Sooooo I'm done posting in the other forums!

I try to be more active in the threads but I keep getting infractions! So I'm done!! I will post in the provider ad section once a week and the weekend lineup in weekends.... No more co-ed or sandbox for me I thought if I didnt post about services or rates I would be fine....but that not the case! <----- I might get one for this post as well
gimme_that's Avatar
I didn't understand why they took that post away Evivan. It didn't seem to violate any rules, and plenty other lades have posted similar threads with pics and in the same market and not been as heavily targeted.

Its not just you.....different areas are moderated loosely than others. But I'm pretty sure someone (probably a provider) got bent out of shape because you were gettng a little too much they fgured they would just shun you and make a complaint. I have another theory too why it might have happen.....but. won't sppeak on it on board.........
If you want to dispute an infraction, just RTM it. Explain why you think it isn't infraction worthy. If you fail to receive a response, PM an administrator.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
If you want to dispute an infraction, just RTM it. Explain why you think it isn't infraction worthy. If you fail to receive a response, PM an administrator. Originally Posted by Simon Riley
....Its not just you.....different areas are moderated loosely than others. But I'm pretty sure someone (probably a provider) got bent out of shape because you were gettng a little too much they fgured they would just shun you and make a complaint. I have another theory too why it might have happen.....but. won't speak on it on board......... Originally Posted by gimme_that
Gender bias????
pyramider's Avatar
Posting taint photos always helps.
I didn't understand why they took that post away Evivan. It didn't seem to violate any rules, and plenty other lades have posted similar threads with pics and in the same market and not been as heavily targeted.

Its not just you.....different areas are moderated loosely than others. But I'm pretty sure someone (probably a provider) got bent out of shape because you were gettng a little too much they fgured they would just shun you and make a complaint. I have another theory too why it might have happen.....but. won't sppeak on it on board......... Originally Posted by gimme_that
I feel the same, but it's fine! I'll just use Eccie for advertisement and play on a different board. It's a lot of people here I'm sure I won't be missed!
If you want to dispute an infraction, just RTM it. Explain why you think it isn't infraction worthy. If you fail to receive a response, PM an administrator. Originally Posted by Simon Riley
I contacted him and he was still bent on it being a ad
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I contacted him and he was still bent on it being a ad Originally Posted by EviVan
local mod or a admin?
if local mod, try a admen
as long as no rate or other things
ThreAD's should be ok
asked why
local mod or a admin?
if local mod, try a admen
as long as no rate or other things
ThreAD's should be ok
asked why Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
How can I contact a admin?
SpiceItUp's Avatar

The criteria for an ad is that it if a post contains rates, days or times of availability, services, or there is a direct attempt to solicit appointments then it's an Ad and it will be removed. If it does not, then it's a threAD and it is permitted.

Moderators have our own set of guidelines to follow when it comes to the criteria for each guideline violation. If a mistake has been made it is within your rights to get it addressed.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

The criteria for an ad is that it if a post contains rates, days or times of availability, services, or there is a direct attempt to solicit appointments then it's an Ad and it will be removed. If it does not, then it's a threAD and it is permitted.

Moderators have our own set of guidelines to follow when it comes to the criteria for each guideline violation. If a mistake has been made it is within your rights to get it addressed. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
I forgot all other than rates

so girl if ya flirting with a guy in a threAD, take direct attempt ta pm
Darn, it's unfortunate that you're experiencing this. The line between "legitimate" forum commentary and provider ads seems very thin. And I notice that some folks get criticized for crossing the line while others don't.

But there are so many dudes on here posting brain cell destroying spam. Perhaps because they are not providers trying to earn money, it's more accepted.
CocoBrown's Avatar
Darn, it's unfortunate that you're experiencing this. The line between "legitimate" forum commentary and provider ads seems very thin. And I notice that some folks get criticized for crossing the line while others don't.

But there are so many dudes on here posting brain cell destroying spam. Perhaps because they are not providers trying to earn money, it's more accepted. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
Well my mother always told me.... "Garbage in, garbage out". When you attack other providers in threads, it might not end well. Play safe guys!
Well my mother always told me.... "Garbage in, garbage out". When you attack other providers in threads, it might not end well. Play safe guys! Originally Posted by CocoBrown
Please stop stalking me!