The hobby and Seizures

I have been discriminated against for having seizures and little memory. Just to learn I am discriminated in this world also for taking my seizure meds and appearing high? I have seizures maybe every 6 months and know when I will have one. Yesterday I needed to take my medicine and rumors have been spread that I showed up high yesterday to my appointments. NOT TRUE! Glad I'm still dealing with discrimination in this world to wow! Guess I have shouldn't have taken them and had a seizure with those ppl or killed myself or someone else In my car.
pumpkineater's Avatar
Sorry this happened to you. I know a few folks who have to take medicine for seizures and I completely understand why people may think the wrong things about you. Hope this doesn’t adversely affect you. Keep your head up. This will pass and hopefully you will continue on. Take care and be safe out there.
--also, you posted this in the ‘National Forum’ instead of the ‘Oklahoma’ board… is that what you really wanted to do?
skbinks's Avatar
Holly, you aren't alone. When most people don't know the situation, they will always think the worst possible scenario. And I assume because of the type of relationships here, a lot, if not most people, will always think the other isn't completely telling the truth either, even if it is just little white lies, like "I'm not married" or I don't have a BF/GF.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-29-2015, 10:11 PM
Seizures are serious things. I am very sorry you have to deal with them.

I can certainly understand how someone uninformed might come to the wrong conclusion, and while that is not "right" and certainly not a good thing for your busines or reputation I think it is likely ignorance more than discrimination.

I do not know your standard practice about telling your dates about your seizures, but from painful personal experience I do hope you tell them. I know you say you can tell when they are coming on, but please understand you may have one with little or no warning--and may well find yourself in a situation where your life depends upon the other person knowing the basics of how to properly respond. This is especially true for overnights. I have been there, and a very special lady almost died because of my ignorance.
I got into this hobby because I didn't want to be discriminated against. Now my rep is that I use drugs. I don't, and honestly it hurts.
Sorry to hear you are having to deal with this Holly! Some people can be so mean and not so understanding, I am a former nurses aid and I have seen people go into seizures without their medication. No one should have to deal with this type of discrimination

Keep your chin up and try to not let this discrimination get you too down, if all else fails report said person in the ladies powder room.

Once again I am truly sorry you had to deal with this.
gimme_that's Avatar
I don't think this is discrimination or meanness at all. But let's say it is similar to NBA rules......its the clients preference to see or either avoid ladies with this issue.

Let's not lose site of discretion being most of our overwhelming reason we choose ladies. Many thngs could go wrong during these seizures.

1. She could bite her tongue involuntarily swallowing it and choke. Unless of course you find something hard enough for her to use as a bite block to prevent that. Hopefully your member is nowhere near her mouth when that occurs. Hell of a passion mark. But I've also had ladys have orgasm start initially similar to a seizure.......hard to tell n certain postions if she's havng one and I'm riding the wave.......or she's seizing. I would assume all muscles get tighter.......

2. She could hit her head on the head board, maybe in the wrong position fall off the bed entirely and fall on her neck ala clint eastwoods million dollar baby.

3. Let's say her seizure happens during your appointment....right at the beginning. Are you gonna be percieved as an asshole if you want sex after. "Now that that has passed, your ready babe?"

I have also had overnights with a lady who had issues. One being a blood sugar issue where a lady would wake up in a rage htting and swinging at me until she got a piece of chocolate.......

She of course didnt tell me about this.......I was understanding.....but transperency is always good. Your clients should know........but no need to put it in your ads, that would be overkill but may develop nto a fetish. It should be a disclaimer right before the activity starts.

Now as far as your memory, as long as you aren't missing apointments, or ncns people. I don't see memory loss as an issue. But if your tryng to build rapport with regulars, certan particulars Id expect her to remember.

Sorry I said this stuff because somebody had to. If I had sometype of medical disability that made me unresponsive during the appointment.....the lady should also have the luxury or knowing and making a decision. If she didn't see me its not discrimination its just a choice. Similar to if you had a colostomy bag.
I haven't had one in 6 months and can always tell when it might happen. Usually by stress. That was the first time taking my meds in in over 2 months. A few days ago a had to. All the things listed in the below post would never happen because I would have taken my meds I notice signs. Different ppl have different type. Mine I can tell very much so. Thank for your inout tho.

Thank you,
Were you open with the clients you saw, explaining that you get seizures occasionally and take medication for it when you feel them coming on? If you don't explain your situation and the medication affects your behavior then you can't expect clients to understand why you may be acting a certain way. If they don't know you are on meds and have seizures, then they aren't discriminating against you. Without background knowledge people just have to go with their assumptions... and in this line of work or really any line of work, drunk/high is much more likely than an obscure seizure medication.

It's probably best to treat it like having any other illness like the flu or food poisoning. If you feel seizures coming on, take the medication and contact anyone you would be seeing that day (or for however long the medication affects you). Explain the situation that you occasionally get seizures which are controlled by meds. Let them know you can still see them, but give them the opportunity to reschedule if they don't feel comfortable. If it only happens a few times a year then that shouldn't be a big deal.
okcflyer's Avatar
I don't get around here much but haven't seen any negative comments about you.

I feel that if you're honest and open about it most guys will understand. Which is important. I have had clients inform me of this or similar health issues so I may have a good understanding and can make proper decisions...very important in a small enclosure @41,000ft...most likely same applies to a nervous man on the ground with a beautiful lady in another small space. If you make us aware hopefully no considerate guy will discriminate.
Take care.
Guest010619's Avatar
Occasional health issues can pop up and I believe it's best to inform the other person. I myself take extra precautions such as avoiding foods that can cause allergic reactions in case the other person has an allergie. Last thing I want to do is stab someone with an epi-pen." width="858" height="508">" />">
Thanks for all the replies. Especially the ones with great advise! I haven't had one in over 6 months. I said sorry to the two clients and offered to make it up to them. I am not really sure what else to do. In the future if I need my meds I will give a heads up to any appointments. I wear a silver braclet on my ankle just in case. This is not something that is always in my life but sometime I can tell when I need my meds. That day happen to be the day because I was super stressed out. It is rare I feel one coming on... very rare actually. I can see why they thought I was high. The meds has similar side effects it just sucks being accused of being high when I wasn't.

Thanks for all the replies. Especially the ones with great advise! I haven't had one in over 6 months. I said sorry to the two clients and offered to make it up to them. I am not really sure what else to do. In the future if I need my meds I will give a heads up to any appointments. I wear a silver braclet on my ankle just in case. This is not something that is always in my life but sometime I can tell when I need my meds. That day happen to be the day because I was super stressed out. It is rare I feel one coming on... very rare actually. I can see why they thought I was high. The meds has similar side effects it just sucks being accused of being high when I wasn't.

Holly Originally Posted by Holly Shields
I feel that this is the issue. You ARE HIGH. Although it's from a prescribed, legal med, you ARE HIGH. The idea that legally prescribed meds, taken in the correct dosage don't constitute being high/under the influence is incorrect. Unfortunately, when you feel an episode coming, you may have to cancel your appts. for that time period/day until the effects wear off.
When I saw the header I thought this was a thread about the popo taking your property for picking up street walkers. Phew !
Seizures meds make you super sleepy. It no where never is compared to being high otherwise we would have a lot of ppl addicted to those meds and they aren't!!! I was not high. It was late I was tired and to ppl that automatically assume if someone is dozy they are high. No one should assume that a person is high if the persons in questions would have asked it would have been explained. I don't take them/need them that often. I'm lucky enough to know when I'm going to have one. As far as working.. I wont be working on them if I have to take them or I will tell the gentlemen before hand. i don't do drugs and I wasn't high. I only need my meds twice a week at the most or once every three months. This is not something daily for me.


p.s I have had a lot of pm for providers that have seizures as well that have identify with me and been accused of being high. Its wrong. Just ask. I had my seizure med pill bottle and everything. This is not a made up excuse. Its nice to know I'm not alone.