Hudson valley motel

Hudson valley motel should condemned, demoed, and flatted.. it looks like a scene from the walking dead with mattress outside room broken furniture outside.... broken down cars with flat tires broken windows and expired expirations.. even the cars parked look outdated I think the newest one there was a 1995 dodge omni lol... if there was one place Leo should visit and bust it is this motel. I think you have a 50 percent chance to have your car broken into if you park there and make a visit ... and lets face it the sheets on the bed probably haven't been washed since pre covid days... I could keep ranting on but I will stop lol
Talking about the sketchy place in Newburgh?
So, you have a good time?
Sounds like some here that have been demolished, as well as few that remain. How many stars you give it on yelp?
Yeah that dump in newburgh…. Could you imagine booking that hotel online lol I would drive by and say keep the money