Backpage vs. Sheriff Dart

For anyone who's been following, here's an update on Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart's unscrupulous dealings with Backpage. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judges Richard Posner and Diane Sykes put Dart in his place and reminded him of the distinction between his personal opinions and professional duties.

"This is not Tom Dart as a private citizen writing a letter," Posner said. "Anybody receiving an official communication from a sheriff is going to feel that there is an implicit threat to follow this up with official action."

via Judges Skeptical Of Illinois Sheriff's Campaign Against Backpage
Solitaire's Avatar
So essentially they are saying his action was an abuse of power. Interesting!
Yes, it seems so. Back in August a judge ruled in favor of Dart, and denied Backpage's requests for an injunction and for Dart to retract his statements to Mastercard and Visa. I'm curious to see which direction things will go now that these judges have ruled in the other direction.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Excellent news! Thanks for sharing, Lena. I hope BP can get back on track with this update and that it sets a precedent for other officials to look toward when considering this type of fuckery...
You're welcome Zoey!

Excellent news! Thanks for sharing, Lena. I hope BP can get back on track with this update and that it sets a precedent for other officials to look toward when considering this type of fuckery... Originally Posted by Zoey Zacquery
VIPRaniLane's Avatar
In response to Tom Dart's BS, yaaassss! Judge Posner must have a heaux or three that are near & dear to his old-ass heart. He's also an economist; smart man.