Addressing Bigdog and RegReg Outrageous Claims In Jarious Discrmination Repost Thread

Per RegReg Anecdote:
I saw this thread this a.m.; thought it a bit amusing. But made no comment. Then went on my way with a plan to enjoy this delightful weather at Babydoll Dallas.My first stop at BBD was the gent's room, to evacuate the bladder for intended relaxation. The "attendant" became exceptionally irate when I left the men's room without tipping him. He had an attitude, that because he spends his time sitting on his @ss smelling urine in the men's room, I owed him a tip.He started to follow me out of the gent's room. All I said to him as I attempted to avoid him was "I am not looking for trouble". He said in a very hostile voice "you damn right you not looking for trouble". Then he stood eyeballing me as I walked to the bar.I went to BBD looking to spend some dough on the Hobby this sunny afternoon, and this jerk got me all stressed out. Guesses to this jerk's race? White? Nope. Hispanic? Nope. Asian? You must be joking. -- I suspect everyone reading this, including the OP, figures out his race already.Of course he was black. Black with Attitude. In the Hobby, the only times I have been ripped off was with blacks. Three weeks ago, my s/o and I were accosted in a retail store parking lot by an old beggar, who proceeded to hurl ethnic epitaphs at my SO (who is not white). Our offense: I did not give him some money for "being there".There seems to be an attitude common; not universal, but common, attitude among blacks that somebody owes them a special break. In hobbying, maybe its a "special discount" from the provider (or a freebie!). What's a provider to do if a client with an attitude starts to create trouble? - Call the cops? Yeah, that would be good for business.Life is too short to be stressed out. As a Hobbyist, one way I eliminate stressors is to avoid providers who might have that attitude. It does not surprise me in the least that some providers feel the same way too...

How the fuck do you extrapolate one incident in your tiny world and flip it to being common. I think this kind of attitude is what perpetuates the myths. Based on what you said I should assume it is common for Caucasians to be mass murderers and serial killers.


I am really tired of this as well as other discrimination posts, although they will never stop. I am definitely not a racist, but the constant "entitlement" crap is way over the top, (believe me, I have to deal with it in the retail world). No one should be "allowed or not allowed" to do anything based on the color of their skin, it should be because of the content of their character. You do not need to ask why providers have an NBA policy, this is a free country, and some people do "judge" other people by their skin color, and they have every right, there is nothing, especially openly accusing others for being racists, (like that is going to change their thinking), that you can do about it. AA have really got to stop griping about their "unfair" treatment as it only makes them look like they deserve to be treated that way. Be an adult, move on and spend your money elsewhere. One of the "repercussions" that greedy stated above that you can use is sending the provider the review you of the the other provider you had a session with via PM and let them see the $$ that could have been theirs, (not that it will change their minds about the NBA policy, again it is free country).

Who says we are griping about unfair treatment. Just because a few gents are venting or stating their opinion does not mean all of us are. If you read Jariou statements, he said he corresponded with some Nba providers and he gave his assessment. He felt the reasons presented to him were not valid but he emphatically said he was moving on. So why make your general statement? He was not bitching,griping nor belly aching on the few who wont see him.

Both gents while it is your attiude and opinion i think it is way off base. Lets deal in reality. Eccie has over 100,000 members. We don;t know the racial demographics but I would venture to say the membership has a mixed demographic base. The providers who have a NBA policy are truly the minority. It is their right and I respect that. They dont owe me nor anybody an explanation. However they are minority, In reality the majority of providers only see one color and that is green

Unlike bigdog and regreg i will not generalize nor make statements and present them as fact. I do not sit around belly aching ( Griping ) on who wont see me. I focus my time and money on those who will see me. The only sense of entitlement I have is the right to eat, breath, and sleep. I am only guessing but the majority AA on this board can agree. I am not calling both gents racists because i dont know them. I am only addressing their statements

I am not discounting the feelings of my brothas who passed screening only to have had the door shut or the knock ingnored. I think we all can agree that is fucked up . I encourage those who have NBA policy to let it be known upfront. I know for a fact some of those who have posted NBA policy will still see us but that is another topic for another day.

Those that will see me and those who won't I still wuv you too
There sere a number of very poorly worded posts in that thread. And a number of posts were raciest in many peoples behavior. Several people have been addressed about their remarks.

People of all colors are guilty of the behaviors shown in these threads. People are free to see who they want or don't want. Nothing you say here in public is going to change that. if you dont like it, take it up with the provider or move on.

Racest threads like there will change no ones mind and raciest garbage has no place on this board. Pms have been made to a number of people on the other thread. Any more raciest remarks like those made will result in much harsher punishment.

Please RTM posts of these nature. Don't get dragged into hate speach that may result in you being punished as well. Everyone that responds to these kinds of threads, just feeds the bigets and trolls out there. Dont be their victims