For the Ladies interested in the Strip Club Gatherings as well as the guys that want to invite them

Whispers's Avatar
I've been receiving more requests from ladies regarding invites to the parties we have at Strip Clubs which have been growing as well as happening with more frequency.

So here is an explanation of the process.

1) There are no unescorted ladies allowed to attend. Every Lady in attendance is sponsored by one of the guys that are on the invite list.

2) Ladies are expected to enter the club as well as leave the club with the same gentleman that sponsored their attendance.

3) Ladies are charged the same admission as the guys although it is typical for the guy that invites the lady to pay their admission.

4) IF a guy wants to invite a lady to attend he needs to have already attended one of these gatherings prior OR be a higher profile poster OR be someone that one of the core group involved has personal knowledge of.

5) BEFORE a guy invites a lady he needs to submit her name for clearance. Needless to say not EVERY lady is going to get cleared to attend. Although most are. So far only 1 has been declined.

6) The number of ladies invited is kept to a ratio in line with the number of guys indicating they will attend. If a lady has attended previously and we already have too many coming she may not get cleared. Guys have indicated a preference for meeting new ladies at these as well as the primary focus of meeting strippers.

7) There are naturally board dynamics that come to play as well. There are some ladies whose opinions of strippers that join us has been publicly stated in a manner that we know we don't want those ladies talking to the gals that are partying with us from the club.

8) Once a ladies name is floated for consideration and a decision is made to allow him to invite her she is requested to contact one of a couple of us on the board via PM at which time some basic rules are explained to her.

9) Location, time and attendees are never allowed to be discussed prior to the event.

10) ECCIE is not allowed to be discussed with any of the strippers or waitstaff at the clubs.

11) MOST of the Strippers and wait staff assume the ladies that come with some of us work at one of the other strip clubs in town. Noone is ever to discuss providing with one of the gals.

12) Your attire must be casual to business appropriate. We don't want ladies showing up dressed like strippers or worse.

13) You are allowed as well as encouraged to mix and mingle. You might not want to come on the arm of a guy that gets possessive or jealous. Some of the guys are shy and will sit there talking with other guys unless approached.

What kind of ladies get invited?

It is assumed by some that if you are not an 18-24yo spinner your not getting invited. My personal tastes are NOT forced on the group.

Ladies that have attended are a very diverse group including Vikki Lynn, Genesis Nicole, Sophie Bella, MaddietheCoEd, Caroline, Britney Bang and many, many others.

The #1 quality ALL The ladies that have attended share has been that they are a hell of a lot of fun in a strip club! (Although we may have to limit Sophie Bella's attendance in the future for monopolizing ladies at times)

Unlike a Social...... The event is NOT about YOU. It is NOT about MEETING YOU. It is NOT about growing YOUR business.

The event is about a bunch of guys that like strippers coming together to meet and talk and enjoy the atmosphere of the club. If you wouldn't go to a Strip Club as part of your normal activities then coming to a luncheon is not the thing to do. We can meet you somewhere else.

Honestly.... Having Ladies along DOES serve a purpose as a lot of ladies that work at the club like entertaining other ladies and it creates a level of energy at times that is infectious..... Some guys, believe it or not, are shy and don't get dances for themselves but will buy you dances all day long enjoying the girl on girl interaction that ensues.....

Now.... Although I state that it is NOT about you........ There are certainly benefits for you..... You are exposed to a group of guys that spend money and the number of ladies, like yourself, in attendance is very limited....

Guys that would NEVER consider seeing you from your ads or board persona may meet you face to face and decide they want to get to know you better..... And you may meet a guy that you would never consider speaking to and end up with him as a regular in your lineup....Stranger things have happened.


For those of you that asked....

or thought about asking.....

If you are interested....

reach out to one of your regulars and see if he is a part of the group and if he would be interested in bringing you along.....

Those that have joined us DO seem to have a good time.

The Down Side of Attending a Strip Club Function.

There are some ladies on the board that tend to have opinions not in line with mine as well as opinions of me that are totally inaccurate.

Although there are others involved with the planning, organization as well as execution of these luncheons, at the end of the day, it is my party....

So some ladies that have talked about attending or have attended, have caught flack from other ladies.

And it is unfortunate that there exists that kind of cattiness however it is understandable. One lady was branded a "Whispers Spy" at one time..... another shunned for attending......

Overtime I believe those ladies mended those fences.... But I will let you know there is a possibility you will catch some flack for coming....

And Strip Clubs and Strippers can become habit forming.... You can leave a lot of money behind in one of these places..... You may never have attended before and find yourself looking for every opportunity to attend in the future...... So if you have an addictive personality you might want to stay away.....

Or you could find yourself at the club 4 hours after the party ends.... one ankle being held by a guy on your right..... another by a guy on your left.... and some stripper with her head buried between your legs humming a merry tune!....
Whispers's Avatar
Oh and they're lots of fun. Even when you're the one with your legs in men's hands with a stripper, in which case its the most fun you've had in your life.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
Whispers's Avatar
bump Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
I KNOW you are not fishing for an invite....

So if you need some advertising time in the CoEd section start a thread that we can really get into it about and Ill oblige you with a lively debate....

I have some time free!
Whispers's Avatar
Oh and they're lots of fun. Even when you're the one with your legs in men's hands with a stripper, in which case its the most fun you've had in your life. Originally Posted by MaddietheCoed
Every week you seem to be having more fun than the week before...
Whispers's Avatar
OK... .A new event looming and more interest getting posted as well as PM traffic building.

To reiterate, Other than MaddietheCoEd there are no ladies directly on the invite list or guaranteed attendance to a GC Event. Maddie spent a lot of time and money hanging out with and becoming one of the guys..... Haley was close until she left us.

For the rest of you ladies with an interest.....

There are currently 192 men on the invite list already vetted and 90% of them former attendees.....

Reach out to your clients and see if any of them are and would like to bring you. You may find them already on the list.

Or email / PM me and I'll float your name to the guys to see if any of them would consider sponsoring you.

I know the Strip Club Environment is not right for all of you.

But those ladies that have come have all had a great time.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
The one I went to I had alot of fun and even made a new provider friend...FWIW..I never recieved any flack from the other ladies for going....Would I go again if the chance and timing algined hell ya.....I love strippers esp with big boobies

My only regret was letting my shyness get the better of me....
LadiesFan's Avatar
My only regret was letting my shyness get the better of me.... Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
You were shy? you showed me your boobs
But then again I was sitting close to you... you didn't show your boobs to everyone

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
You were shy? you showed me your boobs
But then again I was sitting close to you... you didn't show your boobs to everyone

LF Originally Posted by LadiesFan

Who me..never.. must have been my twin

I believe that was later in the day when most had left and a few were had
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Or you could find yourself at the club 4 hours after the party ends.... one ankle being held by a guy on your right..... another by a guy on your left.... and some stripper with her head buried between your legs humming a merry tune!.... Originally Posted by Whispers
where do I sign up?
sixxbach's Avatar
I have someone on my list that I would like to be my date..... she knows who she is....

Maddie has a new avatar pic I noticed
Whispers's Avatar
Next Party Almost Planned.. Watch for Details....