Backpage VS Eccie...

I notice many Hobbyist stray from ECCIE and head to Backpage for companionship...and then before you know it, more posts in the "Alerts" section due to the fact most of these "providers" are not verified, have p.i.*.ps, are bait and switchers, or you get robbed...why is this? Doesn't this kind of defeat the purpose of networks like ECCIE and P411 that offer legitimacy for providers and hobbyist alike? I believe it does. There are over 300 VERIFIED PROVIDERS (in Houston) with ECCIE, that have websites, reviews, posts, experience, and yes, even professional photos! lol. (I KNOW everyone has seen the pics taken in the bathroom with the toilet in the background, or pics in the bed with the coat and luggage on the dresser - perhaps this is visually stimulating? I think not.) As a verified provider, member of ECCIE and SIPSAP, I, along with other providers, have INVESTED in providing QUALITY. Just wanting everyones take on this matter on why hobbyist take this chance/risk?
I wondered the same thing. BP rates are significantly lower than p411 or ECCIE. Maybe the BP guys have little to spend?
I believe you get what you pay for...hell for 50 bucks, who WOULDN'T bait and switch or just take the $$$? Im sorry, I mean .000$ ... lol. And as far as prices, if Im getting the ACTUAL model on the ad, and she is not in a Motel 6 or sleazy Inn/B&B, 150- 200 donation is not unnrealistic...back in the gap, this was the rate at strip clubs for about 5 songs...
I just had a post like this a few weeks ago. I think the consensus was guys go to bp for more variety. They like the "thrill" of the chase. BP girls tend to have less rules with screening and are generally 24hr, short notice in and out. Some people say they like to find gems on bp and bring them to eccie.
thanks entyce...I KNEW I wasn't the only provider recognizing this. However this can be quite discouraging...
The purpose for this website and others like it is information. We share information here. It doesn't matter about the source. That's why there are forums from everything from street walkers to high dollar providers. Review are written to provide other guys information so they may make a choice from that information.
This website is not about just the providers who are verified here.

A lot of "verified" providers got their start on BP. Just because a girl here is verified doesn't mean she may not have a pimp, will not do a NCNS.
jacksparrow's Avatar
thrill, convenience, affordable. there are many reasons, most guys that are knew, have no references, they have a hard time scheduling with established providers, so they choose bp. many good providers from eccie were found there, we appreciate the guys that TOFTT, so the rest of us don't waste our money and time (I used to be one of them, not too much anymore). and the fact that most providers on backpage don't have GPS yet.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Tbone2u is correct. A lady here doesn't always mean she's a cut above. This board is for information on both sides of the hobby. As for bp, well services aren't better. Except for those few diamonds in the rough. Variety? I find plenty of variety to suit my tastes.
I def understand that this is information dissemination, and even I have a history with BP. I Also understand not every provider on ECCIE is legit, but the chances that they ARE is a lot higher however. Im just wanting to know why hobbyist choose BP over ECCIE at times.
im simply stressing validity and the complaints from hobbyist on fraudulent providers on BP #Fact - ANYONE with 7 bucks can post on BP...on ECCIE, its not that simple.
ZedX79's Avatar
Because the hobbyist can....that's why.
I've said it before, BP ain't nothin' but the devil.

At the same time, I've had some of my best experiences in the hobby with women from that site. I think many men have a similar love/hate relationship with that place, but if you learn to scrutinize those ads carefully and avoid the bad apples, you can meet some really nice ladies.

Aside from the relative ease of screening, the top reason, as many have pointed out, is the thrill of the unknown.

Personally, it adds to the fun of hobbying to find a jewel on BP and provide information for this site. In that sense I've become sort of a pervy talent scout, and that is probably my only kink... well, aside from the obvious one. The feeling leading up to an encounter with an unknown provider from BP can be pretty exhilarating.

I rarely use the site now that I have memberships on here and p411, but I have had very few bad experiences with BP.

It is not much of a mystery why guys stay on BP, but I have often wondered why so many many great providers who know of sites like this and understand the importance of screening, still use a dangerous place like BP as their primary method of advertising.

Also, let's not underestimate the sexiness (not to mention the reliability) of the bathroom phone pic.

And will someone please hijack this thread and make into a discussion about Eva's booty? Good God-a-mighty!
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
They use bp because they're lazy, cheap, too dumb to think with the right head. Take your pick. Lured in by fake pics, short on time, just wanting a stranger to get them off they don't care about their safety. Or their money. But hey, I can't complain. They do the footwork for us guys that can control ourselves.
seanes's Avatar
Except for OB's post number 13.

Exotic, TB, OB #8 & Justin, I agree.

Plus I frequently find posts by Eccie & other Board Verified Providers on BP.
BP is a place most start out on.. some stay there because it is a readily available site to post...

The ladies that are serious move a profile over on Eccie / P411 etc... There are some great ladies that post on BP.... who here has seen Brittany from Kentucky? she places ads on BP but the pattern I see for finding the diamonds in the rough is look at how often and how many ads they post.... a lady post 1 ad a day if that often, she usually turns up to be a really great lady.