asian agencies in ep

hey comrades, any of you tried working with the asian agencies that post on stg in ep? was doing my due diligence after i toftt earlier this year and was robbed. it looks like they rent an airbnb home for a time where they work out of. thinking about giving it a try but i was unable to find any reviews here. i'm also worried that these ladies are being trafficekd here and don't want to be doing this work. id rather not participate in that. here are examples
amacurious1's Avatar
Same type ads been showing up in Amarillo-I called one and they said they were operating out of a hotel off I-40. I passed because I figured advertising bbbj and bbfs was bound to catch the attention of local authorities, if they weren't actually running the ads. Too many established AMPs here to risk the unknown for me-lol
Any ad that explicitly states things like BFS or BBBJ are most likely scams or law enforcement. Then, if they’re real and Asian, almost certainly trafficking.