Could he really be suffering from dementia? Or just a stupid liar?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
He speaks your language, MAGAS! Maybe one of yall can translate.

I think his brain is as badly pureeed as you claimed Biden’s is.

He fouled the courtroom. He can’t complete a sentence. Yet so,how he manages to get his cult to overlook it.

Little help here.

‘Man of the Year’ tells Lie of the Year: Trump drives into a delusional ditch when asked about cars
Published: Sep. 28, 2024

At a town hall event in Michigan on Friday, Republican presidential Donald Trump added another rambling and delusional monologue to his collection. (See childcare, electric boats, Hannibal Lecter and others.)

When asked by Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) what action he would take as president to insure that car manufacturing stays in Michigan and preserves jobs, Trump provided no clear policy — instead recycling a long-debunked story about a non-existent award that he gave himself.

Trump is no rookie when it comes to faking his resume and honoring himself: He created a phony Time magazine cover, putting himself on the cover, and hung it in several of his golf clubs.

Here’s a transcript of Trump’s word salad from the campaign event at Macomb Community College in Warren, Michigan on Friday:

“So pretty much, as we’ve been saying ... and what I want to do is, I want to be able to ... look your business. Years ago in this area, I was honored as the Man of the Year. Was maybe 20 years ago, and the fake news heard about it. They said, ‘It never happened. It never happened.’ And I didn’t know who it was. It was a group that honored me as Man of the Year. The fakers back there ... see the fake news ... but they said, they said, Oh. And they looked at it, you know, they said it never happened. But I said, ‘I swear to you, it happened. It did happen.’

“I was Man of the Year, and I came and I made a speech and said, ‘Why do you allow them to take your car business away? Why do you allow it to happen? They’re taking your business away.’ And I didn’t know too much about ... all I know is they were taking your car industry away from you. They said it never happened, and lo and behold, somebody said, ‘I remember the event,’ and then we found out, and we had everything. We got the awards. We had everything. It did happen, but I gave a speech, which at the time was pretty controversial.”
Twitter/X and media outlets again provided evidence that Trump’s claim has been debunked many times, and you can find the links here.

In June, when Trump last told the story, CNN called it a “lie” and explained how a GOP group, eager to provide cover for Trump, even created an award for him in 2023, hoping to make the fake story go away:

Trump’s claim remains false. Nobody has ever been able to find any evidence that he was ever named “Man of the Year” in Michigan before he ran for president. The state itself does not give out a “Man of the Year” award; Trump has never lived in Michigan; and he has never specified who supposedly gave him this award and when.

After nearly seven years of media fact checks of Trump’s many declarations that he had once been named Man of the Year in Michigan, a Republican group in the state, the Oakland County Republican Party,gave him its first-ever“Man of the Decade” award at an event in 2023.

Dave Trott, a former Republican congressman from Michigan, told CNN that Trump had said he received a “Man of the Year” award at an event in Michigan, where Trott had invited him to give a speech in 2013. Trump was given a framed copy of the Gettysburg Address, but no such award was given.

Trott said that when Trump first insisted he had won the award, Trott indulged him. But when Trott left Congress, he set the record straight.

“I wasn’t going to correct the president in front of the automotive executives,” Trott told CNN. “But now that I’m out of Congress, I feel comfortable correcting the story.”

Which all goes to show that if Trump were a car, he’d be a 1946 Rambler.
... I see. ... So Trump thought and believed the award was
for "Man of the Year" from the Automotive Executives -
and the fellow who invited Him to speak doesn't correct Trump
on that until long after he leaves congress.

...Whatever the reason for the article, what it shows is NO LIE
by Trump, at worst maybe Trump was mistaken on the "Man of the Year"
- but was NOT corrected on it until years later.

IF so, why didn't Mr. Trout just tell Trump at the time??

... See? ... FACTS Matter.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Did you read the quote, Salty?

Did you follow what he was trying to say, Salty?

Could you put a dressing on that word salad, Salty?

So Trump thought and believed something that wasn't true. That's surprising. I think he believes a lot of shit that isn't true. As do you.

Based on your post, this is all the fault of the Republican Congressman who didn't correct him until years after he started spinning THAT lie.


txdot-guy's Avatar
Could he really be suffering from dementia? Or just a stupid liar?

Probably both.