking on how that would work. Any suggestions? No worries on the hubby comment, I'm a swinger so activity will not cease. I have withdrawls and feel deprived after about 8 hours, so most men willingly share me....or go broke at the pharmacy.

VK-the shoe takes after it's owner. And not naming names...but yes it does.

Scorpio-the fun is in the build up. Soon I will retrieve the shoe.

Mallywood-I would give you the other shoe, so you don't feel left out, but Headmaster has it and won't give it back.

Catnip-Why do you keep losing the number of the girl you want to marry? Shall I PM the prenup. Will we send invites via ECCIE. Wow! Wouldn't that be a blast! With all of the guys(too many too list) that I like to play with and girls that I love to play with(joejoe, reese, bristol, lori, mandy, zoey, jasmine jewel, charolette bell, and bobby upside...and BROOK, in no order of preference & sure there are more.) Well let's just call a spade a spade and realize this would actually be an orgy. Way to get a marriage started on the right track. I mean that literally btw! Hope that thought makes someone else as hot as it is me right now. Gtg.
I am feeling a bit insecure to tell ya the truth.

That Charlotte Bell woman left me a drained wreck and a broken but happy man.

That Charlotte Bell woman left me very satisfied....and playing with her AND Bobby Upside together may be the most fun I have ever had. Anyone up for Russian Roulette?
There are Russian girls in KC? Where? Are they from the Ukrain?
How do I get in contact with them?

Or are you just going to put on a black wig and those above-the-knee boots and nothing else just to 'trick' me?
Breathe into the bag.................there there now.................just try to control yourself.....................a nother deep breath.....................the re that's better.

After envisioning that scene, I had to grab for a bag also!!!

Whew is right!
PowerMonkey's Avatar
You guys can keep hold of your bags, I'm more then willing to be an volunteer and accept the orgy challenge. If I don't survive, just know I died probably with the biggest grin on my face ever.
I've heard nothing but groovy things about you from most of the gents you mentioned... and OOOOO you mentioned me in your post!!! I'm SO HORNY NOW!!!

now I WANT ME A PIECE OF YA!!! OOOO I think we need to connect soon groovy woman!

Catnip, the tall, slender, Spanish beauty checked in and is trying to make off (or out) with our girl by enticing her with thoughts of wild, naughty wishes!! Stay from her Jazz, or we'll never see her again!!
yes catnip charlotte bell will drain you dry...i couldnt see straight or walk for a week
i cant even imagine a double with her...omg!!