Jay Walker objects to my Characterization In the Welcome and Introductions Forum

Jay Walker posted an intro of a young lady that is not a member in the Welcome and Introductions Forum. This is not allowed under our rules as the young lady he is introducing is not a member. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=757780

I commented and closed the thread.

Jay has PM'd me per our guidelines (Jay is a gentleman and did not challenge my decision in the open Forums)and objected to my characterization of his "pimping" this young lady. He feels he will always be labeled thusly and that by closing the thread, I did not give him a chance to defend his good name.

First let me say I described him as a "pimp" ephemistically. I do not mean to imply that he actually is a pimp, but in the sense of the word that he was "promoting" this young lady in question.

I thought I would give Jay as well as any others who wish to chime in on the subject/issue. As long as the comments are respectful, feel free to add your .02!!!!

I think the ladies should be promoting them selves, if otherwise that does look funny and have every right to question. I agreee with you sweets
fun2come's Avatar
Would the post have been ok in the ML ??

We all sometimes choose a word or phrases that have deeper meaning than we intend or even know and are sometimes misunderstood (Babel Fish issues happen)

So I applaud the initiative here to explain both your intends.
You reminded me of my mother (sorry baby) she used to tell me that when I talked or said something they came off rude or mean or something even though I wasnt intending it to be mean or upfront I was just saying something and worded it wrong or how I said it might have sounded mean by the voice tone. Hmmm I think I still have that problem some times but I am actually a sweet innocent girl so
Can't really discuss due to certain restrictions . I think the action taken was correct .
Yes F2C the ML would have been a good place to do the post .

So Space was ( the gentleman comment a dig at me ? )

I need a special post in a couple more and filet of Spacemtn may be on the menu ! hahahahahaha !
atxbrad's Avatar
Why not just be the one to write the first review? Jay has always been credible........so write a review. It does seem like a pimp move to promote her in the WW. Let her make her own WW post and then comment that you can vouch for her.
I think the ladies should be promoting them selves, if otherwise that does look funny and have every right to question. I agreee with you sweets Originally Posted by shayla84
That would be extremely nice Shayla, but I can't tell you how many times I've seen a young lady I've found through ECCIE who says, "what's ECCIE"...oh well, on to some pounding anyways. And then there are those with eloquent, grammatically correct, and intriguing ads who, when I meet them, barely speak a lick of English...oh well, on to some pounding anyways.

Jay, the Mods have opened up for you to voice your opinion/comments which I think is a fair move. If indeed you are upset about being labeled as a pimp maybe you should stop self proclaiming.

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?p=1052677128&hi ghlight=#post1052677128

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?p=1052389779&hi ghlight=#post1052389779

Or is it just being labeled as a pimp for this particular lady?

Anyways, my .02. All I care, and I am sure what I care about matter about as much as .01 cents worth if that, is:

1. If you are just a hobbyist: Provide accurate accounts of your ventures
2. If you are a pimp: Provide some hot pieces of tail and don't go around taking down license plates numbers, beat your girls, take ALL of their money, human traffic, or just be an all around piece of garbage.

Range is now clear, ready on the left, ready on the right.....Jay assume a good prone unsupported position and watch your lane.
Can't really discuss due to certain restrictions . I think the action taken was correct .
Yes F2C the ML would have been a good place to do the post .

Jay does not have ML access.

So Space was ( the gentleman comment a dig at me ? )
Absolutely not!! You and I have agreed to disagree many times and will probably do so in the times to come!!

I need a special post in a couple more and filet of Spacemtn may be on the menu ! hahahahahaha ! Originally Posted by rockerrick
That might be tough, full of gristle, and difficult to swallow!!!!


Jay Walker's Avatar
[QUOTE=Spacemtn;1053017370]Jay Walker... objected to my characterization of his "pimping" this young lady. He feels he will always be labeled thusly and that by closing the thread, I did not give him a chance to defend his good name.

In reading Space's comments in the original thread, I felt that he was quite seriously labeling me as a pimp. The word can mean two very different things. It can be used in a good natured way to call out someone who promotes a lady by introducing her under no false pretenses, by creating a profile for her and introducing her as herself, by writing a glowing or embellished review, etc. the word pimp can also be used to describe people who are real pimps, as in human traffickers, thieves, people who control escorts lives and take a portion or all of her earnings. Right or wrong, I felt that Space's characterization of me leaned toward the latter definition.
Jay Walker's Avatar
I think the ladies should be promoting them selves, if otherwise that does look funny and have every right to question. I agreee with you sweets Originally Posted by shayla84
I find many concerns with this statement.

First, any lady who I have introduced would very much like to promote herself but for one reason or another does not have the means to do so electronically. I am simply introducing a lady who wants to work, but hasn't the means to introduce herself to the membership here in an effort to inform them about someone they may not have known about otherwise.

Though the rules might stipulate that the women should promote themselves here, as potential or current members, I'd ask that you browse the Welcome Wagon and ask yourself, "what percentage of these introductions are truly posted by the the girl being introduced versus a friend, lover, boyfriend, pimp, or white night under the pretense of being her?"

The rules are the rules, but I feel that if we are only able to openly share information about ladies who are already members or who have the ability and means to introduce themselves, we dramatically limit the amount of information available here.

Now, from your point of view and the other girls who are registered providers, who represent a tiny sample in the grand scheme of things, this is a great thing, right? Because you have the resources, acumen, and understanding of how to become a registered provider, you have somewhat of a monopoly over this most excellent, and free, advertising resource.
Jay Walker's Avatar
Why not just be the one to write the first review? Jay has always been credible........so write a review. It does seem like a pimp move to promote her in the WW. Let her make her own WW post and then comment that you can vouch for her. Originally Posted by atxbrad
Thanks for your opinion of my credibility. That is the very reason I posted as myself in the Welcome Wagon. I did not attempt to deceive anyone, I was just introducing someone who wanted to be introduced to a generally well behaved gentlemen who might want to meet her. She didn't have the means to introduce herself so I did it for her. Not deceptively by creating a profile and pretending to be her, or posting a review that I couldn't honestly write, but as myself, making an introduction.

Straight to your questions: She isn't able to post in here for the simple lack of technical acumen. Sad but reality in more cases than you might imagine.

I didn't feel that I could write a completely honest or help people understand what their experience might be like with her. Perhaps I didn't have a session with her. Should I have attempted to promote her through an embellished review or simply introduce her and provide what facts that I was aware of?
Jay Walker's Avatar
Jay, the Mods have opened up for you to voice your opinion/comments which I think is a fair move. If indeed you are upset about being labeled as a pimp maybe you should stop self proclaiming.

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?p=1052677128&hi ghlight=#post1052677128

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?p=1052389779&hi ghlight=#post1052389779

Or is it just being labeled as a pimp for this particular lady?

Anyways, my .02. All I care, and I am sure what I care about matter about as much as .01 cents worth if that, is:

1. If you are just a hobbyist: Provide accurate accounts of your ventures
2. If you are a pimp: Provide some hot pieces of tail and don't go around taking down license plates numbers, beat your girls, take ALL of their money, human traffic, or just be an all around piece of garbage.

Range is now clear, ready on the left, ready on the right.....Jay assume a good prone unsupported position and watch your lane. Originally Posted by ATF Hobby
Fair observation and question regarding the pimp label. That was my, perhaps failed attempt at humor and self deprecation while trying to introduce girls like Ghetto Trish (who would still love to provide and still doesn't have the acumen to do so here), and the heavy girl with a transexual vouer friend (granted, that one needed no added humor).

Check my response to Space above to see why I reached out to him regarding his comments and subsequent closing of the post. Fair observation and question regarding the pimp label.
Cityjazz's Avatar
Jay: I have always enjoyed your posts, and - like the old EF Hutton commercials used to say - I listened. This all might have been avoided if you had had ML access, which is a place where such "informal introductions" are sometimes made. But you didn't. Sigh.

Regarding Spacemtn... I have 100% faith in Spacemtn, and if he says he meant no harm, I believe him.
[QUOTE=Jay Walker;1053021570]
Jay Walker... objected to my characterization of his "pimping" this young lady. He feels he will always be labeled thusly and that by closing the thread, I did not give him a chance to defend his good name.

In reading Space's comments in the original thread, I felt that he was quite seriously labeling me as a pimp. The word can mean two very different things. It can be used in a good natured way to call out someone who promotes a lady by introducing her under no false pretenses, by creating a profile for her and introducing her as herself, by writing a glowing or embellished review, etc. the word pimp can also be used to describe people who are real pimps, as in human traffickers, thieves, people who control escorts lives and take a portion or all of her earnings. Right or wrong, I felt that Space's characterization of me leaned toward the latter definition. Originally Posted by Spacemtn
I have maintained throughout that you are both a gentleman and a respected member of this community. If one looks up the definition of "pimp" at dictionary.com it describes a pimp as a person who provides an introduction.......... which is what you were doing (and well intended, I might add). The connatation was never intended to portray you as you describe above.

Jay Walker's Avatar
FINALLY, a few last comments before I shut up:

1, my sincere apologies for the drawn out commentary, lack of understanding of the "multi quote" feature, and phone responses, which generally make me sloppy.

2, I didn't ask or expect for my concerns to be posted publicly. I simply sent a note to Space documenting my concerns. Clearly Space is thoughtfully open minded. He's also smart (usually) so I wouldn't recommend debating him unless your argument is very well thought out and constructed. We've debated the definitions of, pimp, solicitation, and pandering more than adequately and I appreciate the fact that we are able to openly discuss our interpretations of these words than to completely agree their meanings.

Thanks again for the un requested, and certainly unearned opportunity to further soil my bad reputation in my own words. ;-)