
This doesn't have anything to do with anything, but I am curious about experiences of other people regarding the indulgence of caffeine.

I almost never have caffeine in my body. I never drink pop, I rarely eat chocolate, and I only drink coffee when I have to get up early and very much need the pick-up. We're talking an average of less than once a month. Because I am highly sensitive to the caffeine, the effects are a little different for me than they are for most people. When I drink a cup of coffee, I am practically high on caffeine.

I become uncharacteristically talkative, extremely energetic, and as excited over nothing as one can be!

:mf_laughbounc e:

So....what about you guys? Am I the only one in the world who gets like this, or is it more common than I think? You'll be doing me a great service by sharing your experiences, because this has been a mystery to me for years!
Caffine like any staff well "legal stimulant" has differing effects on anyone. It doesnt affect me one bit. I can't feel the effects no matter how much I take...even straight caffine pills never do anything for me...Although I do know many people that need it for daily boost or pep well as others that if they take too much they will vomit cause the effects are too strong on their intestinal muscles and the nerves just make em puke...I'm sure that also people just build up natural tolerances to it. I assume that's my issue cause as a kid I drank lots of pop...I do not anymore but I think over use in my youth kind of has dulled my sensitivity to it.
When I was younger and an infrequent coffee-drinker, I found it stimulating too. Now that I take about 2 cups a day, I find it soothing, comforting and - I hate to admit it - habitual.

I also love dark chocolate, and I choose to believe in every report that says that it is good for you.
  • Aguy
  • 08-05-2010, 06:40 PM
I drink between one and two cups of coffee a day. If I go several a week or so without coffee I'll notice the caffeine more. As I've gotten older I've become more sensitive to it and definitely have to limit my intake. I have asthma and take medicine for that and the caffeine interacts with those some and also with my blood pressure pills. I've also learned that if I'm going on short nights I really have to watch how much coffee I'm doing so that when I lay down I actually sleep well and not just be unconscious but get some quality sleep even if it is short. I knew of a man who drank 20 cups a day. He started to have seizures. After awhile he stopped drinking coffee and his seizures went away.
20 cups a day?!? Wow. The lethal dose of caffeine is generally accepted to be between 10 and 20 grams of caffeine in the body at one time. That's between 50 and 100 cups of coffee. Averages like that, though, are misleading for people who have built up as much a tolerance as I'm sure this guy did. I can't imagine what withdrawal must have been like...
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-05-2010, 07:27 PM
This doesn't have anything to do with anything Originally Posted by China Doll
You got that right, sister.

but I am curious about experiences of other people regarding the indulgence of caffeine.
Between sodas and coffee, i would think it's safe to say i've traditionally been a bit of an over-indulger and i can't say i really notice much difference between heavy caffeine days and no caffeine days. When i was young and stupid - as opposed to old and stupid - and going out on weekends, not being much of a drinker i would indulge mostly in diet sodas. It wasn't uncommon for me to down about 10 or 15 in a night. Followed up, of course, by a 2:00 AM trip to the nearest diner for a nightcap consisting of about 4 or 5 cups of coffee. And i never recall having had trouble falling right to sleep when i'd get home and go to bed. Every night. Alone. (No, I'm not bitter).

I don't think i could really say i had built up a tolerance, because frankly, my heavy caffeine ingestion basically began with the soda/coffee nights on the town.

I become uncharacteristically talkative, extremely energetic, and as excited over nothing as one can be!
Must. Keep. Comment. To. Self.
lou21's Avatar
  • lou21
  • 08-05-2010, 08:03 PM
I drink coffee daily but the only coffee that get me buzzing is the Vietnamese coffee at Mamasan's. Wow?
pantherpawz1's Avatar
I have never had a cup of coffee in my life, and I still have no desire to even taste it
taggert's Avatar
Never cared for coffee either but i loved drinking coke. The caffeine never bothered me when i was young, but when i hit middle age (hate that term!) and my consumption increased, it started adversely affecting my sleep. Being tired in the morning got me drinking more of it, and was a major factor in my weight gain (too much sugar). I stopped drinking soda back in February, my sleep has improved and I've lost 22 lbs so far. Best thing I've done for myself!
Good for you, taggert! If I drink coffee even as early as 10 a.m, my sleep is adversely affected late at night. The metabolic half life of caffeine is much longer than average when it's in my body.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
"I become uncharacteristically talkative, extremely energetic, and as excited over nothing as one can be!" I need another cup. Got to be something in this line that I can use. I do have to make her have a cup if she ever meets me. As she gets excited over nothing. mmmm

opps sorry just thinking out loud.

One cup of coffee then a cup of tea then another cup of coffee a day
fri sat and sun 2 coffee 1 tea 4 more coffee.

Add a tea spoon of vanilla or almond extract mmmmm good.

I drink coffee daily but the only coffee that get me buzzing is the Vietnamese coffee at Mamasan's. Wow? Originally Posted by lou21
When I use to work on printers for mainframe computers. There was always strong coffee. One guy told me stronger than on a Navy ship. All I know it was strong. And you could smell it latter when you had to pay the rent. One cup would keep ya going.

The coffee at the AC will also keep you charged up.

I become uncharacteristically talkative, extremely energetic, and as excited over nothing as one can be! Originally Posted by China Doll

Reminder to self, when meeting China bring coffee
Well I drink about 10 cups of coffee in the least thats what my coffee pot is telling me when I filler up with the water...I love coffee..Im usually done with the pot around 11am...then no more coffee for me during the day...

I did have a cup about 3pm yesterday afternoon..and I was up till 3am early this morning..soo..this morning I have had only 2 cups...

Saturday, Im back to my 10 cup keeps me goin and i love the differant flavors...I had blueberry cobbler yesterday..abit of sugar,,pure cane,,and milk...oh my was sooo delish like drinking have been known to put some ciny in my coffee it just makes plain sense!!!lol

It may be bad for me..but you know rather drink that then diet you know what they put in that stuff!!!!!soooo not good for you!!!!

well folks its that time..hi ho... hi ho... its off to work i go!!!!!!!!
Well I drink about 10 cups of coffee in the morning.. Originally Posted by anita germane
If I did that, my main concern will not be the caffeine, but the non-stop visits to the bathroom.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
China Doll over 400 posts. Anita getting close to 200. Does China need to cut out some coffee, or Anita have more? 1 pot, Anita my kinda girl.