Recommendations for visitors

Dogberry's Avatar
Planning a trip out here from Dallas and wanted to see what the best fs amps are in the city. Any info would be much appreciated as this forum seems a little sleepy.
InYoEyez's Avatar
there's a nice place on 7677 Ronson Road... I don't think they have a name but are listed as "Relax" on the Maps of Rub.
Dogberry's Avatar
FS? Also, is there a more active website for the area?
InYoEyez's Avatar
Yes, FS. This place used to be very active for SD before the great purge, but the Maps of Rub gets pretty much daily reviews in SD county so look into it.
How’d your visit work out. I’m exploring options that may or may not pan out. Dallas is an unbeatable venue, I wish I lived somewhere else and had to visit there.