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BlissfulTantra's Avatar
How does everyone feel about expanding the menu from L1 to L3?
Inquiring minds...
How does everyone feel about expanding the menu from L1 to L3?
Inquiring minds... Originally Posted by BlissfulTantra
TinMan's Avatar
Everyone likes this idea
BigBamboo's Avatar
Why stop there? LOL!
OMG yes, I’m in. It’s been on my bucket list after seeing you before a few times.
Sounds good. But I would have to try it out before I make my decision of what I really think. Hit me up
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Go For It
pyramider's Avatar
How does everyone feel about expanding the menu from L1 to L3?
Inquiring minds... Originally Posted by BlissfulTantra

It depends on your comfort level.
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 09-29-2019, 09:25 PM
Do I still get the Blissful Tantra?
ManSlut's Avatar
How does everyone feel about expanding the menu from L1 to L3?
Inquiring minds... Originally Posted by BlissfulTantra
I will let you know after the first lucky Lady takes my virginity.
mtabsw's Avatar
In this new age, we probably should change to new codes. I suggest:

L1 = Sophomore
L2 = Junior
L3 = Senior

Just to help keep everyone off balance, dazed and confused.
haha as long as you don't skip L2 to get to L3 there are some guys that still prefer L2 over L3 such as myself. And its sometimes better to give , than to receive. hint hint,, wink wink
haha as long as you don't skip L2 to get to L3 there are some guys that still prefer L2 over L3 such as myself. And its sometimes better to give , than to receive. hint hint,, wink wink Originally Posted by cage196
+ 1

You took the words out of my mouth!
haha as long as you don't skip L2 to get to L3 there are some guys that still prefer L2 over L3 such as myself. And its sometimes better to give , than to receive. hint hint,, wink wink Originally Posted by cage196