Personal porn on computer

How many of you have pictures or video of yourself or your SO , GF, BF on your computer?
The reason i ask ....We had an employee that worked for us for about 3 months and we supply a laptop for each employee ...well things didnt work out with him so it was a mutual parting and he turned in his keys and credit cards and his computer.
We asked if he cleared his info off his computer and he said yes ...
Well we start to give his laptop to another employee and we decided to check computer for some files ...Lo and behold we find he sent all of his files to trash bin ..but never deleted them from there before we give the new computer out to somebody else we checked it ...we found pictures of him playing with hisself and video of him and his GF doing the nasty and shes sucking on a HUGE dildo while hes doing her doggie style..
Thank goodness we checked it before turning it over to new employee ..i can only imagine the lawsuit we would of gotten into.
The new employee was a female ...ughhhhhh damn.
I hope everybody has more common sense than to think the trash bin gets rid of everything...because it doesnt ...and there are even other ways to find stuff...downloads and files...
People need to be careful what they put on computers ..and especially if they are pictures or video of yourself..damn what an idiot...

Just thought I would share this with still laughing at his video and he better be glad we are not vindictive ...
I have had an employee store pictures on the corporate drive. Now that is a dumbass. Of course that is what got him fired.
TravelinTony's Avatar
we found pictures of him playing with hisself and video of him and his GF doing the nasty and shes sucking on a HUGE dildo while hes doing her doggie style.. Originally Posted by wildwooly1
You gonna upload the pics or do you plan to sell them?
it would probably get him fired for uploading. think of that corporate lawsuit.
  • Paven
  • 10-02-2012, 09:13 PM
Common sense isn't so common anymore.
pyramider's Avatar
I store all my porn on the SO's computer that way I can be horrified at the freaky shit she looks at.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I stick to my phone for the personal stuff

Tobor the 8th Man's Avatar
I've worked with computers for 25 years. I'm far more shocked when I run into a computer that DOESN'T have some kind of porn.
I store all my porn on the SO's computer that way I can be horrified at the freaky shit she looks at. Originally Posted by pyramider
Lol, Yea my SO's a freak too.
ICU 812's Avatar
That there was porn on a company computer is dumb enough . . .but to LEAVE it when you return it to the company . . .JEEZ!

I think Its pretty dumb to even make/keep porn ogf yourself at all.