Pimp vs White Knight vs Pimpstress-What Arkansas really needs to know

BBWDeAnna's Avatar
What I'm about to share with you...oh fuck who am I kidding...i can't build drama about my thread like "some".

point being.. lets discuss Pimp vs White Knight vs Pimpstress

how it effects arkansas hobbyist and some "truths"(probably more so than the other b.s thread) about the whole situation. most of all..its just to get a reaction(and it will)...CUE RTM button striking with a panic unlike ever before cliq

Person Into Marketing Providers aka PIMP

see also: Provider's Instructional Management Professional aka PIMP

Under the first definition. 1 name clearly stands out time and time again as one marketing 1-2 providers we know him as Spanky J. Spanky J has and continues to go out of his way to promote Ginger Doll. They work in tandem on every thread to market her and cast her in the best light possible while eliminating all threats in her region.

Spanky J based on evidence I have attempts to cast others in a negative light, calling them Pimps while being one himself. He promotes currently based on recent threads Ginger Doll as his primary girl and Jane Darling was recently added to the stable as a doubles partner who will enter discussions to back up their pimp and verify he is who he says(a common habit amongst pimps). you can see proof here https://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p...0&postcount=32

Ginger Doll operates under the addional definition of "pimp" by acting as a Provider's intructional Management Professional. Its common knowledge that she "takes under her wing" various girls thru the years. None of those relationships exist to this day in part because of the mental manipulation that takes place with her over these ladies. There has even been a recent loss amongst them with her previous tour/doubles partner seemingly splitting off from the group as pointed out in the "random thoughts" thread. This is a common occurrence among managed girls.

Their newest member is "chloe" aka upscale blonde. Which in the "pimp world" is what amounts to stealing another pimps girl to make her their own. As can be noted in various "pimp" threads in arkansas' coed forum started by Spanky J. He acts as her savior(please see WHITE KNIGHT below), manipulating her mentally and even using her suffering to further his agenda and persona on this board. he has done so recently in his "wolf" thread. he has a total disregard as well as Ginger for anyones personal information and will use it against them to further their agendas here. What he gains is not financial but his issues run deep and his need to be accepted far outweighs any financial gain.

Pimpstress aka FEMALE PIMP aka:
also spelled pimpztress:A female form of the typical male pimp. A woman who procures or promotes other women and/or men (ie.,sexual solicitation, prostitution),for a cut of the money and sexual favors.The prostitute in turn recieves safty from abusive clients and the honor to be with her/his pimpstress. Although this relationship is traditionally abusive, both emotionally and physically, the pimpstress is often times less abusive toward her bitches and hos and often times uses sexual favors to win them over and keep them "happy". The pimpstres is often seen as a mothering, protecting figure by her bitches

The above fits Ginger doll to a "t". Her current girl being promoted is Jane Darling, the one they have brought over from another pimp in exchange for admitted "protection" from abuse is Chloe aka upscale blonde. if the story is to be believed, she left 1 abusive pimp to enter in agreement with another group in exchange for protection, "board honor" and the chance to be associated with arkansas review queen. as can be seen in any "pimp" thread posted in coed. They both openly claim to be offering support, protection etc. A typical mental manipulation of an abused sex worker is to offer to be the "safe haven" from their abuse.

White Knight:

A person with low self esteem who combats this with a unwavering need to aid others who may or may not need it. They usually have very isolated personal lives as they are very judgmental of others, surrounding themselves only with those who feed their desire to help and feel as a savior. Most commonly sighted in young men in regards to women, this is only a lesser form as it is usually only temporary, fading with life experience. More serious cases occur in correlation with chronic self esteem problems where the person needs to maintain a high view of themselves through self righteous acts of kindness. These people enjoy surrounding themselves with troubled individuals, who form a farm which is harvested for what they use as pseudo self esteem.

also see: A person, generally a man, who is seen giving all their attention to one or many particular females online.

The most common places that White Knights dwell is on 4chan's random board and various online games towards the RPG persuasion. However, White Knights are found everywhere in the online world.

This self motivated acts of chivalry is not geared toward just saving the hambeast maidens, but also White Knights have been noted to follow the rules adamantly in hopes of either becoming a moderator/admin or just flat out want to spoil the general online population's fun of bending the rules

Add:A person (usually a male) who sees the typical maiden in distress, and believes that he can help her. A male version of the "mother figure" that some girls become(cue ginger doll).

the above describes Spanky J in relation to Ginger Doll and whatever current girl(s) is in the stable aka "farm"

he acts as a martyr constantly predicting gloom and doom and his impending downfall as a result of his taking a stand for his "girl". He wants everyone to believe he has the "community" best interest at heart. In reality he has his stables best interest. He "white knights" for his stable of girls aka Ginger Doll in exchange for board reputation, access to male members who threaten him personal info obtained via Ginger Dolls Screening requirements. He can then use said info to manipulate men and women alike.

Evidence is obvious to the work they put in to make others look bad, often working hard to get members both men and women ban

Women will often experience unsuspecting trouble suddenly in their personal life. Not limited to the following
  • personal info leaked
  • someone in their community mysteriously finding out
  • they disappear aka "retire" suddenly
Case in point, look thru recent WELL REVIEWED ladies that out of NO WHERE suddenly "retire"..this didn't happen for no reason. Their is a reason behind it and its an attempt to eliminate the competition. Some well review ladies suddenly have a male in their community "discover" their secret life...this didn't happen out of no where..these are all calculated plans to eliminate women

Men. You have to be "screened" there in lies your mistake. You subject yourself to handing out personal info. Info that can/will be used against you. They use this to send secret emails from fake accounts. threats are made, pm's sent none of which can be shared in public because its against the rules. So the guys are left to "retire" from the hobby and ask the mods to remove their handle (see questions to the mods in arkansas)..numerous ones there left as a result of threats made. they still hobby..actively..as a lurker, their board persona gone in an instant. many with multiple reviews.

Now on to the safety issue.


this thread is a clear indication of a systematic approach to eliminating threats. Bust are occurring and there are always 2 names in the mix "questioning" the situation.

In this thread Ginger Doll even goes as far as to admit to the fact one of her clients admitted to be busted in that sting. Yet we don't know what client, no alerts were put on in the powder room on who we should avoid. Ask yourself why this stable always seems to be in the middle of EVERYTHING especially things that result in damage to hobbyist and providers?

Its no mere "happen stance" that Spanky J followed Ginger in this thread. They work together to reinforce each others stories(a common practice among pimps and stables). The OP is met with "how do you know its a sting"..followed by spanky J claim..which is both an obvious attempt to discredit the OP

24hrs later Ginger Doll gets to be the "savior" by having this mysterious hobbyist no one knows contact her specifically to tell her he was busted. Seems a bit odd for some guy to feel obligated to share that info yet we still don't know who to avoid. the community is none the safer after that revolution

Other occurrences can be found where Ginger Doll is tied to "knowing" someone was busted..in the name of Serenity. She has also been tied to or had knowledge of a previous hobbyist that was one that flipped on previous boards and that hobbyist allowed his handle to be used to bust other girls..maybe competition? i dont know but it happened.

Recent members have been banned who crossed the stable of Spanky J, Ginger Doll and Jane Darling ...add chloe. he was a long standing member who was abruptly banned after what i am sure was multiple RTM hits and even calling for his ban. He obviously had been given info that while he shouldn't have access to he did and it was an attempt to directly effect his ability to hobby after Ginger became fed up with him.

remember all of these things can be verified

Watch any thread Spanky J is involved in and you will see a common theme. Ginger ALWAYS follows him to back up his story. or he always follows Ginger to back up her claims..a common practice amongst PIMPED stables.

the minute something is said they don't like they bitch to the mods to BAN that person even going as far as to copy and paste the "rules" (see white knight definition).

this thread may or may not stand(i puked saying this but i just had to use it..look mom im a martyr). The Cliq is allowed to continue to use this board but mainly emails and phone calls to harass and threaten men and women.

Ladies..a common practice is a hobbyist will inquire about a date seemingly out of NO WHERE. check his post and review habits. if you are deemed a threat or have crossed the cliq this is their way to fuck with you. I personall turned down their "soldier" yesterday. I have declined many other "soldiers" when you decline them..these are the guys that because irate with you or try to convince you they are cool. avoid them.

common practices by stables is to find out a ladies incall location..often a member of the stable will then seek out to discover the ladies license plate number which can be tracked to real world info. MIND YOUR INCALL LOCATIONS!!!

Pimp vs WHITE KNIGH vs PIMPSTRESS...they are all very much 1 in the same. how the operate is similar. Not always for money but they gain things they need as can be seen in any 1 of their post.

do your research..they have made it their personal goal to attack a group of providers. Years ago prior to spanky j arrival another hobbyist was used to attack providers Those providers ended up twisted up with LE...and/or had to retire due to constant attacks and harassement.

let me remind you..is it a sheep? or a wolf in sheep clothing? i venture to say its the latter..their attentions are nothing more than to further their agenda with the current enemy. Many "enemies" are smart and suddenly adopt the policy of "less drama on the boards" (see recently removed former doubles partner)..why? because if you associated yourself with them and they have info..you are screwed!!! there are many sheep in their flock..the guys that "back them" but when shit gets hot they disappear..avoid or ignore them too

good day..if im banned..so be it.. but this bullshit has to end

biomed...my apologies..that RTM button is about to be LIT THE FUCK UP..by them and everyone associated with them..at some point someone has to find their voice against the crap this group is portraying..many hobbyist and ladies that have seen, worked with or disagreed with them has felt the wrath..well it needs to end
Is there some reason you couldn't post this in the thread where it's being discussed already?

Wonderful delusional fantasy you have going there, though.

Do I see Ginger? Yes. Do I see other ladies? Yes, some much more than Ginger. Do I post in threads Ginger posts in? Yes - there aren't that many people posting here. Does all that make me a "pimp"...let the board decide.
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Be aware..Pimps and their associates often use the common practice of claiming the person with proof is "delusional" or its a "fantasy" as their defense..this occurs anytime evidence is overwhelmingly NOT in their favor.

Also keep in mind a common practice is to "defend" publicly while in a panic flailing behind the scenes for this to cease.

As reluctant as some may be to believe the above..i will continue to post over and over again trying to convince you i am right(seem familiar?) another common practice by pimps and stables when threatened. (see any post started by spanky j(then they encourage their stable members aka Ginger Doll and Jane and now chloe to jump in to back their PIMP, and then the men being manipulated are forced to jump in and back them half ass)

What you are dealing with people is not a PIMP or PIMPSTRESS out to make money outright on the theory of taking it from women. But they are low forms of society..lower than a pimp taking money, they prey on the weak, the needy offering a way out of a tough situation. in exchange, Spanky J's main girl Ginger Doll recieves credit(remember the pimp thread that saved chloe and ginger got credit constantly). Ginger then gets to look good and earn more business from men in the area thus Spanky J gets to White Knight for his main girl he is Pimping. (please see definition in first post)

once everyone learns that a wolf in sheeps clothing exist and you think outside the box of "societies" version of what a PIMP is..you will see im not far off base

or im just fuckin with everyone and trying to show some of you sheep with blindfolds on how easy it is to claim someone is something without having any legitimate proof other than heresay, an ex pimped providers word and a guy with absolutely no agenda (eye roll).

nahhhh..they are both PIMPS aka Person Into Marketing Providers(spanky) and Provider Instructional Management Professional (ginger doll)

at the heart of it.. Spanky J is a WHITE KNIGHT(see above definition) and as a result has become a PIMP (see above line) not one that takes money, but one that has his life filled with his board persona being "someone" finally..something he don't get to be in his real life is "someone" important and gets kick backs from the providers he markets
Let's take a look at this "Security Issue" in context, not out of it as BBWDeAnna would prefer. Here's the entire thread. Wow! Totally sinister...

Was everyone else who posted on the thread in on some sort of plot, too?

Normal curiosity about such an event. Nothing at all wrong with it, as anyone who takes the time to read it can plainly see.

I’m a little confused by what you posted… Is the link that you provided a reverse sting ad? How do you know this? Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
I was wondering too. A bit more detail would be helpful if you know any more, OP. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
I think it means that they used that ad to bust guys! Originally Posted by Nicolefoxx1
I had an appointment with her and yes they are using that profile to do the sting she text me a bunch stuff that didn’t add up and when I got to the parking lot there was 3 guys coming out the back with handcuffs going in a black charger I was still in my car so when I saw that I left if the cops where there just for those guys they wouldn’t have go back in and they keep texting me to find my location Originally Posted by milo6969
I also texted the number in the ad. I could tell it was fishy. Originally Posted by TatSx
I don’t know I’m just saying what I saw so the cops could of be there for something else but to find that out don’t know Originally Posted by milo6969
I think you were right about it being a sting. Originally Posted by TatSx
Definitely right. I just heard from one of my clients who said that he was arrested in the sting in Rogers last night. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Better get used to these, it's an election year...

Coincidentally I went to an appointment at a different hotel in a different city today and a black Charger was pulling out as I was pulling in. Didn't appear to be a cop but did startle me for a moment since I had just read about the Charger in the sting described here a few minutes prior. At least he was headed the opposite direction. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
He should have paid for that reference. Originally Posted by I speak the truth
no need to be rude darling ! Originally Posted by Nicolefoxx1
So I take from what I have read so far this is from a BP ad? I’m inclined to say “Just Say No to BP”. Definitely for me it’s not worth the risk. Originally Posted by niteswimmer1
Yes, he posted the link to the backpage ad that he responded to.

Although I advertise on Backpage myself, I’m inclined to agree with you... If the lady that you’re considering meeting is not well-reviewed on respected hobby sites, I would definitely pass. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
NWA is too small and the number of BP posts too small for me to take a chance on BP as the possibility an ad could be LE or a scam is too high. I agree with Ginger also. Originally Posted by shortblkguy
Agreed. Never did BP, never will. Not to say I won't see a lady who advertises on BP, but she has to have a reputable presence here too, or be on P411. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
They change the phone number and they have same pics on different profiles different phone numbers now this is one tel479) 530-5676 Originally Posted by milo6969
Some of my clients were lucky to! Stay on your toes I'd say. Originally Posted by hot summer
Thank you for the information! Originally Posted by ddallen20795
Whatever, have fun with your thread.
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Then they will set out to defend every little thing..they have to, they are threatened. their persona here is attacked. their integrity. A common practice amongst PIMPS and their stable..the Pimp will often resort to "leading" readers to the conclusion they want them to have about the evidence at hand..i.e sorta like i do in my post(see how easy it is..even a dumb cocksucker can do it)

as i said before..total disregard for others..you see how others where thrown under the bus and used to further their agenda.

What isn't pointed out is the fact that i clearly said and my claim holds true...
In this thread Ginger Doll even goes as far as to admit to the fact one of her clients admitted to be busted in that sting. Yet we don't know what client, no alerts were put on in the powder room on who we should avoid. Ask yourself why this stable always seems to be in the middle of EVERYTHING especially things that result in damage to hobbyist and providers?

Its no mere "happen stance" that Spanky J followed Ginger in this thread. They work together to reinforce each others stories(a common practice among pimps and stables). The OP is met with "how do you know its a sting"..followed by spanky J claim..which is both an obvious attempt to discredit the OP

24hrs later Ginger Doll gets to be the "savior" by having this mysterious hobbyist no one knows contact her specifically to tell her he was busted. Seems a bit odd for some guy to feel obligated to share that info yet we still don't know who to avoid. the community is none the safer after that revolution

No one else in the thread ended up laying claim to "knowledge" a bust occurred. except one party. Ginger Doll, the same person who always seems to have knowledge of bust, and or knows someone involved(as she pointed out herself). So despite attempts to deflect. My statements hold true

facts are facts and I have proof of everything I say(hell i didn't have to prove that..its in plain english)

for a group that claims to have the communities best interest at heart..its odd that a pimp and his stable pimpstress would have info that isn't shared with the community..not even in a the powder room where girls could be alerted as to what guy in NWA to avoid? agenda? decide from yourself

see how i did that... i gotta post everytime there is a contradiction so as to convince the sheep im right its a game people..all a game.

whats not a game..is how the pimp and pimpstress operate to try and say what i said is less than true..their names are more often than not involved in the bust of hobbyist/providers with "knowledge"
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
its stupid lol
You Have fun with drama ! Do what you do girl ! Have fun ! Lol
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
edited again to add: i don't use web scrapers etc to find what she originally said but basically it was "this is fucking stupid, bullshit drama and a waste of time blah blah blah"..once i wrote the below..she changed it to what it currently says..why? perhaps because it did lend itself to closely to being an audition to be pimped

So another common thing that happens is a new girl will audition or better yet be forced to audition in a public way to show her allegiance to the stable she wishes to join.

She will have recieved the command behind the scenes(which will be denied) from either the pimp or pimpstress that his is the opportunity to show her allegiance to their stable by attacking the post(keep in mind the similar attitude was not taken on the other pimp thread that would have been in direct defiance of the stable)

edited to add: https://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p...3&postcount=71

see how nice and pleasant she responded to her PIMP she could be auditioning for...odd she implores him "he is better than that" almost being submissive to him..looking to "talk him down" from his defense of his stable. a common ploy by girls under the thumb of a mentally abusive pimp and pimpstress

now sheep..poor unsuspecting nicole might be totally unaffiliated with the stable. however see how easy it is to take someones posting on a board and turn it against them to fit my agenda and attempt to ruin her persona here with malicious accusations which technically are set up to not be able to be defended well.(which is not my intention as i could care less what she does in the hobby world)..however she should mind her business if she don't want to be associated with the pimp and pimpstress..

FOR THOSE WONDERING.. nicole most likely isn't associated with them..but its quite easy to make wild claims about someone based on posting habits with no agenda other than wreaking havoc on someone!!

point: its a common tactic of stables and pimps when attacking rival pimps and stables as witnessed in the other thread

or i could have just used spank j's common mindless response (you cared enough to respond to my thread) lmao..
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Your so funny Deanna!
Also your paragraph makes no sense ! Lol
Like I said have fun I’m going back to my actuall life !!
Secondly Everyone knows I always stick to myself !
But have fun girl an do your thing! Be safe have fun!
I agree nf
Who has this much time to type this shit up.
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
So what we potentially see here is the alter ego handle owned by Pimp or Pimpstress, most likely based on posting habits and the fact spanky j has even followed this persona in other threads(god i would love to see him juggle 2 phones trying to post). you get to see another common ploy used by pimps and their stable. a "handle" appears to add not much of anything other that support for someone potentially audtioning for a position and "safety" in the stable

true? could very well be...seems legit.. posting habits seem the same..the tendancy to WHITE KNIGHT fits..

anyone seeing yet how easy it is to make an agenda up to fit your own needs? no?..then i shall continue!

side note "blissed" may very well not be anyone of importance..but damn easy to make some bullshit association

oh..and how cool when we see the "hobbyist" come in to other threads to back up a claim..CLASSIC PIMP STABLE MENTALITY

I agree nf
Who has this much time to type this shit up. Originally Posted by Blissed
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
A COMMON phrase used is "everyone knows".. yet no one has anyway of knowing..so everyone don't know

its a common phrase used to deflect and have mysterious "people" knowing things that seemingly they have no way of knowing as a way to back up their claims.

and she in fact doesn't stick to herself..trying to get her "pimp" to like her or get in good graces possibly? who knows? could be..might not be


oh nicole..don't wimp out now and go delete your comment..i screenshot it for you if you need a reminder of what you said exactly in support of him and you "minding your business"

you said "come on spanky you know this is all drama and your better than that"

own that shit..don't back away from it..you wanted to involve yourself in this shit..own it

Your so funny Deanna!
Also your paragraph makes no sense ! Lol
Like I said have fun I’m going back to my actuall life !!
Secondly Everyone knows I always stick to myself !
But have fun girl an do your thing! Be safe have fun!
__________________ Originally Posted by Nicolefoxx1
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
the member who posted the following has 8 of his 14 reviews revolving around Ginger Doll, Jane and newest member chloe...any reason to offer support to claims against enemies? please take time to go back and read my points on how the stable and those associated with them operate.


another common pimp/stable practice is to get one of their sheep to post and attempt to give "credit" to the claims being made by the pimp and pimpstress. They will manipulate(although he will claim he wasn't manipulated) a guy into making a claim that can no more be proven than the original claim.

what you end up with is claim #1 which is heresay, being backed up by claim #2 which can't be proven either. all based on this "reputation" that really doesn't exist except because members agrees to give them a rep.

what will this person behind the "back up claim" recieve..most likely payment in the form of free time with the stable since his posting history indicates clear support and WK'ing for Ginger Doll and "reviews" contributing to more marketing of their set providers..the end result is the pimps agenda being furthered, the sheep involved recieves a free date as payment for the backup claim, and the provider recieves a nice review to further market her to the public

aka Person Into Marketing Providers

(see how easy you can discredit a person)
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
3 things about this thread

#1 all you gotta do is bully a bully..they shrink quickly

#2 as you can see its quite easy to take info and repeat the same shit over and over again in an attempt to make it true to fit someones agenda

#3 this thread will have the most RTM hits in the history of the arkansas forum

bully a bully...info is easily manipulated when you don't care who you ruin(if you are caught in the drama you probably shouldn't have involved yourself to begin with).

however there are very accurate truths in everything I have said regarding the pimp and pimpstress..the rest is collateral damage

My advice to most..probably best to let the subject die..quit feeding the agenda..and spend more time off the board getting your dick sucked. Its a slippery slope some are choosing to travel