is that Putin thing playing out for you idiots now?

Just a few months ago, Putin was the conservabot hero on this board. More manly than President Obama, more aggressive. Just the all-around manly man that the right-wing lemmings around here were wishing we had in America.....

Not so much today, eh? Fucking idiots.
Another Timmie Troll thread. Total mischaracterization of the conservative stance. In fact, I believe it was the MSM and a lot Socialist Democrats that lauded Putin for negotiating a chemical weapons agreement after BHO's failed Syrian Red Line.

Go fuck yourself, idiot.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-21-2014, 09:46 PM
Nope, Gonad, there were lots of RWW Thumpers praising him for being the "defender of family values" and his strong stand on fundamental Christian values. Don't tell me you forgot the whole gay stomping mentality of some on here, fawning all over Vlad. I'm sure you do.
lustylad's Avatar
Ok Old-T, here is what you told us 3-1/2 months ago:

I guarantee you I have far more knowledge of what is actually happening (in Ukraine) than most on here. All I have to do is read the overly simplistic set of comments on here. Not saying I have the answer(s), but enough knowledge to laugh at the stupidity on here. Originally Posted by Old-T

So what can you tell us clueless spectators now that Vlad's pals in Eastern Ukraine are using his Buk missiles to shoot down civilian airliners? How is that behind-the-scenes Obama foreign policy stuff working out for us?

LexusLover's Avatar
Ok Old-T, here is what you told us 3-1/2 months ago:... Originally Posted by lustylad
Don't you know you are not supposed to constantly remind Liberals of what they said in the past that conflicts with their current bullshit, because it rubs in their faces their erroneous belief they are smarter than conservatives and can lie to conservatives not only about what the Liberals said, but also what Conservatives said. Take Obaminable for instance ... their Mentor of Lying.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, LLIdiot. This thread rubs the neocon's nose in Putin's asshole.

if you read the comments from you hypocritical shitheads (literally), the knee jerk makes even more sense.
Don't you know you are not supposed to constantly remind Liberals of what they said in the past that conflicts with their current bullshit, because it rubs in their faces their erroneous belief they are smarter than conservatives and can lie to conservatives not only about what the Liberals said, but also what Conservatives said. Take Obaminable for instance ... their Mentor of Lying. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Goes ditto the right wingers.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-22-2014, 06:29 AM
So what can you tell us clueless spectators now that Vlad's pals in Eastern Ukraine are using his Buk missiles to shoot down civilian airliners? How is that behind-the-scenes Obama foreign policy stuff working out for us?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
What can I tell you now? The same thing I told you then: Putin is an ego driven bad dude. He is NOT a really nice guy who follows the bible very closely, as some of the Thumpers Wannabes on here were drooling about. I can tell you that the Thumpers who wanted to canonize him for being tough on gays look pretty stupid now.

I don't retract what I said then. Why should I? I never said everything would be peachy keen in a few months--i said that many of the folks on here have no clue what they are talking about, and that still holds.
lustylad's Avatar
What can I tell you now? The same thing I told you then: Putin is an ego driven bad dude. He is NOT a really nice guy who follows the bible very closely, as some of the Thumpers Wannabes on here were drooling about. I can tell you that the Thumpers who wanted to canonize him for being tough on gays look pretty stupid now.

I don't retract what I said then. Why should I? I never said everything would be peachy keen in a few months--i said that many of the folks on here have no clue what they are talking about, and that still holds. Originally Posted by Old-T
Putin is a "bad dude"? That's your inside scoop? Who knew? Thanks, Old-Twerp, very informative...

Nobody on here wants to "canonize" Pooty-boy. The perception is that he is playing a weak hand better than Obama is playing a strong one. In the thread 3-1/2 months ago, all the Obama apologists claimed we had no good options and challenged anyone to explain "what would you do?" So I suggested a few "get tough" options. You called me clueless and said there is a lot going on that we don't know about. I can't very well evaluate stuff I don't know about. How long do we have to wait for all that behind-the-scenes secret diplomacy (which you alone here are privy to) to stop the rot? How many more civilian airliners will be shot down before it starts working?

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Nope, Gonad, there were lots of RWW Thumpers praising him for being the "defender of family values" and his strong stand on fundamental Christian values. Don't tell me you forgot the whole gay stomping mentality of some on here, fawning all over Vlad. I'm sure you do. Originally Posted by Old-T

lustylad's Avatar
Don't tell me you forgot the whole gay stomping mentality of some on here, fawning all over Vlad. Originally Posted by Old-T

If I had "the whole gay stomping mentality" I doubt I would be "fawning" over Vlad. Leave that to Old-Twerp.

I might be drooling a little bit over his mistress, though.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Putin isn't the only one with an "ego problem" -- there is also Odumbo and Soros who contributed to Ukraine's current destabilized condition -- so like Putin, they also "have blood on their hands".

George Soros’ Giant Globalist Footprint in Ukraine’s Turmoil

Billionaire investor/activist George Soros has a giant footprint in Ukraine. Similar to his operations in dozens of other nations, he has, over the past couple of decades, poured tens of millions of dollars into Ukrainian non-governmental organizations (NGOs), ostensibly to assist them in transforming their country into a more “open” and “democratic” society.

Many of the participants in Kiev’s “EuroMaidan” demonstrations were members of Soros-funded NGOs and/or were trained by the same NGOs in the many workshops and conferences sponsored by Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), and his various Open Society institutes and foundations. The IRF, founded and funded by Soros, boasts that it has given “more than any other donor organization” to “democratic transformation” of Ukraine.

The International Renaissance Foundation’s Annual Report for 2012, the latest available, states that, “IRF provided UAH 63 million in funding to civil society organizations — more than any other donor organization working in this field in Ukraine.” The “UAH” reference used above refers to the Ukraine Hryvnia, Ukraine’s currency, which is worth about 0.11 $US, or 11 cents in U.S. currency. That translates into roughly $6.7 million that IRF provided to Ukrainian groups in 2012; not a huge sum, by comparison to many other political and social campaigns, but more than merely “significant.” In the cash-starved Ukraine, Soros’s dollars go a long way toward seducing and co-opting all legitimate political opposition into the Soros-approved “progressive” camp.

According to the IRF’s own website, this one Soros conduit has funneled over $100 million into Ukrainian NGOs over the years:
Over the period from 1990 to 2010 the International Renaissance Foundation provided more than $100 million in support to numerous Ukrainian non-government organizations (NGOs), community groups, academic and cultural institutions, publishing houses, etc.
The IRF website and annual reports make clear that the Soros funds are targeted at promoting Ukrainian “partnership” with, and “integration” into, the EU. Soros has provided many millions more through his other “philanthropic” spigots. However, Soros’ influence in Ukraine extends far beyond the traceable funding he provides to activist Ukrainian NGOs, academics and think tanks. Equally, if not more, important is the influence he exerts on global opinion through his massive propaganda network (including Project Syndicate and other Soros megaphones) and his direct personal contacts with presidents, prime ministers, parliamentarians, central bankers, media executives, and Wall Street titans.

In a February 26 column he penned for Project Syndicate that was carried by hundreds of newspapers and websites, Soros argued that the EU and the IMF must initiate a new Marshall Plan for Ukraine, meaning, of course, transfers of money from EU and U.S. taxpayers to the politicians, organizations, and institutions approved by the globalist/socialist/corporatist operatives running the EU and IMF.
LexusLover's Avatar
if you read the comments from you hypocritical shitheads (literally), the knee jerk makes even more sense. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You won't find one post by me that says anything favorable about Putin.

I don't know what you fools are talking about ... I suppose you all are trying to somehow justify Obaminable's incompetence and inability to influence events overseas on some lame-ass claim that it's Bush's fault, the tea party's fault, conservative's fault, or some "neo-con's" fault for things being fucked up in the Ukraine and an airliner getting shot down ,....... by Putin's hatchet-farmers under the command and control of Putin's "foreign legion" in the Ukraine.

It's sad you guys voted for and now support someone who is so weak, incompetent, and unqualified that he (and you) must blame all his shortcomings on someone else .... he and you all refuse to take responsibility for his fuck ups, lack of leadership, and ignorance.

Lets see how that works out in the fall.
I hate ALL Socialists, especially ours. Respect is another thing.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-22-2014, 09:44 PM
Nobody on here wants to "canonize" Pooty-boy. The perception is that he is playing a weak hand better than Obama is playing a strong one. In the thread 3-1/2 months ago, all the Obama apologists claimed we had no good options and challenged anyone to explain "what would you do?" So I suggested a few "get tough" options. You called me clueless and said there is a lot going on that we don't know about.
Yes, I did. You were clueless--that hasn't changed.

I can't very well evaluate stuff I don't know about. How long do we have to wait for all that behind-the-scenes secret diplomacy (which you alone here are privy to) to stop the rot? How many more civilian airliners will be shot down before it starts working?
When did I say "It's working!"?? I don't remember saying any such thing. I just said what a lot of posters here are suggesting--what a lot of them think is "a good idea"--the way a lot of them think the world is, are pipe-dreams. The fact that the current administration hasn't been particularly adept at international politics (and they haven't been) is a far cry from saying the polyanna ideas thrown out here are good ones.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
If I had "the whole gay stomping mentality" I doubt I would be "fawning" over Vlad. Leave that to Old-Twerp.

Ah, your memory is failing you! The gay stompers were indeed saying Vlad was standing up for christian family values, was going to host a conference to that effect, and were saying what a moral man he was--at least for that stand against gays. Go back and read it yourself if you care to know who (I doubt you will; I know I won't because it isn't worth my time. After all, "all you RWWs look the same"--obviously said in jest since I have no idea what any of you look like.)

Originally Posted by lustylad
You won't find one post by me that says anything favorable about Putin.
No, I don't recall that you did say anything positive about him. I agree.

I don't know what you fools are talking about ... I suppose you all are trying to somehow justify Obaminable's incompetence and inability to influence events overseas on some lame-ass claim that it's Bush's fault, the tea party's fault, conservative's fault, or some "neo-con's" fault for things being fucked up in the Ukraine and an airliner getting shot down ,....... by Putin's hatchet-farmers under the command and control of Putin's "foreign legion" in the Ukraine.
That would not have been me; my only two points were that:
1) A lot of people on here would have started WW-III and WW-IV if they were in charge, so I am very glad they are not
2) Just because Putin is as homophobic as some of the posters here doesn't make him a "family values hero".

No Bush comment by me, no claim that Obama is doing great. A lot of RRWs on here can't comprehend that a lot of people think that B&O are both seriously inept.
Originally Posted by LexusLover