Is this new way around guidelines acceptable to ECCIE Staff?

Cat in the Hat's Avatar
Austin COED has dissolved into a kids playground of personal attacks and name calling that is extreme examples of flagrant ignoring of guidelines. The Personal nature of these attacks seems to lay solely with two members.

Toyz and Mike Vronsky

Almost every post from the two of them for several days now are personal attacks on one of three members. Almost none of what they have to say to or about these members is related to the hobby in any manner.

It is one thing to be able to read threads with members that engage in lively debates of subject matter that may be relevant to the hobby. Something else to be subjected to a barrage of personal attacks and name calling. Nothing here in Austin COED lately is remotely related to the hobby though. It is nothing more than public mud slinging and sits squarely on a couple of people that do not seem to have anything related to hobby material to share with us.

Can a Staff member please review the posts of these two members and either explain how their behavior is acceptable or take some action? It has moved beyond the typical rudeness and disrespect covered in guidelines #1 and #3 and the hostility of #4. They have never been able to respect Guideline #6 by remaining on topic. Now they have taken to violating Guideline #16 by posting/speculating about another person's medical condition

Remember on this blessed day that there are those among us...who have no one to love them...who might be suffering from mental illness, impotence, clinical obesity, chronic is a very lonely day for them as they wallow in their sadness

Forgive them if they try to spoil your mood or you fun...and if you see them smile, and slap them upside their fucking head... Originally Posted by Toyz
They may not use his name but they have clearly tied who these comments are in regards to to one very specific member of this board. And they continue to do so.

If this is allowable it seems to reason that next we could see people beginning to out other people by first building a reference to someone in all one's comments that he is an Internet Warrior and then beginning discussion about him like " I have this friend that works at XXXXXXXX as in the position of XXXXXXXXX and he is addicted to posting on ECCIE.Com as an Internet Warrior. If you don't believe me drive by XXX XXXXXXXX RD and you will see him sitting at his computer 24/7 logged onto ECCIE."

Add into the mix that just about everything these two individuals have to day revolves around one or two particular members and explain to us how it is not also a violation of #17 - Cyber Stalking?