Damn Steelers!

Cost me a 30 minute foot massage!

Anyone else?
Guest031411-2's Avatar
I'm happy, by not covering the spread I picked up a pretty good haul!!
I was happy for the winning team
mastermind238's Avatar
What a pisser. I didn't bet on the game, but as an ex-Chicagoan and a Bears fan the only thing I can think of that's worse than losing a paycheck to a bookie is seeing the Packers win. Even writing the word "Packers" makes me throw up a little in my throat. Tastes like rotten cheese.
Whispers's Avatar
I won a 3 hour session! Foolish wench gave me the packers AND 3 points.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 02-07-2011, 07:59 PM
I just want to know if losing a Super Bowl will speed up or slow down the rate of rape allegations made against Ben Roethlisberger.
mastermind238's Avatar
Back in the '80s the joke around Chicago was that Wisconsin decided to build their new prison near Green Bay so the Packers could walk to work.