
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Wegman's: Some one I know passed out at a store yesterday. They call today to make sure all was well with a customer. I never had this before unless it was a provider checking up on me. Was in the checkout line. They took care of every thing. Made sure all her belongings where safe. Made sure it ok when I picked up the car. Now called to make sure all is well, after the hospital said she just left, and sending a gift to her. What a place, My hats off to Wegman's. I have only had this type of great sevice from a proivder.

yes, they called hospital to check on her. Then called her when they found she went home. How can you not like a store that does act like they care for the customer.
They are always in the top voting for customer service survey's and have been for the past 5 years its not surprising to hear a "feel good" story and their name all over it
That's one of the best ways to NOT get sued. Most people will sue an establishment for anything they can when they know the place has deep pockets. But if it looks like the store cares (even if they don't), that goes a LONG way. Having my own office, I would do the same thing. Now, I know wegmans can't be sued for her fainting, but had she fallen and gotten hurt, a slick lawyer would get something from the store. Now Wegmans looks great and they're protecting themselves quietly without being noticed.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
It was the cashier that keeped her from falling then called 911 then manager and others for help and clear the area from what I hear. I have seen things happen at other stores. And not much was done, other than call 911. They went out of the way. Even IDed me when I got the car, with the keys in my hand.
Wegman's is an institution that we in WNY should be very proud of. A truly classy company that cares for its customers and its employees. It has been consistently rated as the best supermarket in the country (by Consumer Reports and the Food Network) and one of the best places to work (by Fortune magazine).

Every time Wegman's expands into a new area on the east coast, it is big news and the store becomes a tourist attraction.

We should appreciate what we have here.
I love this post!! I used to work for Wegmans. Hell half of my family works for them and the other half has worked there at some point or another. It's stories like these that don't too often get spoken of, but what makes the company so great!

Also, it's just my two cents, but being how I have been an employee at Wegmans, I have to say, they didn't do all that they did so that they didn't get sued. They appreciate their customers just as much as the appreciate their employees.

Like how offshoredrilling said many places would just call 911 and make sure you got out of the store okay. End of it and hope that you come back. This lady and obviously anyone that saw how quickly employees responded to the situation without panicking, will be doing just what offshoredrilling is doing, giving them free advertisement!!! You can't pay people off to share stories like this. And hopefully your friend is doing well!!
We were interviewing to fill a position at work. One of the out-of-town finalists brought his wife along. She visited Wegman's during her free time, and it helped us eventually land this candidate.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

yup she is ok. Got back almost done check voided by Wegman's. All coupons use returned, with something added.

good story jack
lol why are you hiding behind a couch? did you too see the scary part of Carrie? I know for my self, thats the only time I hide :P
offshoredrilling's Avatar
getting a look from the other side of your avatar. I am a very bad boy . Nice!!!! errrrrr I mean sorry love the e.com handle For being a bad boy you can me, over a glass of .
ben dover's Avatar
My mother was there shopping, had a flat tire and 2 managers came out and changed her tire! I've heard other stories like this.....
Spanking and glass of wine sure does sound fun to me no need to apologize.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Speaking of Wegman's and how much I like the place. The only other grocery store I go to is in the small plaza near the draw bridge on the east side of river. Never can remember the name. But is a one store grocery like the one in Webster I hear good things about. Make one wonder just how you can keep doing it right on a much larger scale. Must be something to do right to your employee's, and they will help you do right to the customer. And most that work there or have seem to like working for Wegman's, as EliteBrooke said in another way.

Governor Paterson wants wine in grocery stores to be lookd at again.
Wish they would just get the state budget done. Both another topic.

Sneaking a peek is ok. mmmmmmmmmmm
ben dover's Avatar
Herremas......or some spelling close to that. Wine in grocery stores would really hurt the local small liquor stores (IMHO)
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ben I am not in wine in grocery stores camp myself. Even with the fact wegman's is. I do not think Governor Paterson is thinking of the stores that want this. I think he see's the $$$$$$$. Bet he will try to get hes old job back after all this is over.

Wegman's is still a great store, wish they stop with the wine thing.

NY state government needs lots of help. And that help is not more cash.