I'm Back....I can't wait to make up for lost time!

PoppyToyota's Avatar
That's right...Just 4 months removed from retirement I am back!! I don't really know why I even bothered. Civie dating is way to complicated! So I'm gonna stay with what I do best for now....licking and sticking Dallas hottest ladies. lol
hey poppy welcome back I cant wait to see you
Lana Warren's Avatar
Oh Poppy, I'm sooo sorry that the civvie thing didn't work out! Don't give up.....I haven't!

But, so glad that you're back!
steverino50's Avatar
Hey Poppy. I am sorry civilian life didn't live up to your expectations. But I am glad to see you again. Have fun!
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 01-14-2012, 11:51 AM
Bestman200600's Avatar
Welcome back Poppy
berkleigh's Avatar
Welcome Back Poppy
Euphemia's Avatar
Welcome back sweetie....
pyramider's Avatar
He was gone?
Welcome back
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 01-14-2012, 04:26 PM

The road to love is messy, and paved with heartbreak... but when you find it, you'll realize it was worth the journey. Don't give up on a real relationship. While you're looking for it, this place is a lot of fun.

If you are as lucky as I, you'll find a lady that doesn't mind you getting some on the side, and thinks it is fine while in your relationship with her!
Welcome back luv!!!!!!
OHHH welcome back baby hope to see you...
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Yeah. Good for you to get away; after all, if nothing else it helped confirm that there's reason you, and all of us, hobby. Welcome back.
WELCOME BACK !!! I sure missed you while you where gone ! I think we all need a little time away from this world sometimes nothing wrong with it !

Gald to have you back !