How Many of us are Home Wreckers ?

melannie_star's Avatar
Ladies and Gentleman

How many of us are Home Wreckers?

You know the moment when you walk into a gentleman's home and there are lady's belongings all over the place..
Perfume near the sink..

How many of us bolt for the Door?

Don't take this the wrong way,
but it used to scare the Bejeezis out of me.

I'm like crap, I can't fight.

Has anyone ever had a significant other walk in on them?

Guys feel free to chime in too!

Fun Discussions..
SchnellerFahrer's Avatar
NOT ME. Never been, I've never been a "player", or good with women, so - I don't tend to generate the kind of desire (for me) that would lead to that situation occurring.

the closest I came to that was - I once dated a lady who was technically still Married (separated). The divorce was taking it's slow time, so - she still lived in their house, while the husband was on the East Coast at a long term contract job.

BUT....he moved back to Dallas, and wanted to live in "their" house until the divorce was final. One day I'm over there sitting in the backyard by the pool, petting "their" dogs, and...HE (Husband) WALKS IN through the backyard door.

AAACK!! Good thing we weren't fooling around, or naked in the pool or whatever, but - it was a surprise to both of us. Good news is - he was very congenial and polite, we made introductions, shook hands, and eventually left. A nervous moment, but - we all knew the situation. (he was dating some other woman anyhow).
Never been married so can't wreck my home. Plus my 2 cats don't care if another pussy shows up. LOL
TexTushHog's Avatar
Hobbling is a symptom of a bad marriage, it is not the underlying cause of divorce in otherwise happy and well adjusted couples. Therefore, I think the instances if home wrecking are very, very rare.
melannie_star's Avatar
I was thinking more along the lines of funny
maybe I have weird humor..

No ones ever been chased out there home with a garden ho?
DallasRain's Avatar
I consider myself two things...the surrogate wife or the wife you WISH you had

Were sorta like fluffers lol..keep a guys marriage sane!
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I help out the wife , I take him off her hands so she can do other stuff but sex lol
bojulay's Avatar
No. But I saw a girl play car bash on a cheating guys vehicle with an aluminum baseball bat. She just pulled up, got out, and went to town

I remember wondering if she went out and bought the bat specifically for that purpose

Imagined her checking them out in the store. Feeling the weight
and swing of each until she found the right one
Nicole Cox's Avatar
I consider myself anything but a "homewrecker". Most of tge married gentlemen I see love their wives and dont want a divorce and dont want to cause any stress on their wives. They have accepted that their wives have gone through their change or for whatever reason have lost interest in sex. They dont want to argue, make their wives feel bad or make their wives do something that they just arent wanting to do or into. At the same time, if one piece of the pie is missing you dont throw the whole pie away.

I help them with the missing piece of the pie and send them home to love their wives without them feeling resentful to theirwives for not putting out so they can focus on the positive in their marriage.😁

As far as doing outcalls to the homes of married men. Thats always something that Im very hesitant to do.Ive watched enough "snapped" to know Women DO kill over their husbands and its just not worth the risk.
Ladies and Gentleman

How many of us are Home Wreckers?

You know the moment when you walk into a gentleman's home and there are lady's belongings all over the place..
Perfume near the sink..

How many of us bolt for the Door?

Don't take this the wrong way,
but it used to scare the Bejeezis out of me.

I'm like crap, I can't fight.

Has anyone ever had a significant other walk in on them?

Guys feel free to chime in too!

Fun Discussions.. Originally Posted by melannie_star
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ 100% ^^^ Just saying
No. But I saw a girl play car bash on a cheating guys vehicle with an aluminum baseball bat. She just pulled up, got out, and went to town

I remember wondering if she went out and bought the bat specifically for that purpose

Imagined her checking them out in the store. Feeling the weight
and swing of each until she found the right one Originally Posted by bojulay
Seen that as well!! I was like OMG!!!
ahab11's Avatar
My GF her BFF was fucking a guy she met at the gym who had a weight lifters body. He lived in an older two bedroom apt off DNT and she said he was married because there was women's stuff all over the bathroom and they were having sex in a kids room full of toys.

Turns out he wasn't married he's 30 yo man living with his mother and that was his room they were fucking in as his job was buying toys at garage sales and selling it on Ebay. She said he was far more sexier when she thought he was married but finding out he was poor and living with his Mother was a total turnoff.
goodolboy's Avatar
I consider myself anything but a "homewrecker". Most of tge married gentlemen I see love their wives and dont want a divorce

I help them with the missing piece of the pie and send them home to love their wives without them feeling resentful to theirwives for not putting out so they can focus on the positive in their marriage.😁 Originally Posted by Nicole Cox

This post nailed it. You gals are saving the sanity of many men in similar situations who's wives won't put out. I wish I had ventured into this "hobby" sooner.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Agree 100% "missing piece of the pie" that's the hobby in a nutshell, More like home savers to most of us,,,,
TheOracle's Avatar
I consider myself anything but a "homewrecker". Most of tge married gentlemen I see love their wives and dont want a divorce and dont want to cause any stress on their wives. They have accepted that their wives have gone through their change or for whatever reason have lost interest in sex. They dont want to argue, make their wives feel bad or make their wives do something that they just arent wanting to do or into. At the same time, if one piece of the pie is missing you dont throw the whole pie away.

I help them with the missing piece of the pie and send them home to love their wives without them feeling resentful to theirwives for not putting out so they can focus on the positive in their marriage.�� Originally Posted by Nicole Cox
Yeah. Could be true for some....


I have a strong suspicion that if most of those guys could divorce their wives without it costing them thousands of dollars, most likely losing their homes, half their assets, being away from their kids and paying large amounts of child support, and possibly even alimony, they would be much less concerned about making their wives "feel bad" and putting them through the "stress" of a divorce. Over 70% of divorces are filed by women so it would seem that the process isn't all that stressful for them.

Cheaper to keep her. Lol.