
Kami Parker's Avatar
I have recieved many great reviews that say I have a a great body, sexy face, ect. But, on my last review tere was a comment made that the reason this person had not seen me is because I don't show my face.
Alot of women do not because there are so freaking many reasons not to. If you have children, maybe probation, another job. So think about that before you judge....read the reveiws and go on that. Otherwise you maybe screwing yourself ; )

Kami Parker
CoHorn's Avatar
Just curious, would you send face pictures after the gentleman has been screened to your satisfaction? The reason I ask is everyone has a different opinion on "sexy face".
  • hd
  • 01-12-2012, 11:57 AM
Agree, though I briefly met you about a year ago socially and know your face, I've never been concerned about face appearance in showcases. Most providers have an after life they need to keep separate from this bizz. From the reviews, I would know I won't have regrets seeing you Kami, or any others that do this. Reviews speak for you.

If a client wants to see your face before meeting you, I would decline and let him deal with another. Once your pic is out there, you ain't gettin' it back!
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Kami, I think you are absolutely within your rights not to show your face. There are certainly good very reasons for someone not to, and you mention just a few of them. OTOH, I think a client is absolutely within his rights to take the lack of a face pic into account in deciding who he wants to see. Appearance is a big part of who I select. So, while I'm not in the least critical of you for choosing not to show your face, I also would not in the least be critical of anyone who chooses not to schedule with you because you do not show your face. I recall the comment you're referencing and I didn't think he was negatively judging you. Seemed like he was just stating his thought process. The decision of whether or not to show your face is entirely yours, but, just as a matter of fact, there will be some guys hesitant to schedule with someone without a face pic.
A - I can't imagine a face that would make me not want to see her...
  • hd
  • 01-12-2012, 12:52 PM
Kami certainly has no problem with appearance, but I've seen others that I have declined to contact b/c they do show their face. Some are one baggers and sometimes you get a two bagger!
latin6pack's Avatar
... hi Kami, that person you reference is yours truly... could not spell out my position any more thoughtful than Waldo has, so, no need for me to reiterate... so there be no confusion, i pasted my comments below... as you can see, certainly not a judgment or damning statement, at least not from my perspective... you are an incredibly attractive woman, and given the additional intel on your review, certainly someone i would not hesitate to see... that said, I do wish you the best...

"damn, great review Bojulay... have been eyeing her for a while, but the blurred face thing has kept me away... will have to reconsider, she reads as one hell of a time... peace..."
notdeadyet's Avatar
Everyone should assume that photos posted anywhere on the internet are there FOREVER. And any provider who elects to post face photos should do so with an understanding that those photos, and the resultant disclosure of a lady's time as a provider, could have very negative consequences down the road. A cynical comment might be that "It is a guarantee that the photos will surface at the worst possible moment, in the worst possible way" -- but that's probably a realistic assessment.
pyramider's Avatar
I do not have any issues with providers not showing their faces in their photos. To date I have not be disappointed in any way.
I agree with waldo. Completely understand why a lady wouldn't, but also why a guy would require one in order to book.

Beauty is subjective and reviewers are often full of shit, so you come to trust only your judgement and a select few that you're comfortable with. that's not a knock against you Kami (I've in fact wanted to see you for a long time), but the reality of these boards and this business.
I had always been leary of seeing providers who hide their face. With that being said, I have since changed my mind on it. Your life and privacy are as important as ours. I know a few girls who have experienced problems from some hobbyist doing unfair things to out ladies to their own families. Yes some were ECCIE members I believe. With todays social media it is becoming common place for girls having their real life facebook page and the next thing you know some asshole opens a face book page with her hooker handle and invite the people from her personal website to join. I know of more than one where this has happened.

In my personal belief there is absolutely nothing wrong with what we do, but unfortunately we are in the minority. Miss Parker, I am sure with the hot body that you have, the wonderful reviews of what a satisfier you are BCD, I am sure your phone is ringing pretty good already. Your privacy is important let the worms who will not see you because you don't show your face, crawl away, you don't need them.

Easy fix..(option 1) schedule with blurry face, meet for drinks or appetizers..don't like what you see, pay the bill an leave a tip..bada bing!
(option 2) ..Have a few more drinks! whats the worst that can happen..
latin6pack's Avatar
L_M_S, actually, Miss Kami did not pose a question, simply stated said views on this topic. Again, not much more that i would add to Waldo and The Bizz's comments., hell even R_L's for that matter, :-) . That said, i am certain she is quite impressed with your retort.

Personally, I trust but few reviewers on this board. As I have been "surprised" on more than one occasion based on their reviews. And for the record, i have seen numerous providers that shield their identity. As a matter of fact, given the psycho fucktards that troll this business, I am surprised any provider would show their face. My decision to see these providers was based on trusted reviewers and from gleaning information from the review, i.e. she looks like "insert famous person", etc. Additionally, given the sandbox I chose to play in, there are few surprises with the providers i see.

Now, I would be interested to see responses to the question CoHorn posed. Is it proper etiquette to ask for a pic or would you ladies be offended? Now L_M_S, that my man is a question. Intended for the ladies. Now, this worm will crawl to the fridge and fix himself a nice Ciroque tonic w/ lime. Thank you :-) .
Kami, thanks for posting here and making your concern known to us. Just out of curiosity, let me present this hypothetical scenario to you:

Suppose a guy wants to see you, but he is on the edge about committing because of the lack of face pictures. He goes through your rigorous screening process, and after thoroughly vetting him, you decide that he is safe enough to be your suitor. Now, if he shows up at your door and realizes that your facial appearance is less than stellar, (I am not actually suggesting that your facial appearance is less than stellar, I am talking about a general hypothetical case here), are you willing to

a) Refund his full donation?

b) Compensate him for his wasted time and energy and the general emotional investment he made in preparing to meet you?

c) Considering all the ethical problems I just mentioned above, and the possible conflicts that might arise from such situation, do you think it is just better to privately and discretely send him a face shot of you, or give him a private link where such picture might be hosted, so that he can make a sound judgment before he even leaves his house? After all, he has been thoroughly vetted by your screening process, and you trust him enough to spend an hour (or more) of intimate time with him.

Again, I am not telling you what you should do, or not do, I am just playing the devil's advocate here, because some gentlemen on this board would like to know the answers to those questions.
Clouddancer's Avatar
Well Kami,
The pics you've posted show a knockout body!
Kickass reviews! - consistently I might add.

I think not showing your face doesn't matter to me. In fact, it would kind of build the anticipation in my opinion.

Now if I can just get my ass back to Dallas long enough to play, I must find out for myself.