Reviews written by women

Reviews written by women who have visited our lovely lady providers. Have never seen one, but it would be nice to get that perspective.
Solitaire's Avatar
There is one lady who does them on TER, but I have not seen any on here. I'm curious if we have some here too!
I wrote a thread once that said providers who are hobbiest.
We/ women are not allowed to write reviews we can't even begin to type the curser comes up that says YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO POST IN THIS FORUM.
First of to find a lady that likes women and wants to do session is very hard to find.
Chung Tran's Avatar
check the Dallas forum later today.. Provider Vi has already posted this morning about a visit with another Provider.. she says she will write a review, most likely in Co-ed..
SunniD's Avatar
We need a forum for us providers to discuss the clients. Its better to know what youre gettin yourself into. I.e size, hygiene,lowballers or great guy
Lespaulmankc's Avatar
We need a forum for us providers to discuss the clients. Its better to know what youre gettin yourself into. I.e size, hygiene,lowballers or great guy Originally Posted by SunniD
I was surprised to learn that providers are not given a mechanism to capture information on clients to be used by the other providers. This would seem to be a needed function that would make ECCIE a better tool for everyone. Is this in the works?
We do at least have methods for warning others about dangerous/deceitful clients... But it would be nice to have a review system of our own as well... Then again, some ladies (not all, not even most... but enough) get so competitive and posessive, I could see them giving false negative reviews just to keep other ladies away from 'their' clients... Integrity isn't exactly commonplace in this industry...
SunniD's Avatar
I was surprised to learn that providers are not given a mechanism to capture information on clients to be used by the other providers. This would seem to be a needed function that would make ECCIE a better tool for everyone. Is this in the works? Originally Posted by Lespaulmankc
Well i think thats for the ladies only
Reviews written by women who have visited our lovely lady providers. Have never seen one, but it would be nice to get that perspective. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
I hire sex workers on occasion, but as others have said, provider accounts cannot post reviews. I also can't go and make a "hobbyist" account, because many websites will ban all accounts made from the same IP address (and for good reason, but my intentions are honest, I promise!).

I would also only write a review if the escort I saw consented to it - while there would be many hobbyists to read my review and thought it was super hot, thus boosting her business, there are also those homophobic hobbyists who would DNS her because she's bisexual/queer. Which is totally unfortunate.

I do think there should be some sort of mechanism for provider accounts to also review other providers (obviously without abusing the privilege by posting fake reviews of their friends). I know SO MANY sex workers who are also sometimes clients, and so many clients who are also sometimes sex workers. It is quite the fluid industry!
pyramider's Avatar
We need a forum for us providers to discuss the clients. Its better to know what youre gettin yourself into. I.e size, hygiene,lowballers or great guy Originally Posted by SunniD
The ladies have two forums for that very purpose.
I do think there should be some sort of mechanism for provider accounts to also review other providers (obviously without abusing the privilege by posting fake reviews of their friends). I know SO MANY sex workers who are also sometimes clients, and so many clients who are also sometimes sex workers. It is quite the fluid industry! Originally Posted by chel_sea
I had no idea that this was a common thing. Maybe I'll take the plunge and hire a fellow provider one of these days.
I had no idea that this was a common thing. Maybe I'll take the plunge and hire a fellow provider one of these days. Originally Posted by allegraw
Maybe it's a liberal Seattle/San Francisco thing, but yeah, it's fun to be on the flip side of things!
Maybe it's a liberal Seattle/San Francisco thing, but yeah, it's fun to be on the flip side of things! Originally Posted by chel_sea
Makes sense. Guess that's another reason to consider venturing out to the west coast
: )
Good responses.

Provider reviews of other providers would be fun to read, but a civvie (non-provider) female review of a one of our lovely professional provider ladies even better.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Who says the ladies aren't posting mini reviews in there private area? Sounds like a simple solution as all the ladies need is to share within.

It would look a lot different then the mongers reviews I would think with basic information like he was on time, clean, a gentleman, donation was taken care of TBC, a list of activities so other ladies know what he likes to do. Was he a clock watcher or did he push the limits.

I don't see why this is a bad thing unless you are one that constantly takes advantage then I could see you would not want your info shared. Screening could be easyer if all a lady had to do was a surch on reviews just like the mongers do, and there would be a "yes" and "no" also.