Leaked Document Military Internment Camps in U.S to be Used (Scary Shit)

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Of course, it could NEVER happen here! Could it?

Check out this three minute video.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy shit, but how much have they offered you for use of YOUR bunker, Nikes and bucket of water?

do any of you idiots ever get laid?
SEE3772's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Didn't watch the video, did you, Assup?
chefnerd's Avatar
Yes, it's gotten every conspiracy theorist in a tizzy.

From the article linked:

As soon as you see the title, you know you're in trouble -- "Army Field Manual 3-39.40: Internment and Resettlement Operations."

When you click on the link, as thousands already have, you get a 326-page PDF describing how the U.S. military would go about imprisoning and relocating massive populations -- it's a best-practice document for rounding up thousands of militants in a foreign country or in the event of a massive terrorist attack or natural disaster on U.S. soil.

FM 3-39.40 is an Army operations guide dated February 2010 with headings that include "Capture, Detention, and Initial Screening," "Detainee Flow," "Theater Internment Facility," "Strategic Internment Facility," "Detainee Rehabilitation Programs," and much, much more.

The manual has been around in one form or another since 1978, when it was first written to assimilate lessons learned from the resettlement of tens of thousands of Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees to the United States after the Vietnam War. It has been substantially rewritten since then, most recently to include scenarios encountered in Iraq and Afghanistan.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Foreign Policy magazine? You do realize there is not a more statist publication in the US. It continually supports the establishment line. You can listen to the elitists talk about this information, or, like in the video, see what it actually says. It says what it says. Scary shit, indeed!

And SEE, what the hell is your post about?
This is for all the entitlement recipients. Once all the welfare and what not get cut and it will. Where do you put these folks. Can't let them just roam around. Thats part of the reason for the Gun Ban. Can't let thousands of desperate folks go around armed. So they are placed, as many as possible in controlled facilities for a little while. Maybe forever.
chefnerd's Avatar
So, what you are saying is that the US is now an Operational Environment. Now, is this from a major combat operation here, or a humanitarian-assitance mission in support of a host nation?


And for the 2700 MRAPS purchased--Maybe not exactly for DHS. USMC--YES, DHS--not so fast there

So, what you are saying is that the US is now an Operational Environment. Now, is this from a major combat operation here, or a humanitarian-assitance mission in support of a host nation?


And for the 2700 MRAPS purchased--Maybe not exactly for DHS. USMC--YES, DHS--not so fast there

http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=...7&postcount=25 Originally Posted by chefnerd
Ya know what, we'll hear a lot of shit. Some of it maybe true and some of it won't be. I think it's hard these days to decipher what we should believe and what we shouldn't. What I do, is consider all the possibilities. What doesn't show up great. What does show up and proves to be true, at least you're ready for something. This is a day and age that being wrong is a good thing. Keep a low profile too.
chefnerd's Avatar
Ya know what, we'll hear a lot of shit. Some of it maybe true and some of it won't be. I think it's hard these days to decipher what we should believe and what we shouldn't. What I do, is consider all the possibilities. What doesn't show up great. What does show up and proves to be true, at least you're ready for something. This is a day and age that being wrong is a good thing. Keep a low profile too. Originally Posted by acp5762
Absolutely sir, which is also why one needs to keep an open mind and research for themselves as it appears you do. Most of what I read in any news or opinion forum I take with one to very many grains of salt. If I have a question I do what I can to hunt down answers and then weigh the information I have found hopefully without processing it through the blinders of a preconceived notion, although we all have preconceived notions to one extent or another. Then again, sometimes I just like to have fun and play devil's advocate.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Didn't watch the video, did you, Assup? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Actually, I watched some of it ... Christopher Lee would have been a better voice over than the nerd in the closet.

Per usual, it's more of you're paranoid bullshit. It seems that everything the government does frightens you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Have they fixed New Jersey yet? I understand that some of the people are relocating themselves. All they need now is a government camp for them to go to.

When you see people fixing the own houses and rebuilding their lives without government. "Pay no attention to those people. They watch Fox News and don't love our leader. They will rue the day."