
Just curious if anyone has been arrested for soliciting and what were the consequences.
TinMan's Avatar
After 9/1/2021, it’s a felony. There is a provision under the new law where a first time offender can avoid jail time by taking mandatory training on the evils of prostitution. You still get labeled a felon, though, so it’s not like getting a ticket wiped off your record by taking a defensive driving class.
Sooooo ridiculous!

Why don't the "Americans" get a clue and legalize this profession?

I mean ... Amsterdam is a cool place ... not in any ways "gone to hell".

The freekin politicians participate in this world ... I pretty much guarantee you that. They just keep it silent.

It's a MAD MAD MAD MAD world.

Society can suck in so many ways ....
Funny, how you look at those folks and say to yourself .... that chick or dude needs to get laid!