Multiple reviews?

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Another thread just got me thinking about the subject of review volume.

I know lots of us do not wish to be reviewed for every session we give. I know I do not. Not because I do not give my all in every session because I do but for the reasons listed below.

Some ladies seem to think that multiple reviews is a good thing but if I was a guy I wouldn't want to see a lady that is that high volume. Am I alone in this way of thinking?

I think reviews are important when you are just starting out here and need to establish yourself and a few fresh ones every now and then to let people know you are still active and on top of your game.

Also when you have reviews popping up every day don't you open yourself up to people like the op of the money makers thread to try to figure out how much money you are making? (not saying he was doing anything malicious, I believe he was just bored and curious) But what if someone wanting to do harm to you i.e try to rob you because they see you are getting large amounts of cash every day?

Guys do you care to share your thoughts on multiple reviews every month vs just a few every now and then?

Does a girl with a large amount of reviews in a very short span of time make you feel like you have to see her because she is that good or does it have the opposite effect?
Does a girl with a large amount of reviews make you feel like you have to see her because she is that good or does it have the opposite effect? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Quite the opposite effect.
Clouddancer's Avatar
Well, if all of the reviews were for the same day ......... it might bother me a little.

Otherwise no. I agree with JD, quite the opposite. Consistency is a very good thing.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Jules, I wouldn't give a damn if you had 500 reviews. I STILL wanna see you.....'cause you so puuurrdy!!!

Number of reviews wouldn't deter me. If that body of hers is got it going on and if she's within my budgetary restraints, then it's just a matter space and opportunity as far as I'm concerned. This, of course, is assuming that most are good. A couple o scattered 'NO' recommendations won't deter. A BUNCH of 'NO's, and I dunno. The greater percentage of 'YES's the better.

Can't have too many as far as I'm concerned...especially if they're real purdy like Jules.
sovanna's Avatar
Good thread. If I don't get a review for awhile some guys think I disappeared. But I never thought about that if guys pay attention to how much the lady makes and worrying bout safety that way.
pyramider's Avatar
Hobby economics are always entertaining, usually a good laugh.

I do not check the reviews very much. There is usually not a lot of credible information.
  • Caleb
  • 01-13-2012, 10:27 PM
Still in my rookie year, I have gained a good bit of insight from reviews. From the perspective of someone new to the hobby, higher review numbers pointed to veteran providers. When the reviews are consistent, I have some degree of confidence in how the session will go. Although I haven't been in a huge number of sessions, I can say that because of reviews and research, the only surprises I have encountered have been pleasant.

As for the appearance of being high volume, I see that you have one review in Sep, one in Oct and one in Nov. Sadly, that's about the rate that the SO and I hook-up. Oops, big difference - I'm comparing a total of 15 minutes to at least three hours - you're still winning.

Don't think you have anything to worry about. You have an amazing one of a kind personality, a strikingly beautiful look, and obviously a lot of fans here. From my perspective, if lots of people say lots of good things about you, that's all good!
well, jules - you bring up a point that is VERY close to an actual thread i was going to start.

it would have been, "reviews, quality vs quantity."

basically - what about these providers who get all puffy and proud about how high their review count is - but then when you go look at how many reviews they have, ten of them are from the same damn client? WTF? How is THAT something to brag about?

I would say that quality is way better than quantity.

Give me a girl who has a few spread out reviews by some names that - even if they aren't really well known - but they have been around here for a while, they write consistent reviews - and she maybe has posted an ad once every 2 months? I'd take that over a girl that has 60 "yes" reviews, that have multiple repeating reviewers, some up half a dozen times or more!

on top of that - i don't pester or even ask most of my clients for a review.

if they are the type of guy who likes writing them, so be it. if i see it after the fact, i will send them a thank you. but i do not hardly ever request one unless it's been quite some time since i've had one done. personally, i think regularly asking for reviews is just as annoying as the lady at the cash register asking me to call in and remember her name on the receipt coupon that i'm NOT going to use. if i want to i will, but simply because you asked, shit no. don't do that! ugh. just sayinnnnnnnn
IMHO, the amount of reviews a provider has could indictate many things.

Very high review count = low quality service, in and out, ATM, she won't even remember my name. Possibly flavor of the month. Morning appointment only lol

High review count = she must be doing something right. Great Service. I look for hobbyists that i know are truthful and honest in their reviews and see if any of them seen her yet. Hit this before her rates go up. Good for morning or early afternoon appt because i don't want to be the last guy in this line up.

Medium Review count = This is my favorite, not too high, not too low, Great Service, just right for the personalized session's that i seek. Romantic, passionate, not rushed, experienced. GFE

Low Review count = RED FLAG (this could be a good thing OR a BAD thing) I ask myself WHY? Poor service? Rate don't = service? There must be some reason that she is not getting the business. OR if it's her choice and she just wants a small circle of friends she trusts? Has she seen anyone i trust? Drama? issues? Vacation? Touring? taking a break? etc... I know many hobbyist like low volume providers because they don't rush. IMHO, low volume don't pay her bills unless she has a civie job and then, she's not going to be ready when i am. OR she just don't let hobbyist post reviews often, which is kind of hidding the true facts/misleading. If they hide their TRUE volume, what else are they capable of? OR could it be that she priced herself right out of budget range. Many senerios in this section here but worth looking into. Common sence tells you that she can't live off of a couple sessions a week/month

Newbie 0 review count = RED FLAG. if i can get a vouch from someone i trust, i will check it out and if it's great, i will tell the eccie world, otherwise wait to read some reviews of her. too many flakes out there with poor service. in-experience (how can newbie's walk in charging what experienced providers charge?)

UTR 0 review count = RED FLAG. I never seen any UTR lady ever. theres a reason their UTR and i don't want to know what that reason is.

Just wondering what the definition of "high volume" is.
IMHO, the amount of reviews a provider has could indictate many things.

Very high review count = low quality service, in and out, ATM, she won't even remember my name. Possibly flavor of the month. Morning appointment only lol

High review count = she must be doing something right. Great Service. I look for hobbyists that i know are truthful and honest in their reviews and see if any of them seen her yet. Hit this before her rates go up. Good for morning or early afternoon appt because i don't want to be the last guy in this line up.

Medium Review count = This is my favorite, not too high, not too low, Great Service, just right for the personalized session's that i seek. Romantic, passionate, not rushed, experienced. GFE

Low Review count = RED FLAG (this could be a good thing OR a BAD thing) I ask myself WHY? Poor service? Rate don't = service? There must be some reason that she is not getting the business. OR if it's her choice and she just wants a small circle of friends she trusts? Has she seen anyone i trust? Drama? issues? Vacation? Touring? taking a break? etc... I know many hobbyist like low volume providers because they don't rush. IMHO, low volume don't pay her bills unless she has a civie job and then, she's not going to be ready when i am. OR she just don't let hobbyist post reviews often, which is kind of hidding the true facts/misleading. If they hide their TRUE volume, what else are they capable of? OR could it be that she priced herself right out of budget range. Many senerios in this section here but worth looking into. Common sence tells you that she can't live off of a couple sessions a week/month

Newbie 0 review count = RED FLAG. if i can get a vouch from someone i trust, i will check it out and if it's great, i will tell the eccie world, otherwise wait to read some reviews of her. too many flakes out there with poor service. in-experience (how can newbie's walk in charging what experienced providers charge?)

UTR 0 review count = RED FLAG. I never seen any UTR lady ever. theres a reason their UTR and i don't want to know what that reason is.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
I tend to agree with you on the review count, except for the newbie, although you are right many of the times, but a provider being new and having a 0 review count does not mean an AUTOMATIC RED FLAG, as we do have some great examples of both scenarios in the WW, everyone was a "newbie" once! Otherwise, great response to the OP.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Great post, Jules!

I've often wondered the same thing!

Even though I am low volume and plan to keep it that way, I've always wondered if I had too many reviews! I don't discourage them, but in the same breath, I don't go out of my way to ask for them unless I haven't had one in awhile!
oh, but i guess i should have answered the topic of the thread....

i think guys who don't get bothered by higher numbers...won't take issue with multiple reviews in one day. especially girls who do the bng biz in between clients.

some guys don't even want to think about it, and would prefer to see girls that don't state that they are low volume persay, but don't have a high review count.

i know i have had a couple reviews pop up in a week, but it was by guys that i saw several weeks apart. guys don't always review girls the same day they saw them.

Low Review count =............IMHO, low volume don't pay her bills unless she has a civie job and then, she's not going to be ready when i am. OR she just don't let hobbyist post reviews often, which is kind of hidding the true facts/misleading. If they hide their TRUE volume, what else are they capable of? OR could it be that she priced herself right out of budget range. Many senerios in this section here but worth looking into. Common sence tells you that she can't live off of a couple sessions a week/month

UTR 0 review count = RED FLAG. I never seen any UTR lady ever. theres a reason their UTR and i don't want to know what that reason is.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
This is crap, and let me tell you why.

Low volume doesn't pay the bills, huh? Really. You mean to tell me that a lady who sees, say, two guys a week for two, two-hour appointments at $500 each, can't pay the bills with 4k a month? Interesting. I learn something new about myself every day here!

Cathy is UTR and infamous for mind-blowing, toe-curling, out-of-this-world BCD skill. There are others but she is the first that comes to mind. Do you ever think maybe UTR is simply a choice? Maybe they aren't hiding anything at all? Maybe they just value discretion a little more than everyone else. The horror!

Given the amount of time I have been here, I have a very low review count. I think if you can't figure out what you will be getting from the 20 or so reviews I do have, then you have the problem, not me. I mean, come on. How many times do you have to hear "she gives a great BBBJ", before you are really sure that she actually does?

Angie hit the nail on the head. It's quality over quantity.
pyramider's Avatar
Angie hit the nail on the little head. It's quality over quantity. Originally Posted by Dannie

Fixed that for you. Little head makes most of the decisions . . .